#i don't know if ruby and spears had watched it before hand or someone else on the creative team or what
tsaturdaymorning · 3 years
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Protoman: "You should be happy, Rock! We're brothers. We were built from the same plans."
Protoman is the one who made the "brother" connection, not Rock.
I already knew that, since I remembered it from childhood. But I didn't think too hard about it until now. Protoman and Mega Man's brotherhood is the emotional crux of the series, and the villain is the one who established it.
Scott McNeil is a good actor with a lot of range. As he says this, he maintains Protoman's sneer, but there's a... softness to it, almost. It's up for interpretation, but to me, it really sounds like he's being sincere.
"You should be happy."
In just a little bit, we're going to learn that robots aren't able to lie. Well, they shouldn't be able to -- More on that later. Right now, for all intents and purposes, Protoman has no reason to believe he's capable of lying. It stands to reason that right now, he's 100% telling the truth.
"We're brothers."
That doesn't sound like a connection Dr. Wily would make! And even if he did, it's definitely not an idea he'd want to put in Protoman's head. Why would he want to waste time establishing emotional connections to Tom's servant bots? No, I think Protoman himself heard that he and Rock were built from the same plans, and he was the one who put that together and thought, "That makes him my brother."
Especially because the show's already set a precedent for it -- Rock did the same thing with Dr. Light.
While the two of them have similar bodies, it’s unclear just how much of their programming is the same. But based on this, it’s likely more than either Protoman or Wily wants to admit.
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bridgyrose · 3 years
May I ask for a sequel request based on your post with Summer losing her cool on RWBYJ, please? Summer visits RWBYJ after her initial meeting, noticing that they don't seem to be doing any better. Yang thankfully seems to be trying her best. Yang, nervous from earlier, asks Summer to help Jaune. Sum agrees and has a meaningful conversation with Jaune about Pyrrha and Penny. Sum returns to Yang, explaining she gave Jaune a helpful boost and gives her a reassuring smile and hug before leaving.
Summer watched her daughters and their friends from a distance, starting to get worried about how they were handling everything. As far as she could tell, the group of kids were doing their best, but at this point, their best wasnt enough. Shouting could be heard periodically from Ruby and Jaune, sometimes about Penny, sometimes about Neo. Speaking of, the mute girl wasnt exactly making things easier for them either. It was a surprise to see her around the group, but with Blake and Yang on edge around her, Jaune trying to give her a chance and Ruby being… done with everything… Summer shook her head and slowly moved her way around the island, looking for the best way to help without actively interfering. If the kids were going to get back to Remnant, they had to without her help. 
“Mom, can we… talk?” 
Summer paused as she heard Yang’s voice, slowly turning to face her. “About?” 
“Preferably...all of this.” Yang sighed and kicked a rock. “Where we are, how we can get back home… maybe even talk to Jaune and Ruby about Penny… and Pyrrha.” 
“And what do you expect me to do about any of this?” 
“I… I dont know… we’re just… lost. We need some sort of direction.” 
Summer sighed. “Then you’ll find-” 
“Then you can help us find the direction we need.” Yang looked over to Summer with sad eyes. “We get it: we followed blindly and ended up in this mess. But right now, Ruby and Jaune could really use someone to talk to. But right now, Jaune could use the help the most. He’s lost two good friends, assisted one with death and was pushed away from the other and couldnt save either of them.” 
Summer sighed and nodded. “Alright, I’ll speak to them. But… I dont hold any promises that it’ll fix anything.” 
“We dont need you to fix anything for us, we just need everyone to work together again. We’re not getting out of here without everyone being on the same page.” 
Summer smiled for a moment and pulled Yang into a hug before heading off to find Jaune to talk to him. She was glad Yang seemed to be doing better, although she knew her daughter always had a habit of putting others before herself. A habit that even Summer knew she had. It didnt stop her from worrying about Yang, about Ruby… and knowing that their team and friends were going down the same path that her own team did… she knew she couldnt keep away for long. 
It wasnt long before Summer came across Jaune, who seemed to be sitting alone near a river that fed into the sea. A quiet and secluded spot, perfect for thinking and wallowing in one's grief. She walked up behind him and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. “Yang asked me to talk to you.” 
Jaune sighed, staring into the river. “I… I couldnt save them.” 
“It’s… a hard lesson to learn, but you cant save everyone no matter how hard you try.” 
“But I could’ve saved them! I just…. I needed more time! If only I had been by Pyrrha’s side and if I had just tried harder to help Penny-” 
“Then you would’ve been dead too.” 
Jaune went silent and turned slightly to see Summer move to his side. He was still guilt ridden, still hurting from the fact that he couldnt save anyone. That one person he cared about left him and the other he had to help in another way. And it all felt… wrong.
Summer sat down and sighed. “Trust me from experience, but not everyone can or wants to be saved. From how I hear you and the others talk about Pyrrha, she would’ve tried to defend Beacon no matter what. And what happened to Penny… that was a choice she wanted to make to keep the maiden powers from falling into the wrong hands. And it doesnt seem like either one of them had a real choice in the matter.” 
“I… I could’ve helped Pyrrha-” 
“And you would’ve died too.” Summer sighed for a moment before drawing her own weapon, a simple spear, and started drawing in the sand. “Your strength isnt physical. Sure, you can fight and you’ve been training, but your real strength lies in how you care about others. How you want to help them whenever you can. Unfortunately, that means people like us dont tend to live very long lives if all you do is put yourself out there for others and never step back to help yourself. Being with Pyrrha wouldnt have made a difference. In the end, going up against a maiden without a plan is a death sentence.” 
Jaune stayed silent, gazing at his reflection. For a moment, he swore he could see Pyrrha standing behind him, smiling. After a few moments, he finally spoke up. “So… what exactly am I supposed to do?” 
“Continue helping others without throwing yourself into danger.” Summer finished drawing a few figures in the sand, putting her weapon away. “Sacrificing yourself until there’s nothing left or pushing yourself to be with someone until the end will only hurt those around you instead of saving anyone. If you truly want to help others, you’ll first need to help yourself by supporting those where they need it. Not where you think you need to be.” 
Jaune looked over to the drawing, recognizing it as Summer and her family. “You… you sacrificed yourself for your family, didnt you?” 
Summer nodded. “Everything I’m telling you, I learned first hand. I… I tried to defeat Salem on my own. Sacrificed myself to save everyone else that I cared about. And… I failed. I learned that Salem cant be defeated easily. That as long as Remnant turns, she will live on.” 
Jaune hesitated for a moment, remembering what Ruby had told him about Ozpin and Salem, about the curse and immortality. Penny’s last words filled his mind as everything started to become clearer. “Trust me…” 
Summer looked over to Jaune. “What was that?” 
“Its… something Penny told me when she asked me to… you know…” Jaune took a deep breath and stood up, heading back to his friends. “But… I think I know what I need to do now. Thank you.” 
Summer nodded and smiled at him. “It was my pleasure.” She stood up and started walking towards Yang, ready to tell her that she at least talked to Jaune. She still intended to speak to Ruby, but that conversation would need to wait just a little longer. Once she got to Yang, she hugged her tightly and smiled. “Your friend will be a bit better. I think I talked a bit of sense into him.” 
Yang nodded and hugged back. “And Ruby?” 
“I’ll speak to her when the time is right. But for now, keep an eye on your friends. And make sure to take care of yourself.” 
Yang pulled away from Summer, watching her disappear into the light. She sat down and took a deep breath. “Thanks, mom.” 
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