#i have a whole fic I’m working on about this (minus the macgyver part) but I figured I’d post this
pizzaqueen · 1 year
Eddie, who brings Steve random stuff (pebbles, bits of string, a weird looking stick), and Steve who is the kind of guy who can MacGyver shit, are a perfect match
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magnumdays · 3 years
Magnum PI 3.13 - Cry Murder review
I’m not sure I need to say something about this episode. I mean you all saw it. It was just good. Frankly all of season 3 serves a ‘Atta girl’. You're going above and beyond. And this episode... pure gold!
Seriously I had to think for like 5 minutes for something to put on my 'like less' points because this was fantastic (and that one thing was ‘where my Ferrari? I luv Ferrari, me wanna see rarrri’ uhm yeah, my brain is part fluffy baby mush currently, you have been warned this review might be a tad bit off)! 
Every moment was on point. We got 2 adorable story-lines and a good case. 
Because it’s the least exciting and I’m feeling contrary, let’s talk about the case first. Because this could the start of a beautiful and lucrative friendship...
You see some insurance companies have “recovery specialists” inhouse and some hire PIs for bigger claims / stolen stuff / prove their clients are lying. Insurance companies, as mentioned on the show, also have money. Like lots. (Trust me, I worked as a temp at an insurance company and the money they throw around is ridiculous.)
If the show was smart they could have this lady be regularly brining them cases to do with weird insurance stuff. It could make for some pretty interesting conflict further down the line too because they’re helping the fat cats suddenly rather than the underdogs.
(I’d also like to point out that they actually stopped/ revealed a planed insurance fraud so they should still get paid a chunk for that, different firms have different policies but they should get more than their daily rate + expenses. Just saying.)
Also I want more of the cute insurance chick looking at Magnum all 'he’s fine' and Higgy not liking it. Seriously, if Ethan is going to stick around into season 4 Magnum needs a faux love interest too. 
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Even though this episode wasn’t very case focused, what we got was fun and a little twisty and just a good backdrop for the rest of the stuff. Of course they had to throw in a murder but still PI appropriate. I wish they’d do more smaller cases where no one dies or a million dollars is missing (more kind of Burn Notice inspired) where maybe the cops can’t help because the case isn’t ‘serious enough’ but is still ruining the person’s life.
Next up is Magnum getting his finger stuck in the mouse trap, telling Higgy about his pet mouse and then at the ends Juliet giving Magnum a mouse! Roberto the II! Does it get more adorable? IDK.
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I love how Higgy is trying. She’s not quite sure how to express herself or how do thing always because she’s so out of practice and probably never had to before (quite the Magnum makes her want to) but she really cares so much even though she’s piss poor at expressing it sometimes. 
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Them talking about wanting kids themselves was just... come on! Don’t make me want babies ever after for these two anymore than I already do!  Also two instances of Magnum/Higgy being mistaken for a couple and this lady thinking the baby is theirs? If season 7 don’t end with these idiots married and expecting a baby I will seriously strangle someone. 
 Other golden nuggets in this episode
Juliet singing and playing peekaboo on the phone.
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Hiapo’s mom being “they seem like a really nice couple”
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(”Not a couple?” #shook.)
TC + Rick being the cutest with the baby! Rick making a baby carrier thing from a backpack? It was just so perfect! As good as shopping cart for a stroller! 
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Magnum and Juliet actually being out of breath after running (!!) 
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(because authentic! But must have been totally weird to film because how do you fake being out of breath? Run a block before each shoot?)
and the heart-eyes. So many heart-eye moments this episode.
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The whole gang saying they want to keep being part of Hiapo's life and then more heart-eyes! 
I really do hope we get to see Hiapo in the next season, even just for a minute. Same with Roberto the Mouse. But they have been a lot better with continuity and bringing things back so maybe!
Yeah. This was possibly one of my favorite episodes of late. It was also on my wish list for season 3 (a baby/kid episode)!
Only minus I got for today is the fact that title is a little lackluster and I missed the Ferrari (but the Porsche is nice too!). I'd love to have a scene of Magnum trying to put the baby seat in the Ferrari and Higgy being all. "That's not going to work." (fic idea...)
Also next week promo is kind of vague and the summary (“A psychic hires Magnum and Higgins to prevent a murder she claims to have foreseen... ....and Higgins struggles with whether or not to tell Ethan the truth about her past”) makes me think we’ll get at scene or two with Ethan but let’s pray we’ll get mostly our faves bickering about psychics, how predicting the future is impossible and them talking about whether she should or not tell Ethan about her spy life! 
I wonder if she really will, because next week is the second to last of the episode (OMG only 2 more episodes of Magnum this season? How will I survive?). If she is supposed to ride off into the sunset with Ethan (or start to and then change her mind?) they can’t really have him be all that upset about it? Not that I think he would but maybe it would throw him for a bit of a curve ball since I figure Richard would be one of the things she told him about... 
Also wondering how it will come up? I’m picturing them walking along a dark street after a nice dinner and a guy tries to rob them (at gun point) and Higgy does a ninja move and takes his gun and is all “run along now before I shoot you” while Ethan does a Surprised Pikachu face. Then Magnum calls with a case and she’s like “Um, gotta go, we’ll talk about this later alright?” #IGotMyPrioritiesStraight
Last thing, bummer about the MacGyver cancelation. Selfishly (because while I like MacGyver, Magnum is my baby) I’m thinking this ups the odds of Magnum getting season 4 (and it does look kind of hopeful from what I was seeing on insta/twitter from someone higher ups, right?) I still signed the petition for season 6 for MacGyver because they deserve at least a last half season to wrap it up nicely!
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