#i don't wish it upon my worst enemy but it really does change your perspective regarding the things people do for money
miaoqing · 1 month
my biggest regret in life is writing that post about reducing airplane to a "shitty author" because i forgot that a lot of people on tumblr read with their eyes closed and misunderstood my point completely. "sacrificing your morals for the sake of appealing to the masses is tragic but sometimes necessary if that's the only way you can pay your bills" and "criticising bad writing is valid, especially if you're confident that the author could write well but you're under the impression that they choose not to" are both valid takes and can coexist. however, "an author should always put their artistic vision above what their audience wants even if it means that they will literally starve" is NOT a valid take and definitely comes from a place of privilege, and agreeing with/defending it is... weird, to say the least.
airplane's writing was definitely flawed in many ways, but at the end of the day, he did what he had to do. in vol 3 he tells shen yuan that he's thankful that he made the story go back to what he originally wanted to write but had to abandon because he literally couldn't afford to live otherwise. he did his best. criticise his writing if you want to, but have a bit of compassion, too.
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