#i fr feel like the imposter from amongus. wait til they found out who else here is a dream stan
the-pigeon · 2 years
the other day i joined a discord server filled with like. ALL of my irl friends including the one friend that all “jokingly” bully and i always told them to stop being so mean to him because it’s so fucking weird but they always said it’s just joke teasing but now im on the server and they have a thing where everyone has their own channel right? and this guy in his channel posts about his interests, you know how everyone else posts in their channel. and they all make so much fun of him. like he’s just being a fnaf fan guys calm down. im sorry he likes homestuck. im sorry he like minecrafters. you guys dont have to keep responding with literally violent gif reactions. everyone also gets to chose their own roles like i chose plinko decider my gf chose hottest bitch someone chose rat king you know? i was only recently added so idk how long ago this was but apparently they didnt let him chose his own role they just assigned him dream stan and im soooo mad about it HE’S NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG why are they so mean 😭 like maybe i just cant tell tone but it’s so aggressive dude if i was closer to this guy i’d ask what he thinks about it but we’re not that close :(
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