#i feel like canon kuukou would prefer to work with ichiro around the house
akkivee · 3 months
kuko actually has the perfect reason to come hang out w/ the yamadas! like how he'd pay ichiro back after they reconciled and he can do so by helping out w/ household chores since even though he hates doing them, i'm sure he's pretty damn good at them when he puts his mind to it lmao. another is after the events in the s2 anime when he decided to stay and helps with the rebuilding? kuko voice: let me stay over in exchange for my body (doing chores) ichiro: (spits out his cola) ???
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i’m sure ichiro would feel like he’s living the good life now that he needs to whack both his bros and his bf upside their heads because they’re bickering over his attention lmao literally like 99 problems but not enough love ain’t one 😭😭😭
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