#i have a bunch of thouts on steven and lars character dynamic after the rewatch i did
lucabyte · 2 years
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Steven and Lars doodles inspired by some thoughts from my rewatch. Said thoughts under the cut.
Most of these thoughts come from the Lars Straight Up Dies arc, since I'd been having lively discussion w/ my friends while rewatching about how Steven from like, as early as 'The Trial' onwards continuously bottles up every single negative emotion or complaint and basically never expresses them honestly to anyone, which is very healthy and normal and super will not backfire.
But then notably, he does express negative sentiment when talking to Lars (and the coolkids to a lesser extent), and very explicitly turns to him to affirm his negative emotions and fear in 'Stuck Together'.
Then, generally knowing where future goes, I think a Steven-Lars fusion that is a manifestation of that more open expression of Steven's negative traits in a neutral and camaradarie-building light would be a nice take on the design, hense the Stevenwyrm elements.
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