#i feel like a MONSTER for forgetting hella jeff for the record
panmostuck · 4 months
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i'm really bad at drawing people kissing so i was frantically looking for reference images.
here's a beautiful collage of the state of my search history in the aftermath with a special request:
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kevoreally · 6 years
#BuffyAt20 - S03E04 “Beauty and the Beasts”
This is specifically is an episode I do not like, which I think is understandable. But it was trying to do something brave, and I respect that. Season 3, Episode 4, “Beauty and the Beasts.”
> Gonna be upfront: I don’t love this episode for a couple of different reasons. But at least it's not “Inca Mummy Girl.”
> Also worth noting: Hulu lists this episode as "The Beauty and the Beasts." Which. NO. Also: Beauty And The Beast was one of my favorite Disney Renaissance films. Okay. Now go.
> All of the “Call of the Wild” stuff felt very pertinent to my life at the time, because we were covering it in English then.
> Xander’s pants are way too red to be believed.
> “Aren’t we reading the Cliff’s Notes for this in English?” Psh, Xander, if you were a real slacker, you wouldn’t be reading anything at all. 😎
> That leather-bound edition of “Call” is intense. Clearly not school-issued.
> Xander’s arms look great in this scene. 😍
> “Half? Which half?” Does Xander think they went pantsless first?
> Xander immediately lying down after Willow leaves is supremely unfunny. Can’t you create conflict without making these demon-fighters behave irresponsibly?
> “Smooch spot.” Edgy lingo. Love it.
> Eliza’s still working through that Southie accent.
> Oh wow, I really love Buffy and Faith being WAY more friendly this episode.
> “All men are beasts, Buffy.” Classic.
> “I was hoping not to get that cynical until I was at least 40.” That’s only a year-plus away! WHAT! 😯
> Faith isn’t wrong, though. I mean, they’re not all JUST in it for the chase. But yeah. Men are messed up, yo.
> Gosh, it was such a pleasure to watch this show evolve live. This was such a different era of television production. Not to knock the one we’re in now, it’s great in a different way. But pre-streaming feels like a wild trip now.
> Ooh, there’s a really great shot of the awning opposite the courtyard fountain that we don’t normally see. It’s clearest in “Graduation Day” when the cavalry arrives. I do love this set.
> Unf, I had the biggest crush on John Patrick White as a kid. AJ’s Time Travelers. Tassel Guy from Can’t Hardly Wait. (He’s a lawyer now!)
> “He’s just bein’ Oz.” “Pretty much full-time.” Hero. 🤩
> “Are we up to flowers?” Hasn’t it been, like, one week? Barely longer, if at all? What is with these kids?
> “Jeff? He was - I knew him.” Seriously, Oz is so underrated, I can’t stop gushing about him. Couldn’t Willow still have been a lesbian even if we kept Oz?
> Xander is like a TGIF Sitcom Character on this horror dramedy sometimes. Like, he has no place here.
> “I rested my eyes now and then.” You LITERALLY CLIMBED ON THE TABLE and used Willow’s book AS A PILLOW, you LITTLE LIAR.
> “When I…” “WOKE UP??” I used to think Giles was a little too harsh here. Not 20 years later.
> I don’t see how they could’ve ever thought it was Oz, though. He went out, had a snack, and came back to his cage? Unlikely.
> It’s Mr. Moseby!! I’ve always loved this actor. Especially as Chandler’s boss on Friends. (And now he won’t stop saying the word “friends,” haha.)
> This guy would’ve been a great recurring character for Buffy to interact with. Way better than a murder victim.
> “Everybody has demons, right?” “Gotta say, I’m with you on that.” Oh, okay. 🤭
> Like, I get the metaphor they were always going for with Angel, him “changing” and all that, but he literally did lose his actual soul.
> “Oz ate someone last night.” Welcome to Cordelia Shouldn’t Speak Theater. Never been more grateful for Lydia Martin.
> This shot of the Scooby Gang sitting on the Library steps was used in a lot of promo stuff.
> “What, you’re having a Slayer watch me? Oh, good, we’re not overreacting.” Dude, I know you’re upset, but they literally just said she’s the only person available.
> “Get away from me.” Oz, you’re being such a dramatic little pupper.
> I love the implication that Angel has been running naked and feral around the woods for as long as Buffy has been dating Scott.
> Is Willow examining a maued corpse when she’s probably not yet 18 funny or horrifying? Maybe both. They are all portrayed as horrified. So there’s that.
> “Let me just get a few stray hairs from the body, they could be from the attacker.” And - what will you do with them, Willow?
> Haaa, I love Buffy tossing Drusilla’s dolls aside.
> The giant ash outline of Angel on the floor is deeply silly.
> I mean, it’s kind of irresponsible that Faith was listening to music so loud that Buffy snuck up on her. But. I also get wanting to drown out the wolf? And she did react very quickly, so, she was fine.
> Buffy romanticized the idea of staying up all night for me.
> Buffy ALSO FELL ASLEEP on watch, but no one is screaming at her, just saying. Sidenote: why isn’t Giles pulling more shifts as the adult? (Reasonably also the only one with a job.)
> Pretending she dreamt Angel came back was a pretty clever way to talk about it, what with her prophetic dreams and all.
> “There’s no record of anyone returning from a demon dimension” - that feels like a lie, we just saw Buffy do it for one thing.
> "In my experience, there are two types of monster. The first can be redeemed or, more importantly, wants to be redeemed." "And the second type?" "The second is void of humanity. Cannot respond to reason... or love."
> Willow, if you were actively awake, why wouldn’t you come help keep watch? These kids, I swear…
> There’s a recurring musical motif in this episode that will later be used in “Amends,” FYI, and I am loving it.
> Omigod, I know this is bad to say because of the episode’s plot, but Scott’s friends are kind of terrible. Debbie is rude and Pete makes an ugly gay joke. Forget these kids.
> “Actually, I think he makes his own drums.” Heh.
> Scott is a weirdly sweet and attentive boyfriend. Buffy actually does sort of push him away. (I know, who am I to talk? 🤣🤭)
> “Check out Scotty, liking the manic-depressive chick.” Were we EVER supposed to root for Pete??
> WHOA, Angel lashing out at Buffy actually did jump-scare me, lol.
> “So you’ll be late but happy.” I really doubt whatever you’re delaying this girl for would be satisfying, Pete, even if it wasn’t hardcore abuse.
> So, Pete kept his Jekyll-and-Hyde serum in a janitor’s closet? What?
> This scene where Buffy goes to Platt is really beautifully acted but, like. What did Buffy think this man could do for her? And then he’s dead. Sigh.
> “You know how you get.” These kids sort of talk like they’re in the 50s.
> Ugh, this scene is so uncomfortable, because you could lift out the supernatural stuff and it could still play 100% the same on a regular drama. Like, too real.
> We weren’t ever supposed to feel like Pete was a good guy and that this was something being done to him, right? Like, he’s 0% victim.  
> Fun fact that I just learned: thanks to Daylight Savings, the only time of year when sunset can really be at 5:30pm is end of January / beginning of February.
> “They used to mess around.” “They were screwing?” “...I don’t think so.” Faith was too real for these kids.
> As the Scoobs dole out assignments, I find myself wondering, where are Xander and Cordelia? And I go on to wonder, if it’s maybe best that they aren’t around. Sigh.
> Buffy is way too aggressive on an abuse victim. It’s pretty fair for Willow to say they “broke her.” Kind of insensitive language tho, lol.
> This episode had a special message attached to it, right? It must have.
> I love how completely unconcerned Oz is for his safety when it comes to Pete. He knows his wolf can easily take this dude, even when he transforms.
> “Did you kiss that whore? Did she like it?” Goodness gracious.
> “Time’s up, rules change” is a little dramatic but whatever. Seth Green sells it.
> “Oh, right, bloody priceless.” Classic Giles.
> Buffy just wailing on this aggro abusive boyfriend is hella cathartic atm.
> I think Willow and Faith have better potential as friends than Willow and Cordelia, seriously.
> Okay, I try to support Buffy’s fashion decisions, but sometimes - like when she’s jumping from a roof - the heels are a little bit not great.
> I do not love that Angel is the one to get Pete. Like, on a couple of levels? I get that it couldn’t have been Buffy. But Pete had to die if Debbie did. Ugh. Just an awkward episode.
> This vampire-to-human transition shot of Angel got used in a lot of stuff.
> Hmm. I’m going to be doing some deep examining of how I feel about the Buffy/Angel relationship this year, I think.
> Someone thought it only took two eight iced cafe mochas to make Pete a murderer? That’s some strange understanding of caffeine.
> This is a lot of expo-logue (exposition dialogue) to cap off the episode.
> “Great, now I’m going to be stuck with serious thoughts all day.” Cordelia is literally Amber from Clueless. That’s such a weird archetype to include in this show, and make such a major character. And then pivot into what she becomes on Angel! Oy.
> Dude, poor Scott Hope. I’m pretty hard on him most of the time, but his friends’ deaths would’ve hella messed him up, no wonder he dumped his super-secretive girlfriend. (But he spread rumors about her so Faith doing that about him is fair game.)
> There’s a lot less “Call of the Wild” in this episode than I remember there being 20 years ago, lol.
> Okay, parts of that weren’t as bad as I usually remember. It’s definitely very real, which makes a lot of sense from the co-creator of #Unreal. Marti Noxon does not shy away from hard topics. Respect.
One more left!
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