#i hate reblog bait like this the only people that should be rb baiting are artists on their own posts
apollotronica · 1 year
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ok im violating like 2 social rules rn but shut the fuck up god oh my god shut up please shut the fuck up
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glacierruler · 5 months
I wanna talk about something...
There was a post I saw a few days ago, that's a few years old at this point(50% sure op deactivated, but I forget). Where they were talking about how their teacher was talking about internet safety and not giving your address to a stranger on the internet because of the dangers.
op basically told their teacher that their internet friends wouldn't take advantage of them. And said to rb if you weren't a predator or smth like that. And it sort of spiraled from there. And there's two things I want to talk about with that.
Again, this post is a few years old, and no hate to op. I get it, no one wants to believe that someone they're close to or think they're close to would do something bad.
It was kind of clear to me that op was probably a younger teenager at the time this post was made(based on the fact that I was pre-teen to young teens when I started getting told things like this, and assuming that they didn't lie about their age to make an acc, which in the US is young teen years). And those years are lonely, or at least they were for me, and it seemed that way for op based on their post. But at the same time, it's not safe to give internet strangers the exact address of your house. Especially if you're not an adult.
And yes, I know I'm not the best example of this. Considering my mental breakdown a little while ago.
However, there are safe ways to meet your internet friends. Meetup in a public area, bring someone you trust irl(if you're not an adult I suggest bringing a trusted adult with you)(and encourage them to do the same!) I am not saying you shouldn't meet your internet friends irl, but it's best to be safe about it. Because at the end of the day you only know the internet persona they put on, you don't know them!
But this isn't just about that.
It's about the fact that people took that post, and then called those who scrolled past or didn't/wouldn't reblog it predators. I get that it's reblog bait in a sense. And I fall for a lot of reblog bait, I'm always scared that someone's going to hate me because I decided not to rb something. Intrusive thoughts and Anxiety are not a fun combo when seeing most of those posts. And I'm probably going to still fall for reblog bait after this as well.
And I guess this is a more general statement, but still. No one should be called names(homophobic, transphobic, aphobic, predator, etc...) because they didn't want to reblog a post. It's one thing to comment something like "reblogging this could save a life," under a post with important information. I prefer those ones, because they tell you the good impact that you could have by reblogging it.
But it's another to call people names, to say that they're a horrible person for not rbing it. And I know I've rbed stuff like that before, and I can't say that I'll be able to stop. But here's why:
I have this terrible terrible fear of people leaving me, of not being perfect enough and people hate me for it.
And these posts, they make it worse, because all of a sudden, if I don't reblog then they're talking about me. Because I saw the post and didn't reblog it. That is who these comments state they are for. And I hate it so much because I know that I'm giving this anxiety to someone else who feels similarly when I've reblogged it. But it's hard not to, when that feels like the only option. When the other option makes it feel like I'm going to lose friends, or that people will associate me with these horrible things.
I've gotten better at ignoring those posts, but I still reblog them. It's hard for me not to, almost impossible at times. And, I'm not mad at the people who reblog them, either in good faith or because they have a very similar fear to mine. But I am mad at the people who make the comments calling people those horrible things, with no regard for the context or how that affects(effects?) other people.
It sucks, because this isn't something that I can say will never happen again. I know it will. But it's also something that I am so sick and tired of.
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bamababygirl7 · 2 years
To my anon that sent me the ask about @dd-writes, I wrote out my whole response addressing everything and then I guess instead of saving it I accidentally deleted it and I didn’t want you to think that I was scared to answer it because it was a hateful anon🙄🙄🙄 So basically you called me disgusting (trying to use my degradation kink against me wasn’t very nice) and that I’m an irresponsible blogger because I rb from him so much (I only rb a lot from the blogs of people that I have gotten to know that I know are safe blogs and good people) You said that we all try to act high and mighty (I constantly say I make mistakes in life but I always learn from them and I am proud that I can be genuine and not act like I’m perfect or above anybody else because I absolutely am not and don’t want to be) and that he interacts with minors and refuses to talk to people and only wants nudes. That was the basic point of your ask. If I missed anything, feel free to resend it. To address your unfounded accusations against @dd-writes because you have absolutely no proof to back it up, I am going to speak based on my experience with him. When xxxlegodaddyxxx came to me and had his former blog (deviant-dad) on a list of blogs to get terminated, I told you him that I had already investigated his blog. You then proceeded to send an ask to Jonney that contained false information to try to incriminate the deviant-dad blog and that is when we blocked you because it is never okay to make things up or use manipulation to make people think that someone is an abuser or a predator. You got his blog and my blog terminated which I can say I’m thankful for because tumblr is finally enjoyable for me again when I am on here which isn’t near as much as I used to be thankfully.
He does NOT interact with minors and if you went through his blog, then you would see that when someone sends him an ask and they are a minor or don’t have an age listed in their bio, he blocks them. You should know that because when you sent him an ask from your bait blog that said you were a 17 year old girl, he blocked you.
Your ask said that he refuses to talk to people and only wants nudes. I’m not sure where you got you information, but we have talked plenty. He has never refused to talk to me and has NEVER asked me for nudes. And he has always been super respectful and has been the same way with @hxrnyonmain as he has been with me if you need to verify. He has actually been super kind and caring and let me vent when we messaged on a day that I was having a breakdown and didn’t think I was crazy at all for it. He has always encouraged making mental health a priority. He encourages taking breaks from social media when needed for mental health reasons which I’ve become way better at doing. If you knew anything about him you would know that he isn’t on tumblr much at all because he actually has a life outside of social media like most of us do (and probably due to drama caused by people going after him with lies that don’t even know him) So when your posts get a lot of activity and you haven’t been on here in weeks, it is hard to go back through all of your activity and make sure that a minor has not reblogged from you or liked one of your posts. I explained this to you before when you said there is no excuse for not being able to make sure that a minor doesn’t interact with your blog and I told you that having as many followers as I had that I would have been spending all day everyday just trying to go through my activity on tumblr and it would be impossible for me to even be able to spend time with my child if I did that. You said you understood. Things slip through the cracks. It’s not intentional but that’s life. I have said a million times that I have probably liked a Disney princess or hello kitty post that originated from the blog of a minor. I try to be cautious but if I ever Ave or ever do like or reblog something that originated from a minor then I hope that somebody lets me know so I can block the minor. I would never do it intentionally and anybody who knows me knows that. Just like they know I wouldn’t reblog a lot from any blog that I didn’t feel was a safe blog or a good person.
He does post harder kinks but he uses trigger warnings responsibly and if people don’t want to see those posts then they can filter those words out (you can choose different words to block so you won’t see posts that contain them) and they won’t see those posts anymore.
Finally, this is my blog. I post responsibly but I do post harder kinks and a lot of the posts have to do with cnc because that is one of my kinks. I also post kink-education related things and awareness posts about predators and minors to steer clear of for safety purposes because I care about people. I also post memes and coloring and inspirational quotes. My blog is as ADHD as I am and if you or anybody else is offended by the things I post, then please just block me as I never want to make people uncomfortable, but I am also going to be free to be myself completely on my own blog. In blunt and honest and sarcastic and I’m not for everybody and that’s fine. But I refuse to water down my blog because someone doesn’t like it. I tried having a separate blog for harder kinks and it is just too much to be switching back and forth between blogs all the time and it isn’t fair to me to have to do that when people can just filter out posts with my harder kinks or just block me altogether.
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