#i don't usually favor accents in my name because i live an eng-speaking country :'D
datastate · 9 months
Pronouns anon here again to thank you for your answer. I'll avoid they/them and try my best to use as little "se/vir" as possible to remain pronoun-less :)
Allow me one last question: is Tobias pronounced with Spanish phonetics or does it have a different pronunciation?
I'm really sorry if I sound rude/invasive, but as someone who always gets their name mispronounced and gets misgendered a lot, I care about not doing the same to others, since I consider it basic respect.
Thank you again for your answer and niceness, and sorry once more for the bother, I promise this is the last time 😅
as long as it's no trouble :D thank you again for checking!
personally, i don't mind either way! while i'm accustomed to my friends pronouncing it as it's assumed in american-english (toh-buy-us), feel free to go with tobías (standard spanish pronunciation) if it feels more natural! :]
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