#i have scoured the interenet
serendipityinautumn · 2 years
Does anyone else ever go through that thing where you just can’t remember the title of something for the life of you? I read this fic about percy wealsey and oliver wood and I love it. I cried the first time I read it. It is beautiful and amazing, but it’s been deleted (I can’t find it on ao3). I have searched through my history and everything. I’m almost positive it was by alrightginger who I know has deleted all of her fics and has also written percy/oliver content before. Percy and Oliver had a relationship in Hogwarts and reconnected after the war. It’s from Percy’s perspective and he gets invited to Ron’s wedding to Hermione and takes Oliver as his plus one because apparently you can’t go to weddings alone. They end of hooking up after the wedding and continue to do so until a quidditch gala where they fight over if they are dating or not. Percy has all this guilt over Fred and feels like he doesn’t deserve anything. There’s a bunch of internal dialogue about what he can take from Oliver. Percy goes and talks to George and it’s very emotional and beautiful and I did cry. I don’t need to read the fic again because I do have the plot memorized and multiple lines memorized as well. It’s just not knowing the name is killing me. If you know it, pls comment or message me. I will love you forever. I will write you something in your honor. Thank youuuuu!!
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