#i haven't put an option for first publishing as a postdoc just bc i didn't think you could get postdocs without having published something
trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
* using "accepted for publication" as the metric because I realise things sometimes take years to actually come out. in this case i mean peer-reviewed academic publications (but postgrad journals etc count, it doesn't have to be a fancy prestigious thing, i just mean as opposed to a 500-word column in your uni's newspaper or something)
i guess if you're in the kind of field where papers have many authors and you get to be in the list because you're a member of that lab, even if you didn't write the paper, that also counts? i don't really know how stem publications work tho. i am in a field where most articles are single author, sometimes two authors but rarely more
honestly this is just curiosity on my part. it's pretty limited data since i won't know what fields people are in (or if you sought publication sooner but it didn't work out) but i just wanna get a sense of what's typical
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