#i forgot to post the rest wups
andromidaes · 6 years
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Day 30 - Aftermath
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bettaworkoutbitch · 7 years
Day 2/30
Wups, forgot to blog after dinner. Life is so busy and I have so much crap to do I know the next two days/weeks are literally going to be so stressful but hopefully I can get through them with some ease. Just the thought of it is making me nervous.
Ok so food-wise I felt decent about my meals. I wasn't craving any of the food I ate which sucks but I really enjoyed my dinner of shrimp, potatoes and brussel sprouts and am happy in my decision to cook food I did want. Surprisingly I had no cravings after dinner which I did end up having last night and ended up having to eat half a green apple and some almonds. So eating full meals is a must I'm realizing. Maybe as time goes on I can lower my portion sizes some. (And also decrease my salt and fat content as I use a bit too much oil to cook and a bit too much salt sprinkled on my veggies.)
I did have a headache last night and a lot of today but I'm going to guess that was sleep related. I also had lots of sweets, chips, and carb cravings, especially for cheesy pasta or bread today. I remember my vegetarian diet being a bit easier and wanting to cook carb-less much more but I also didn't completely outlaw it plus I had cheat meals and that diet was a lot more relaxed. Also, I may remember the first days wrong. I definitely remember craving meat--especially Chinese, burgers, and wings quite a bit. This time I'm not craving eating out AS much, though pizza did look good when I saw the sign (damn you America), I just wanted good home meals. Also all the cakes lying around looked good.
I do wonder as I type if I shouldn't talk SO much about cravings. Focusing on the negative only makes things harder. Instead, maybe these posts should focus on the positive!
I did get accepted to the whole30 fb support group I was invited to today. I loved seeing everyone's positive energy on there. They really focus on what they CAN eat and not so much on what they can't (unlike me rn).
I also am proud of myself for waking up to take Simon walking, and really loving my walk. My next goal is to hit the gym tomorrow while I read, though I just realized I hate yet to write out my plans. AGH, SO MUCH TO DO! With that I should sleep, so I can rest well and get up early to work. Good night!
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