#i do want to start FDWild again but i dont have the time(lie) or energy(debatable)
aarons-main-blog · 10 months
Since ToTK is out now and the idea I had for finding the masks is now irrelevant, I decided to share the basic idea of what kind of backstory I had come up with for how Wild got the FD Mask, cause I really liked what I had come up with but couldn't figure out the best way to implement it or the precise order of things happening.
In chronological order of appearance:
Link wakes up, gets told, "Hey, Link, you are this very specific character and your sole purpose is to go save Zelda"
Link doesn't really like this, but hey, what can you do?
Does the basic line of plateau to Dueling Peaks Stable to Impa to Purah to Impa, gets told to go follow the memories, finds the one with the DP in the background and the rock and is really disappointed in how it seems the princess, supposedly the most kind soul in Hyrule, basically directly insults Link's worth.
Thinks "Wow, that's what she thought of me? I must have been an asshole. Damn." and decides that if that's who he used to be, he didn't want to remember his past and risk becoming that again.
Awkward blank period I hadn't figured out leading into the Gerudo quest, where Link gets the Vai outfit and realizes, "Hey, everyone treats me like a different person now! This is pretty nice!" and begins questioning Gender among other things (now referred to as they).
Link goes into Gerudo town, does stuff, and eventually visits the old woman next to the goddess statue who points out the fact that Link is a voe. From Link's negative reaction, she feels slightly bad and decides to chat with them for a bit. This leads to her telling them about a stash of ancient masks that her family had been in charge of guarding for a while, but that her grand-(aunt? something) had lost the map with just a riddle left. Her reasoning for wanting it was that one of the masks would make the wearer seem like a Gerudo, and that espionage would be easy with it. She asks like to find the cache or the rotted/destroyed remains of the cache, and return the Gerudo mask to her.
The riddle was smart sounding and I liked it, but also could have been better as it just meant "shoot an ice arrow through that big skeleton's eye and the cache will show up," so Link thanks the woman and marks it down on the slate as a quest.
After some amount of time, Link goes to the skeleton and does the action, revealing a large crate with a fancy seal for a lock on it, used to hold the magic that made it rise, removes said seal, and opens the crate. Inside is a whole bunch of masks which bear resemblance to the masks from OoT and MM. I didn't get around to fully planing out this part, but this was the sort of vibe I was going for.
Link casually loots it all and puts the masks in the Sheikah Slate, for delivery to the old woman.
They return to Gerudo town and hand over the Gerudo mask to the old woman, who thanks them, and denies the returning of the rest of the masks as they would probably get more use of them than she would. She casually drops the existence of stage plays, which is the first Link has heard of them, and then explains they're where actors pretend to be different people to perform. This catches links attention.
Link eventually starts experimenting with this idea, wearing different masks or outfits and acting like completely different people, and because he is partially rejecting the idea of their only goal being to stop the BBEG and save Hyrule, they are usually more vocal, with exceptions (this doesn't mean they totally ignore their duty, and eventually leads to them beating Clammy Gan).
Eventually, Link visits the Deku tree and hears his (t)request. However, he notices something when Link later climbs up and talks to him from the StumpStool. This basically conveys the idea that the longer magic tools rest in place, the stronger they become.
This is how much I had thought out, and while I might finish this idea, due to the fact that there is now a Misiko quest that has you finding the pieces around Hyrule, I think I will have to revamp the story in order to fit ToTK better and to boost my interest again.
I dont know how much of the original plan will still be implemented, but I think there is enough stuff that I can carry over the ideas from into the new version. And so I will do this!
Eventually. . .
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