#i didnt fill in the otp square and yet talked about them this much
skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
OH AND vettonso
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Again: crime against humanity, positive! God they have been brainrotting me so much lately ever since I made that AU for them....literally my brain is purely consumed by the thoughts of historical arranged marriage au!Vettonso...please someone, anyone... come join me in my hell, I can't stop drawing them....
But uhhhhhh yeah so underrated!! They were a rivalry for like 4 seasons and had two extremely close seasons, are they not perfect for enemies-lovers or hatefucking? 🥺 I still am so sad that they never got to be teammates, it would've been so delightfully toxic!! But also their softness, like at AD 2022, the old men were being tender 🥹 It's just a very fun ship to me. Two old guys who've been through it all together, who were at the peaks of their careers together, battling each other, and then the new golden boy dethroned the old golden boy aaahhhhhhh. But then how they became tender....can they come out together unscathed? Also not to mention how similar they are, but it's hard for them to see that because of how they were pitted together at such high stakes
Vettonso is kind of the best of both worlds ship for me because they're literally my two favorite drivers ever, so of course it's great to put them together!!
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