#i could have bought a character slot and made the sylvari ele i have planned and still had spare coin by now
krisplaysgw2 · 6 years
screechfoxes replied to your post “What up, my name’s K.R. and I just impulse sold a fair amount of my...”
there's nothing more satisfying than doing that
It is v satisfying to get 50-ish gold in one go from TP, but also I’m so ready to like. get rid of this money. because most of my D&D group have played through PoF’s story, but barring Benji (the Veteran of this game among the 5 of us), everyone doesn’t play often and thus can’t afford that 250g bullshit for a griffon, so Benji and I have been hoarding coin like dragons so All of us can get griffons together. 
I have roughly $20 worth of coin sitting in my wallet and I would like to use it, not just. hoard it.
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