#i feel like social media has like ruined my attention span and idk what to do about it besides like trying to do things offline
clowngremlin · 4 months
did some reading today......this year i'm gonna try to read more because i used to love to read and then i stopped and i have a ton of books i want to read....
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patrisya · 3 years
Wow hello.
wow. Hello?? It’s been way too long. I’ve been reading my past posts and I feel like a completely different person. Wtf. You go through life everyday, thinking nothing’s changed, but look back 2, 3, 5 years ago and you’ll realise so many things have changed. So much of the stuff I wrote I can’t even remember anymore. My private crazygirl tumblr is full of letters to boys I can’t even remember anymore.
I keep meaning to post more so I can look back on something, like what I’m doing now. It’s a good introspection exercise. But knowing myself... i’ll probably forget about this for the next 2 yrs.
i feel like ever since Jinggoy and I got together I lost time for “myself”, you know, time to write in a blog, time to read, etc. not that he takes up all of my time, we give each other a wide berth, but... Maybe I just don’t feel like doing this when he’s around.
Anyway. dear future self if you’re reading this... You were in bed on a tues night, preparing for bed. jinggoy is at Melbourne for a week long fieldwork. Covid 19 happened last year (lmao why does this feel anne frank ish). Australia did well and nsw has had only 2 cases in the last 3 months. Last week, you met new people you like. Last last week, you went to your first easter show with 60k people. You didn’t post it then in case there will be an outbreak haha. There’s none. Next next week you are planning to go to a taylor swift party alone.
you’re working for nca earning decently. You still think nca is dodgy af but dont really care. Oh, last last yr you got laid off and you were sad but it landed you the nca gig which paid sooooo much better soooo.. blessing in these skies chz
You bought your condo last jan. huh, who would’ve thunk right? It’s been your lifelong dream to buy a property. I’m proud of you...
ok enough catch up. what about what you feel?
first.. Im thinking of going childfree. Which is ironic, now that you can finally afford having a child. Idk, maybe this will change in 1, 2, 3 yrs. maybe not.
I feel like there’s still so much to write about but I’m too tired. Fuck, my attention span is at the shortest ever. Social media ruined it.
bye word vomit
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What was the last thing you posted on a Instagram? A photo of a plate of corndogs that my dad made me. Welp, I had planned to come up with one of those one-photo-a-day-for-a-year for 2020, but that plan is obviously ruined given the current situation. I tried keeping it up during the quarantine but everything has just been so fucking monotonous I’ve failed to update it since April 4th. Do you consider yourself a nature person? I do. I know I am, but I just haven’t been submerged in a lot of nature-y experiences yet. Like I’ve never legit camped in the middle of nowhere or climbed a mountain before, but I’m always willing to do those kinds of things. What kind of collection would you like to start? Wrestling memorabilia. I’ve always wanted to start collecting DVD sets, figures, and belts, and I hope I get to keep that goal up once I start earning my own money :) What helps you take your mind off your problems? SURVEYS, for suuure. The more problems I have, the more I take lol. YouTube videos also help and it’s my go-to website whenever I’m not feeling perfect. And hugging my dog. Who do you miss, if anyone? Been missing Gabie since March and it’s only gotten worse since.
What do you miss, if anything? Normalcy. I really hate how much I’ve had to adjust and even give up/miss out on because of the virus, like an eventful final semester in college or actually doing on-ground work for my thesis. I miss being stuck in traffic and getting shawarma with Laurice and regularly seeing protests on campus and everything else that came with university life. Do you prefer to live alone or live in a family? I would love to live with a roommate or two – basically, people who have vastly different backgrounds than I do that I could share stories and experiences with. This lockdown has made me realize that I don’t want to live with my family for long; and I feel like I’d eventually lose it if I lived alone so both of your options seem unattractive. What states have you visited, that you remember? None of them. What countries have you visited? China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. What countries do you want to visit? Thailand, Vietnam, India, Turkey, and Morocco. What states would you most like to visit? New York, Illinois, Utah, Colorado, and Alaska. What are five careers you've considered? Throughout my life, I’ve considered beinggggg a pro wrestler, a model, a veterinarian, an astronaut, and an author. Do you use a sunlamp when it's cloudy? No, I’ve never needed one because it’s super bright here 24/7, 365. Even if it’s cloudy you wouldn’t something as bright as a sunlamp. What's your latest discovery? People are assholes and will share jumpscare videos at 2 AM even if so many others have expressed their legitimate panic and anxiety over them.
What do you wish your hair looked like? Nothing, I’m happy with it right now. Which family member has your exact smile? Sometimes I’ll resemble my mom, but for the most part I don’t think I share my smile with anybody. Do you still feel anything for the first person you fell in love with? Yep, she’s remained very important to me this whole time. What's one thing you're behind on? Kdramas. Lol I get soooooo lazy when it comes to watching them because every episode is an hour long and I just don’t have the attention span for that. I’ve seen so many shows trend over the last few weeks and yet I’ve barely met any progress watching Descendants of the Sun. Who was the last person you called? Gabie. Do you take pictures on your phone? ...Duh? But yeah, I like saving my memories so I have a couple thousand photos in my camera roll at present. How old were you the first time you loved school? 19, I guess. I hated the culture in my first school and I hated my freshman year in college. I only started taking studying seriously in my second year, when I turned 19. How old were you the first time you encountered God? Idk, the second I was born. Have you ever hallucinated? It doesn’t really count as hallucinate but once when I was 8, I had a very high fever and I had a nightmare alongside it, so when I woke up to my grandma soaking hot water all over my body to treat my fever I was still in dream-mode and screaming out stuff to her that was within the universe of that dream. Does it annoy you when people share their ignorant opinions online? Sometimes it can be annoying but sometimes it can be entertaining too, just watching their ignorance unfold haha. Do you clean your place often? I wouldn’t say often, but I will tidy up my room occasionally. Do you struggle to get by? Not right now since I’m still dependent on my parents. But I suppose when I get my first job, my financial situation wouldn’t be rainbows and unicorns at first. What color is your wristwatch? I don’t have one. I stopped wearing watches after I realized I just lose every single one of them. :/ Who is the best looking male celebrity, in your opinion? Timothée Chalamet. Do you still miss a friend who betrayed you? No. How many subscribers do you have on youtube? 0. And rightfully so, I don’t post anything on it. If you'd like to share, what is your screenname on Instagram? Nope. Do you use Snapchat? Barely. I’ll use it for the filters sometimes, but otherwise I stopped using it as a social media since 2017. Do you enjoy typing? Idk, enjoy is a little loaded. I’m neutral about it, it’s just what I have to do to post text online lol. Are you a fast texter? I’d say that, sure. Would you rather text or call? TEXT do not call me ever Do you know anyone who has everything handed to them? Yep. I try not to think of those people because it’s such an unfair situation and it’ll just stress me out. Would you ever want to be a famous youtuber? Haha yeah, I’ve thought about making it as a vlogger. But the career is super unpredictable and it’s so easy to fall behind in it because so many people are getting into it and are just doing the same thing, so if anything it’s something I wanna do as a side project, and solely for fun. Do you know anyone who's colorblind? Not that I know of. What are three of your pet peeves? People who are late, people who don’t meet their deadlines, and people who don’t smile back or say thank you whenever a barista or a server serves them.
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fairycosmos · 7 years
There are some people who are really against my relationship with my boyfriend and i don't understand why. I know one of them liked him so they're jealous and i don't care honestly, but they try their hardest to ruin our happiness and he gets really upset because they make him insecure and i don't want him sad. i wish people could just leave us alone. is there any advice on how we can just ignore them? i don't want us to fall apart because of them.
honestly, when it comes to relationships most of the time, if the two people involved are happy then that is genuinely all that matters. idk how long you guys have been a couple but in 2 years 5 years or even 10 years if you’re still together, i’m sure nobody will be talking about it. they’ll move on to something else, they always do. people have short attention spans and they like to talk about others and put them down just to make themselves feel better. you can’t help the way your bf feels, but i think that in time he’ll learn to stop caring so much about what other people think. especially when he realizes that their opinion has no real impact on him or his life at all, not unless he lets it anyway. all you can do is be there for him and help him come to the realization that it doesn’t matter how other people feel about your relationship, as long as both of you guys are happy and as long as it’s a healthy situation. you both love each other, you both care about each other, and as long as you’re open and honest and talk about it with one and other, then this won’t destroy your relationship. it’s down to you both to make sure you protect what you have and to not put so much weight into the mindless gossip from other, irrelevant people. 
block these people on social media if you haven’t already. try your best to avoid them, don’t acknowledge them and add fuel to the fire. just let it be. let them be petty and jealous and bitter while you enjoy being in love and being happy and being everything that they’re not. whichever way you look at it, you have each other and these pathetic people have nobody. in the end, you win, and that’s why they’re so pissed off lmao. i hope things get better for you both soon, you don’t deserve this.
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