#i drew him while listening to that tik tok cover of government hooker. can u tell
luwupercal · 6 months
hi i had an idea for a custodes oc dressed in that almost nakey pillar-stodes style so I drew him... the full pic is under the cut bc tbh the torso came out wonky, image descriptions also under the cut
please help me give him a name, he doesnt have a name yet but i want him to have one
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image description: two photos of a pen on paper sketch of a man from the torso up. he's muscular and bare-chested, wearing only a skirt/loincloth and a single pauldron attached with a leather strap across his chest. he has a shaggy shoulders-length mullet, with long bangs that cover his eyes and shadow his face. he's smiling. there are design notes around the sketch with arrows pointing to different parts of him, which read: "lil smirk", "bangs cover eyes", "stubble", "black hair or dark brown", "stupid pauldron (1)", and "pillarstodes fit". end description
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