#i draw his sister and mom and i'm like YESSS THAT'S IT and then i draw him (who is a male version of them) adn I am STUCK
eerna · 11 months
Begging you to draw Ali and Nahri
Me @ my own hands
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coalbone · 8 months
Wait— I love the idea of Xina and Miguel being Miles’s auntie and uncle. I can just imagine in post BTSV, XinaMiguel goes to Miles’s dimension for a cookout with the fam. Plus, if Miles has Billie (his little sister from the comics), she can play with Gabriella! The Spider Society is just going to be an excuse to go to Miles’s dimension for big cookouts and become his extended family.
I've always liked the idea of Miguel taking Miles' uncle role once they make up!!
And Xina would make the best aunt figure ever, she would always bring like, trinkets she found or got from her going around the world and visiting cool places.
While I'm not one for wanting characters to make up quickly, I do kind of hope we get a Miguel and Miles hug. It's something they both need I believe.
But outside of the movie verse, I have never read Miles comics but I did hear about his little sister and GODDDD please give us this, we need this so much. I think it'd take a bit but Miguel would like Jefferson allot, they'd get along well. Since he never had a good father figure, seeing Jefferson be a genuinely good person and a good dad, he'd kind of get why Miles acted the way he did I guess
I think Jeff and Mig would make the BEST mf Barbecue
And Rio and Xina would actually be besties on the spot, since Xina was still kind of a new mom, Rio would give her the best tricks and tips, they'd gossip together and have nice girls night outs, because Xina deserves a girl best friend, she really really does.
Maybe Gabriel visiting sometimes too! Oh I just know Gabriel and Miles would be INSEPERABLE. They'd get along SO well.
Sorry for any misspellings if there is any, but I love love love this idea and hope that I can draw for it soon
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inocent-as-a-rose · 5 years
A picture perfect family || Z.H.
Warnings: maybe some cursing?
Summary: inspired by the trust fund baby music video
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You were walking trough the hallway in school with your books in your hands and your camera in your backpack. Out of nowhere a sudden weight pushed you to the ground.
Your books and backpack fall around you. "No, No, no, No, no!" You sigh. You get up to your knees and open your backpack quickly. You release a sigh of relief when you see that your camera is stil intact.
"Oh my God, i'm so sorry!" A sudden voice exclaims. You look up to meet a pair of brown eyes. The eyes turn out to belong to a cute boy.
You just look at each other for a brief second before he gets pulled away by one of his friends. He the turns his head and looks at you. You smile at him and he returns it with a cute smile himself.
That was Zach Herron. You know him. You know every one. It's not like youpopular, not at all actually. You're the most important photographer for the yearbook. You are, in fact, the only photographer.
But you don't mind.
You still need to do some editing so youdecided to go the bleachers of the baseball field in my free period. You look at the field and see Jonah Marais training with Arya. You recognize him. He's the one who pulled Zach away from you this morning.
You edited the whole day and even skipped classes without even knowing it. You decided to go to the skate park with your friends. It's something you do a lot. You took the bus and met up with your friend Jamie.
She hasn't noriced you yet so you just sit on one of the ramps and take some pictures. Jamie was talking to a guy but now he left so she comes over to you.
"Sooo...who's the cute guy?" You smirk while wiggling my eyebrows. She rolls her eyes and laughs "So, his name is Jack"
"Jack Avery?" You ask her. Like you said. You know every one. "I don't know, girl, I just met him!" She laughs.
You see your friend Rose walking over to you. She climbs up the ramp and sit next to you "Hey, (y/n), how did you get here so fast, school ended like 20 minutes ago and I walked?" "The bus?" "Wait really, I tought he didn't drive today?" "He did"
"Sooo," Jamie says,"tell us about the cute guy" she blushes and says "well, I was waiting for you, but you didn't come and his car had a flat tire, and I helped him and his friend to replace the tire"
"oehh, what did he look like" you ask  "Well, he was cute, he had brown hair, and gorgeous blue eyes, and, he's sitting right there?" She says, but it sounds more like a question.
"WHERE?" You and Jamie yell in unison.
"There" she whispers  and subtly points to a group of boys "He really is cute" Jamie says surprised "why so surprised?" She asks "Rose, sweetie, no offence, but your taste sucks"
"Obvioisly," she laughs, "because you're, looking at the wrong guy" "then who are you talking about?" Jamie asks while laughing "I'm talking about the guy with the hamburger" "ow, then I'm also looking at the wrong guy" you laugh.
Just then you realise that Zach is part of the group of guys. He sees you looking at him and smiles so you smile back.
"Adios muchachos" Jamie laughs as she takes her skateboard and starts doing some tricks.
"What's up with her?" Rose asks "I've never seen her skate so good" "there's a cute guy she wants to impress" you smirks
"Ahh" she smirks as well
After half an hour of talking to rose about useless stuf you decide to leave so you can develop some of my pictures. You wave goodbye to Jamie and jump of the ramp.
Your house isn't that far so you just start walking. "HEY!"  hear someone yell behind you. You turn around and almost bump into someone. It's Zach again.
"Oh, i'm sorry!" You both laugh. "It's just, I wanted to apologise again for this morning." "It's okay, really" you smile. "Good...I'm Zach" he smiles. I know. "(Y/n)"
We both just awkwardly stand there for a moment. "Where are you going?" He asks touching the back of his neck.
"I, uhh, i want to develope some pictures at home" "great, can i come?" "Uhh, yeah, sure"
After a short walk we arive at your house. You open the door with my spare key. You take Zach's hand and quickley pull him upstears. Halfway the stairs you hear your mom yell. "[Yn]!! Come here and help your sister with her homework!"
"I can't help Aubrey mom," i sigh in defeat, "i have a guest
"Really? Come here and introduce her then!" Your mom says exited. "It's a him" you sigh. You shuffle down the stairs and enter the kitchen still holding Zach's hand.
"Hi! I'm Emily and that's Aubrey, it's so nice to meet you!" Your mom says. Zach lets go of my hand and shakes my mothers hand. "It's really nice to meet you too, i'm Zach"
"Zaaaachhh?" Your 7 year old sister says in a cute toddler tone. "Yesss" Zach answers in the same cute tone. "Are you my sisters boyfriieeend?" "Nooo" he says blushing.
"We should go, the pictures  won't develop themselves." You nervously chuckle. You pull Zach upstairs and close the door to your room.
"I'm so sorry about my family, i-" "it's okay," Zach smiles,"they seem nice"
Just now Zach looks around in your bedroom, it's small, like, really small. Your bed is set against the right wall. In the middle of your room there is a table where i usually develop your pictures. The room is always dark. You've came to the realisation that it's easier if you just leave it dark in stead of always cleaning your stuff up.
"Okay, so, first we need to mix the chemicals" you give Zach the measurements so he can do it.
While Zach is doing that, you make sure that the enlarger's ready. Zach is done with the chemicals and he stands next to you.
Zach touches the enlarger in all possible places trying to figureout what button does what. You lay your hand on zach's and twist the button he's touching.
You take out the paper from the enlarger and put it in the developer. "Now we have to wait a minute then take out the paper with this giant tweezers thingie and put it in the next tray" you say as you hand Zach the tweezers.
"Soo, um, are you- are you going to prom?" Zach asks. While putting the paper in the next tray "Yeah, but i don't have a date. I mean, i need to take the prom pictures and stuff so i don't really have time to dance and that wouldn't be fun for whoever would be my date" you say to answer his question, "but are you planing on asking someone?"
You could kinda hear the dissapointment in his voice when he says: "Nahh, here isn't really anyone i would want to go with sooo" he puts the paper in the last tray.
"[YN]!!!! Could you maybe help me for a second ?" You hear your mom yell from downstairs. "Okay!" You yell back.
"Could you, maybe, hang these pictures on the rope while I'm gone please?" You ask zach. "Yeah, sure, no problem!" He answers while he's already hanging up a picture. "Thanks Zach" you say and give him a kiss on his cheek.
You walk away quickly, maybe because you're  scared of his reaction. But zach just stands there and blushes even harder then he usually does.
You run down the stairs and jump of the last step. "What did you need my help with mom?" You ask when you walk into the kitchen. You stand next to her and smell the delicious food she's making.
"Oh, could you help Aubrey with her hair please, you know i'm not good at that stuff and she has ballet practice in an hour and-"
"It's okay mom, i will do it, by the way, the food smells amazing!" I assure her.
"[YN]?" You hear Zach say. You turn around to see him  come around the wall. "Hey, i'm done with the pictures..." his voice trails off near the end of the sentence.
 "Oh, hy zach! Do you wanna help me colour my drawing?" Aubrey asks whilst i'm combing her hair.
He looks at you with a surprised look on his face. You smile at him when he says:" Um, yeah, sure" he pulls out a seat next to Aubrey. "You can colour the princess' dress if you want"
While you make a bun in Aubrey's hair you watch her and Zach goof around. It makes you smile just to see how much they like each other.
And every once in a while zach steals a glance at you just to find you smiling at him.
"Zach, honey, why don't you stay for dinner?" My mom asks him. "If you don't mind?" Zach asks both you and your mom. "Of course not!"
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"Thank you zach" i say while i jump of the ramp me and zach were sitting on. After you all ate dinner you and Zach offered to bring Aubrey to her ballet practice. It had become dark by now and you two were just talking about stuff.
"It was nothing" Zach brushed it off. "No, really Zach, you probably noticed that life is hard in ou house. My mom, being a single mom, depends on me a lot to help Aubrey and her. You made her evening a little bit easier by playing with Aubrey. 'Cause belief me, Aubrey can be be very annoying"
"Hey, i had fun too, and i would loveto help more often if it makes it easier for you ans your mom," Zach says while jumping off the ramp as well.
"Well, i should probably go now, I need to pick up Aubrey from practice as well" i say.
"Hey, um, [YN], can i maybe get your number?" He asks while looking at the ground. "Uh, yeah, sure" you answer.
You swap numbers and take pics to set with the contact names.
You both stand in front of each other. The passing of cars is the only thing you can here in the awkward silence. Neither of you want to go but you both know you should.
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"I guess i should..."
"Yeah, i should too..."
"Bye Zach..."
"Bye [YN]
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luvdsc · 3 years
helloooo it's autumn ! (ur fav anon 😉) i'll answer all the questions u asked me last time ! as for my job, i'm what's called a "youth encourager" meaning that i give advice, encouragement, and inspiration to people my age and younger. i started last monday and i'd say it's going well ! as for my bday i plan on going out to eat, having way more ice cream than i should, having a sleepover with my one of my best friends and my older brother, playing video games... ill send another ask :)
(autumn continued 😄) and i'm very excited for it! now it's in 11 days! as for junior year i have to get used to being in person again. i definitely need to catch up with my friends and figure everything out but im definitely more excited than nervous. also for classes, im taking: art, avid (college readiness class), english, environmental systems, geometry, culinary arts, principles of agriculture, and u.s. history. im really looking forward to art and culinary arts especially! sending another >
(yes this is autumn again so sorry the word limit is killing me 😤) i'm so happy ur getting to spend time with friends again and that ur doing well ♡ also u acting like a mom is so cute lol it's always so nice to hear back from u it's like having a distant older sister 😂 (and yes anatomy is just uGH straight up nasty) anywho hope u continue to be happy ! talk to u again soon (yes ! i finally beat the word count 😌)
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hi, honey bee !!!! 💓 how are you doing? how's your weekend going? and omg that sounds like such a lovely job 🥺 are you enjoying it? have you been speaking with a lot of people? do you get assigned an age group / grade level or do you connect with people at random? i'm glad to hear that it's going well!! 💘 and yesss ice cream is so yummy omg what's your favorite flavor to get? will you be going out to eat your favorite food? and aaa sleepovers are so much fun !!!! i hope you have a good time celebrating with your best friend and older brother 💛 and what's your favorite video game to play? :o
omg aaa your bday is so close now, right? 3 more days if i calculated it correctly?? it's gonna be so much fun now that school is in person again!! and junior year means prom and all that fun stuff too 🌸 will you be hanging out with your friends more over the summer now that it's safer to meet with other people? and omg omg you're taking art?? 🤩 will you be doing a specific type of art like painting or drawing or ceramics or will it be a class where you can dabble in all sorts of art? and culinary arts !!!! aaaa cooking is so much fun, pls tell me all about it when you take it and what sort of recipes you'll learn 💖 hearing about all your classes is making me feel so nostalgic :')
lsjdflakjsd yeah i think the word limit still exists on the website, but it's not there if you use the app 🤧 and thank you so much!! 🥺💗 one of my best friends came to my family's bbq today and i'm really happy i got to spend time with my friend 🥰 asdfhalkjsdf omg is this what being an older sister is like? i'm the youngest in my family, and i have an older sister, so i never got to experience what it's like to have a younger sibling 🤧 (anatomy is long gone now, no need to waste anymore brain cells on it 😤) and thank you so so much, lovebug, i hope you're doing well and are happy too !!! i hope to talk to you soon, sweetpea 💜💜
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