#i dont ship labrys w her either; but she looks so
aikotos · 10 months
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I find funny how the Ultimax manga seems to like both Aigis/Mitsuru and Labrys/Mitsuru, they can share a gf I guess.
Aigis & Mitsuru - Elina002 on dA
Labrys - Xelandis on dA
I didn't take any funny mid-rendering screenshot, but I can show the editing process I follow
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1 - Raw render
2 - First editing on CSP. I like to use gradient maps to unify the colors. I correct any mistakes on the render as well since they love clipping & Cycles loves doing weird stuff to the textures/lighting.
3 - Editing colors on Lightroom & Line Camera. Since they're apps, they deep fry my renders hard, but it's a neccesary evil because otherwise the colors would look like shit on mobile (my laptop displays colors differently). Can we go back to use internet exclusively on PCs?
4 - I try to un-deep fry the image by using surface blur on PS. I don't care much about it as long as the image looks fine at the dashboard size though.
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