#i dont want sleepytime tips
sassysnowperson · 14 days
Hey guess what? It's late, I'm sort of wired, and I successfully took the little voice in my head that says oh! you could play some videogames to calm down! and shake it by the scruff of its neck until my brain admitted that yes, that was *a trap*
I did not successfully avoid the little voice that says hey that was pretty funny you should make a Tumblr post about it immediately but you know, progress is progress
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poppunklegs · 6 years
Period Tips!!!
Here’s some stuff that just makes me feel better during that rough time of the month, I just wanted to share just in case because maybe these thing would be helpful to someone
-get cozy! Wear fuzzy socks. Wear a giant hoodie. Wear cozy pants. Maybe you have class? Hoodie. Have to go somewhere? Hoodie. Have to go to work? That sucks I’m sorry but the world won’t end if you need the day off to take care of yourself, remember that
-drink something warm! Tea is great because it can actually be helpful with some symptoms and relieve cramps and relax the muscles. I recommend sleepytime tea
-DONT drink caffeine! That will make your cramps worse!!! Cannot stress enough. Don’t do it!! It also makes period poops worse!
-stay hydrated in general not to be uwu but water really does help your body do what it’s supposed to do! That includes your cycle!
-use an oil diffuser! Smell can be therapeutic and relieve stress. If you’re one of those people who get headaches though you can always just put plain water in your diffuser and it’ll still be soothing to look at.
-watch ASMR videos, or listen to rain videos to help you zone out and take your mind off the cramps and discomfort.
-take a hot shower! I know you won’t want to but you’ll feel better afterwards. The hot water can ease achy feelings and cramps or get things “flowing” (cramps are often caused by clots! Hot water can move those clots along!)
-if you don’t feel like showering but want additional heat, get a heating pad! You can buy them on amazon and heat them up and put them on your belly or lower back. They also make wraps that heat and cool to make you more comfortable.
-take pain medicine (if you can) as directed on the package! Don’t take too much, and be sure to look at what time you took it so you know what time you can take more if you have to!
-last but not least if your pain is extreme or your cycle is very long or heavy, consult a doctor to make sure you’re okay! There are many things that could be “wrong” so I won’t specify any specific things but some people need birth control pills to regulate themselves and ease their symptoms! When in doubt get checked out!
Feel free to add to this list, let’s help each other out
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