#i got carpal tunnel syndrome from the fucking clutter
glittermutt · 1 year
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purplesurveys · 1 year
What was the name of the main character in the last book you read? Edward, I guess lol. I just found the copy of Midnight Sun that I totally thought I lost two years ago and have been rereading it from the start even though I know what happens.
Do you own a pair of Disney pajamas? I don’t. Not anymore, at least.
What are three of your favorite toppings for salads? I only eat one kind of salad and that’s spicy tuna salad, so whatever goes in it.
What was the last place you went out to eat? Andi and I went to this quaint little cafe in Maginhawa last Tuesday where I helped review them for an upcoming law exam. I didn’t exactly have a big meal there as I had a heavy lunch earlier that day, but I did get two of their double chocolate cream cheese cookies, plus a mocha nut latte.
Do you have a lot of clutter in your home? Funny and very timely that you mention this because we actually used to, but my dad decluttered AS FUCK throughout this week. The house looked like a jungle the entire time he was clearing out stuff.
What was the last pill you took? 💊 My best friend, Biogesic, for a headache I had a few days ago.
Are you happy with your current doctor? 👩‍⚕️ I don’t have a regular doctor.
Is there a bottle of Benadryl in your medicine cabinet? No. Do you take vitamins? Nope. My carpal tunnel syndrome got extremely bad this week though and it had me worrying about whether I should start taking vitamins more frequently to help mitigate it. My left arm has felt funky the last few days and it is NOT pleasant.
Does your hair need to be washed right now? Well not for a while, because I already took a shower like half an hour ago.
What was the last thing you ate? The best cheeseburger ever, made by my dad.
Do you prefer pizza or hot dogs? 🌭 🍕 Pizza. More variety.
What is your favorite pizza topping? 🍕 Cheese, bell peppers, onions. Not a fan of meat on my pizza and I almost always give the small chunks (if any) to my dogs instead.
Is your dad a jerk? He has some opinions that can be kinda out there for me but overall those are just a once-in-a-while type of thing that doesn’t affect what I think of him. My dad is a great guy.
What color are your fingernails painted? They’re not painted and haven’t been in a while but I WILL SHARE! that Trina gave me these adorable RM-themed press-on nails for Christmas; most of the designs were scarlet. It was my first time applying them so the finish was quite clumsy, but I still really liked how they look and I appreciate the effort she put in giving the gift.
Is anyone in your family currently in the military? No. I know someone currently serving though... :(
What was the last thing you bought at the dollar store? From our dollar store equivalent, the last thing I got was a pair of training chopsticks. All the hours I spent watching Return of Superman made me want one of my own, lol. Are prices of things going up where you live? Yes. My family is fortunate to not be affected by it (unless my parents are doing a great job pretending for our sake...? I doubt they are, though, as they are comfortably spending on leisure-y stuff now), and I am extremely grateful and aware of the privilege considering the financial difficulties we faced during the pandemic. 
But inflation is for sure felt by many others - the question of whether or not families could even afford a Noche Buena dinner this Christmas is constantly covered in the news and it makes me sad.
What color was the last carpet you sat on? Grey.
What is your favorite dog breed? Aspins and beagles.
When was the last time you wore make-up? 💄 Mid-November for a work event.
What was the last thing you ordered at the last restaurant you went to? Oh I kinda answered this earlier but I got two cookies and a mocha nut latte. I got the latter just because I didn’t know what it was and I felt like trying something new, so I was really excited when I learned that it was essentially mocha with fucking CHOCNUT. Drink turned out amazing.
What was the last thing you wore that was pink? A pair of lounge shorts.
Name three people you know, if any, that currently live in another country. Hannah, Pam, Sofie.
Name three people you know who are from another country (and what countries?) I wouldn’t call the Philippines diverse. Only way you’d get to know people from other countries is if you attend an international school or work at a multinational company, pretty much.
What are your grandmas' names? Dolores, Agnes.
If applicable, who lives across the hall from you? It is not, in fact, applicable.
Have you ever heard of "fairy hair"? (It's tinsel in the hair that gets put in permanently...it's like tinsel highlights.) I’m afraid I haven’t.
Have you found any gray hairs on your head? Yes.
If applicable, how old were you when you found your first gray hair? I was 11 when my mom first spotted one on me.
Do you think you will dye your hair when it's gone gray? Maybe when they start arriving earlier than I’d like, yeah.
Do you have a sister-in-law? Kind of, yeah - my cousin’s fiancée. That cousin is practically a brother of mine at this point, so I’m counting Kat as an in-law.
Do you have a brother-in-law? Nope.
When was the last time you went swimming? 👙 ☀️ Two or three weeks ago, can’t recall well at the moment. Tomorrow I’ll be at the beach again so I imagine I’ll be doing lots of swimming too by then :)
Do you own a bikini? Yeps.
What color is your bike, if you own one? I don’t, because I don’t know how to ride them.
If you were a rockstar, what color guitar would you have? 🎸 Purple.
What are three places you've been on vacation that you've enjoyed? Sagada, Jeju, San Felipe in Zambales.
Does your home have carpeted floors? No. Not at all a common feature in houses here.
What color was the last scarf you wore? I don’t wear scarves.
What was the last spicy thing you ate? I mixed sriracha sauce and mayo in the burger I had for dinner.
Do you like sushi? 🍣 Yes, a lot!
When was the last time you had sushi? 🍱 About a month ago when my family went to a Japanese restaurant for lunch. The place is more known for their ramen but the sushi craving was bad that day so that’s what I ended up getting, lol.
Can you see a box from where you are sitting right now? Several.
Would you rather sing or dance? 🎤 💃 Right now, I feel like answering dance.
What color was the last sports bra you wore, if applicable? Black.
What is your nicest neighbor's name? I don’t know any of their names and don’t talk to them nearly enough to determine who’s the nicest.
Would you rather have a personal chef or personal house cleaner? Chef. Cleaning I can do on my own, but I’m incapable of anything in the kitchen so having someone do all my meals (and have them turn out great every time) would be fantastic.
Do you have any zits on your face right now? Yeah the right side of my face is going through It.
Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasss, yep.
How many Britney Spears albums have you owned? I’ve never bought her albums; nothing against her, but I was always a Beyoncé girl.
What was the first concert you went to? Paramore, 2013.
Do you like cheese? 🧀 Yeah but I'm not obsessed with it enough the way some people like to make it a part of their personality. Which I’m not saying is bad or cringey, but I just don’t like cheese that way haha.
What are three of your favorite things to sprinkle cheese on top of? Pizza, spaghetti, and not sprinkle but I do like to dip samgyeopsal in a cheese dip.
What are three of your favorite bakery items? Croissants, doughnuts, chocolate chip cookies.
When was the last time you went to a bakery? 🧁 Last week to pick up a box of cookies for Bea’s birthday.
Do you prefer coffee or chai? ☕️ Coffee. I haven’t even had chai and don’t have the first clue how it tastes.
Do you know what "chai" means? Can’t speak for chai but I know that cha means tea in many parts of Asia. In Filipino we call it tsaa (as in cha-ah).
What are three other names you like that start with the same letter as your name? Rose/Rosie/Rosalie, Rhiannon, Renée.
What are three creative hobbies you enjoy? Writing, painting...and yeah that’s it.
Is there a bag or basket of yarn somewhere in your home? 🧶 Possibly. And if we do, it’s most likely my mom’s or sister’s. Do you ever wear skirts? Nope, not my style in the slightest. I used to have a denim skirt but I haven’t worn it in yeeeEEEEEEARS. Do you ever find it hard to live in a world where nobody cares? Continued from Friday evening. It can be frustrating, which is why I like to surround myself with people who do care a little more than others. Would you rather have a tattoo of a skull or a flower? Flowers. In fact that design doesn’t sound too meh to me now and I’d love to get a tattoo inspired by Namjoon’s song, Wild Flower. Have you ever had to take steroids? 💊 Nope.
What are three of the worst withdrawal effects or side effects you have experienced from a medication? 💊 I haven’t had any.
What are three things you like about church? Nothing.
What are three things you dislike about church? The way they dictate how people should lead their lives; the way that many followers are hypocrites; and the way they cover up sexual abuse issues. I hate everything about the religion but these are my three main reasons. Does your town have a horse and carriage company? There are calesas that continue to roam around Manila offering to give rides (mainly to tourists, I’m guessing), but I hate those and hope that people stop supporting them enough for them to discontinue because I feel bad for the horses.
Who are three of the biggest jerks you know? I don’t really keep jerks in my lives so suffice it to say that the biggest ones I know are probably just the occasional asshole drivers I encounter on the road.
Have you ever met a Jason that you didn't like? I don’t think so. Nobody comes to mind now, at least.
Have you ever had a friend named Sarah? Nope.
Did you go to school with a Suzy? I didn’t; not really a common name here.
What was the name of the person who bullied you the most in high school Bullying was pretty much nonexistent by the time I got to high school. In my younger years, though, I had to deal with Kaira who had a pretty nasty attitude - particularly towards me - in kindergarten and the first few years of grade school,. By Grade 4 we were civil and I even remember her sharing her recess with me; by high school we were in the same friend group. Do you know someone named Matthew? A few, but I’m not close with any of them.
...Mark? Doesn’t ring a bell.
....Luke? Yeah, I have a cousin with the name. Also had English classes with a Luke, back in college.
....John? So many. It’s extremely common here, along with Maria for girls. John is so popular that many boys have it as their first name, where it largely serves as a placeholder - John Luis, John David, John Christian, etc.
Have you ever been friends with an Ashley? Nope. Too white a name where I live, lol. ....an Emily? No.
....a Jessica? I knew one from high school. Acted as white as her name.
....a David? Yes, this is Andi’s second name. Also Patrice’s boyfriend.
Have you ever dated a Matthew? No.
Who was the last person you remember hanging up on you? Just a delivery rider who was confirming my order and had nothing else to ask me.
How's your heart? Are you wounded? 💔 She’s doing fantastic.
What was the last type of pie you ate? Pizza.
Are you happy today? Yeah, I’m great for now. I’m on vacation but we’re checking out in about an hour, so I’m just making the most out of the remaining time we have here. I imagine my happiness won’t last the the whole day though - by 11 PM I have a World Cup final-related event to attend and manage, and I’m not fucking delighted about working near midnight for a sport I couldn’t give two shits for.
What time did you wake up this morning? It was around 8 AM.
And last but not least, did you enjoy this survey? Sure!
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