#i have to get a tag for complaining about fanon inaccuracies and bad arguments so i dont have to put these things in the main tags
thekidthesuperkid · 30 days
No Bruce is not "fine with being friends with people who kill all the time"
1) if you're referring to Diana she doesn't kill people all the time, she only kills in very extreme circumstances when she's forced to bc theres no other option, and it's only happened like three times total
2) Bruce very much is not fine with it when Diana kills. When she killed Maxwell Lord, it was written for the sole purpose of breaking up the Trinity for Infinity Crisis drama reasons, and Diana killing was chosen because Bruce (and Clark) would not be fine with it. At all
3) if you're referring to Ghostmaker, Bruce also isn't fine with him killing people and tries to stop him
4) if you're referring to Oliver Queen, they're not friends
5) if you're referring to Talia, Bruce also isn't fine with her killing people, and continuously has conflict with her about it
6) if you're referring to Helena, they're not friends and also Bruce treats her almost worse than Jason
7) if you're referring to Jim Gordon, Bruce still isn't fine with it, but also the copganda around him kinda makes consistent moral characterization a lost cause for Bruce in relation to him
8) I know you're not referring to Clark because nobody making this argument actually reads super comics let alone 80s super comics so none of you know about the Zod storyline, but Bruce didn't even know about that therefore its irrelevant
9) in case you might be referring to Harvey, Bruce also hasn't been friends with him since he became Two Face
10) I can't think of any others right now but whoever you're thinking of I can guarantee that if Bruce knows they killed someone and thinks its possible to influence them, there has been a storyline about him disapproving of them killing
11) if you're referring to Harley Quinn for some reason, they also are not friends
Like I dont get where you're coming from and also Bruce Wayne is very much not fine with his friends killing people
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