#i feel like most of my complaints are almost cosmetic? idk it’s hard to put in words
nellasbookplanet · 9 months
Wishlist for the future mass effect game that isn’t about The Ending:
Stop designing the female characters like that, please, I am begging. No more boob armor and boob windows in what's supposed to be functional combat wear. No more slinky catsuits. No more constant sexualization in both design and dialogue.
Speaking of, stop being cowards about female aliens. Give us major female krogan and turian and salarians. Give us female volus and hanar and elcor (or make them explicitly removed from the human idea of gender without going for 'male as default' with all male sounding voices and/or male pronouns)
If at all possible, include non-humanoids in the main cast. If that is too tricky on the gameplay, then at least include them more as major side characters. Put a hanar on the council you cowards.
More geth
More truly alien, unknowable minds like the rachni and the thorian and pre-reaper code geth
More romanceable aliens. More characters who are romanceable no matter the gender of the player character.
Carry over at least some of the original trilogy's themes of coming together across alien species, across synthetics and organics
A better paragon/renegade balance that isn't 'reasonable person' vs 'raging asshole who cares about no one and nothing yet eveyone trusts them implicitly anyway' and more about actually making hard choices
Stop making me scan planets
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