#i dont know if i described the Crash doing parkour thing properly?
gutsfics · 7 months
Transgender Questionaire - Simon Klien
Did your character change their name when they transitioned? If so, how did they pick their new name(s)?
yes! when he was still figuring out who he was, he asked his parents what he would have been named if he was born a boy, and his mom told him Simon. and he liked it so much he insisted everyone call him that! this was way before he knew he was trans
How old was your character when they realized they were transgender? How old were they when they came out (if they have)?
he first started realizing when he was around 11 years old, as we was preparing for his bat mitzvah. something about it just felt kinda wrong. or like, not wrong exactly but wrong for him. specifically the בַּת part of the bat mitzvah. he had a good conversation about it w his parents and rabbi, and by the time he was ready for his bar mitzvah (about 13 years old) he knew he is in fact a boy
Who are some people who give/gave your character gender envy? 
stunt double Crash Yamaguchi. i hc Crash as Also being trans, and his specific way of doing parkour when not choreographed for a movie is more in line with how people w smaller shoulders do parkour, and Simon always admired how his movements seemed to fit perfectly between masculine and feminine. if that makes sense lol
What are some things that give your character gender euphoria and/or dysphoria?
honestly, barring being referred to with feminine terms, Simon doesn't get dysphoria from very many things. his relationship with his gender hinges more on his feeling euphoria and a sense of correctness w how he presents himself
What gender label(s) does your character use?
Just A Silly Little Guy! :3
but he does consider demiboy to be a close approximation of how he feels
What are your characters pronouns?
Who are some transgender people your character looks up to?
his uncle Thomas! even before Simon knew that Thomas is trans, Thomas was always one of his favorite people
Why did you - the writer/creator/etc. - decide to make your character transgender?
i love transgender people and also being trans
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