#i continue to suffer from the dreadful disease known as Gender
beaft · 3 months
after recently gaining access to my medical records, i am mystified to discover that instead of recording my regular t-shot as "sustanon injection, intramuscular" (as is standard), the doctor i saw last week chose to record it as "problem: gender. history: ongoing."
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FIFA'S GAY!! (but not in a good way)
At the time of writing FIFA 2020 was not cancelled yet. But for the sake of this essay ignore that. This is an essay a persuasive one that will convince you why FIFA is not doing enough for queer rights. This was of course written about a month ago so I don't think any of it will be out of date. Its not as good as I would of liked so, the third paragraph is a bit choppy so be warned.
LGBT+ and FIFA’s questionable relationship with the community
“FIFA claims that football can unite the world… anti-LGBT+ policies don’t.” -Human Rights Watch. The last decade has been a staple for LGBT+ activism, but we are also seeing an unsettling uprise in crime against LGBT+ people. 1 out of 3 gay men do not feel safe in their homes. Mexico is reporting its deadliest year for LGBT+ individuals. Then FIFA- Federation of International Football Association- decided to let a notoriously homophobic country host the biggest sporting event in the world: Russia 2018. FIFA not only contributes to prejudice against the LGBT+ people, but they also continuously promote that they are a “safe space” for people who identify as such. Not surprisingly they are abysmal when it comes to protecting the rights for LGBT+ people. I propose that FIFA bans countries from hosting events where it is unsafe or illegal to exist as a LGBT+ person.
Some might argue that if FIFA bans countries that do not support LGBT+ rights from hosting events, then we are denying the people of that country the opportunity to go to one of the best sporting events of our time. Preposterous; we need to value the players and the people’s rights more than an unsafe football event. Some other people might argue that by banning a country which is unsafe for LGBT+ people, that the country is missing out in a great source of income. Disgusting to think anyone could value money over people’s basic human rights. None of these could be a plausible argument, and no compassionate being would agree with these viewpoints.
By FIFA supporting these countries, they are only enabling the suffering of many LGBT+ individuals and supporting countries that brake human rights. The most recent World Cup has, or will, be hosted in countries with appalling human rights: in Russia, if you are an LGBT+ individual, your name could be put on a murder site, promoted itself as a welcoming space for LGBT+ fans during the tournament. Qatar a country known for censoring LGBT+ media since 2018 and has a three-year prison sentence for LGBT+ people, said, “any fan, of any gender, [sexual] orientation, religion, race, [should] rest assured that Qatar is one of the most [safest] countries in the world — and they’ll all be welcome here.”- the Chief executive of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Nasser al-Khater. Nobody can take away your human rights – article 30, the following rights that have been routinely taken away from marginalised individuals such as LGBT+ people. Article 14 – Protection from discrimination. According to equaldex.com, there is no protection of LGBT+ individuals agents’ discrimination in Russia and Qatar. Article 16, in both Qatar and Russia its illegal for LGBT+ people to get married. Article 2– the right to life, on April the 17th 2017 the Russian state of Chechnya started a mass prosecution of gay men at least 40 people were detained, and 2 people were killed by gunshots to the back of the head. as a reminder, we are at the most advanced time in technology and civilisation in history, but there are still more than 75 countries where homosexuality is illegal. More than 30% of are UN member states. It is not a shocker to see that FIFA is turning a blind eye to Russia’s and Qatar’s human rights standards. Even in Brazil when fans where shouting gay slurs at an opposition team member, it took them some time to launch an investigation on the incident. Then, out of nowhere they dropped all charges. FIFA needs to step up and kick the ball out of the field and unite everyone over football, like they claim they can. By scoring countries not safe for LGBT+ fans off the list, that will be a step forward.
Moreover, FIFA fails to properly ensure the safety of LGBT+ individuals at their games. It was not very surprising to see that a gay man, O. Davrius, was beaten up in the heat of Russia 2018 at Moscow, when he was going to catch a taxi with his boyfriend. Before he could get into that taxi, he and his boyfriend were beaten up by a group of Russian men who left him with a brain injury and a broken jaw. This is all but one of the incidents in FIFA’s lousy track record of ‘keeping LGBT+ fans safe’. In fact, also in Russia 2018, a safe space was shut down just a day before its expected opening, and FIFA did not even bother to get off their backsides and launch an investigation into the incident. An organiser of the safe space said to the BBC "[the landowners] asked us to leave the place very rudely, switched off the electricity and explained nothing to us,” Why is FIFA rewarding this behaviour with hosting rights to a so-called progressive tournament? It is like if one player decided to discreetly punch the opposition team member in the face. FIFA is that dreadful referee that cannot see that. Or to put it simply, maybe that referee has been paid off. FIFA must not hesitate in making their tournament safer for all fans and athletes including LGBT+ ones. It is a no brainer FIFA: ban those countries for even being on the list as a possible hosting location.
Furthermore, by FIFA choosing homophobic venues, they are impacting on LGBT+ athletes mental and physical health. FIFA’s male world cups already promote a hyper-masculine and a homophobic culture, so it is no surprise that they would choose a homophobic hosting location as well. It is a known fact your mental health can impact your physical health A quote form psychology today estimates that “20 to 25 percent of LGBT+ people experience criminal victimization because of their adult sexual orientation” that jumps up to a staggering “42 percent” in the workplace. An effect of homophobia is an increased chance of suicide and heart disease - - Huffington post. When a male LGBT+ athlete that must be subjected to homophobic rhetoric because they must go to a country like Russia or Qatar to play for their team, it can be overwhelming. Being an athlete comes with an extreme physical demand and if you are LGBT+ you will be scared for your life. The anxiety that comes with playing big football games, wondering if it will be safe to go outside or to kiss your partner is all too overwhelming for LGBT+ athletes. Athletes in the top tiers like FIFA should only have one concern: to be in the best shape physically and mentally so they can play their best. Add staying in a homophobic country for a full tournament? You have got a recipe for disaster. FIFA should not be actively participating in destroying LGBT+ athletes mental and physical health, just for monetary gain. This also impacts FIFA’s earnings. If you were attending an event and were to see your beloved football team being decimated- due to some athletes being in a homophobic country and that wanes on their health- you would seriously reconsider supporting your current team. If you would want to see people being sub-par at football, then you would go to your local park. Why pay money to support a kid’s football team? Forcing LGBT+ athletes to play in a homophobic country will make FIFA lose money, and a simple way to solve this would be to eliminate the possibility of homophobic countries being chosen to host the world cup.
In conclusion, we need to pressure FIFA in to support LGBT+ peoples rights; we need to pressure FIFA in to putting in more precautions to keep LGBT+ people safe, we need to pressure FIFA into removing unsuitable and hostile countries, we also need to consider if their ideals make it unsafe for LGBT+ people to attend and participate at these venues. Saying it plainly and straight to the point, this must be done for the good of all people. [insert witty remark here]
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ask-sis-strider612 · 4 years
Why Do I Sweat in My Sleep?
Waking up you are surrounded in what feels like a puddle of sweat, sweat that you produce during the night time due to an unknown cause. Night sweats are something that many people have experienced due to different causes whether it be from illness, diseases, menopause or hormonal changes, and an array of other causes that can range depending on the individual. Excessive sweating can be something that is embarrassing, especially when sleeping at night with a spouse or companion – and let’s be honest, nothing is worse than the putrid smell that the sweat produces onto your clothing and bed sheets. Sweat is composed of a variety of compounds including acids, aldehydes, sulfur compound, ketones, and amines to name a few – and this amalgam of compounds can create the pungent odor that is sweat.
In this article we are going to learn more about the different causes behind night sweats for both men and women and discuss the best methods to use to clean and deodorize bed sheets that have been contaminated by sweat odors.
Night Sweats vs Cold Sweats: What are the Cold Sweats?
Sweating at night can be produced by many different health factors or body changes, and often times for people it will be hard to determine the difference between the cold sweats and the general night sweats. Cold sweats occur in an individual when they suddenly feel a chill in your body that occurs alongside abnormal sweating – no matter the temperature in the room either cold or hot in the environment. Typically, cold sweats will take place in the palms, armpits, soles, and other parts of the body but it will not occur across the entire body.
Whereas night sweats will often wake an individual up in the middle of the night due to a thick layer of sweat that will be found all over the body. This type of sweat is so excessive that it will also contaminate clothing, sheets, and blankets that the individual is sleeping on, in, or with in the bed. The night sweats will only take place at night while a person is sleeping, unlike cold sweats.
Reasons for Night Sweats
When it comes to the development of night sweats, the causes behind this condition can range depending on the individual, their gender, their current health standing, and the age of the person can all influence and impact the magnitude of the night sweat condition. Many people will consult with a doctor to determine the underlying cause behind why the night sweats have developed so quickly and continuously, and once this has been identified than treatment methods can begin to take action to halt the night sweats in their tracks. However, why do I sweat in my sleep, and what are the key causes in both men and women?
Below we are going to discuss the different causes of night sweats for both women and men and the symptoms that may also occur in the human body when the night sweats commence.
Causes of Night Sweats in Women
The night sweat condition that many individuals will experience later on in life can stem from a variety of different health problems or hormonal changes in a woman or man. When it comes to the health of women and the potential causes of night sweats in this gender, there are certain known causes that many women will immediately associate with the night sweats, particularly perimenopause and menopause. Perimenopause is a normal, natural phase of a women’s life where a woman’s ovaries produce less estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone – additionally menstrual periods become irregular. These changing low levels of estrogen is what ignites the dreaded night sweats in a woman. Typically, perimenopause happens between ages 40 and 50 as a transitional step to menopause.
Menopause, on the other hand, occurs when your period stops for good, usually taking place around age 45 to 55 in women. Those women who are in the menopause stage of their life are likely to experience the uncomfortable night sweats while they are sleeping. According to WebMD, about 75 percent of women will deal with hot flashes and night sweats during the menopause or perimenopause stage of their life. And of that 75 percent, approximately 25 to 35 percent of women will experience these dreaded symptoms severely – enough to interfere with the quality of life.
What Causes Night Sweats in Men?
When it comes to the health of men and their ability to also experience the same night sweats as women do during menopause or perimenopause, men will deal with night sweats when they have low testosterone levels in the body. Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men, as it stimulates sperm production, supports sexual drive, and helps to build bone and muscle mass in the body. When men have a lower level of this sex hormone in their body it can elicit the production of night sweats while they sleep. Typically, low testosterone, also known as “low T” can be caused by some chronic diseases, genetic conditions, certain medications, anxiety, etc.
Why Does My Sweat Stink?
If you are dealing with excessive sweat production including the production of night sweats while you sleep, then you may also be stuck with the putrid sweat odor that the night sweats leave behind on clothing, bed sheets, and any linens that have come into contact with the perspiration. Body odor that is released from sweat is usually an unpleasant odor that will consist of a variety of different compounds elicited from within the human body including acids, aldehydes, sulfur compounds, ketones, and amines. Those individuals who experience significant sweat productions in their body such as those who suffer from night sweats will usually deal with these persisting odors – however, unlike popular belief, sweat actually does not consist of an odor rather it is the mixture of the sweat with bacteria on the human skin.
Once you smell the sweat that you produce from night sweats you may be wondering “why does my sweat stink?”. Sweat itself is seemingly odorless to humans, and thus it is the rapid multiplication of bacteria in the presence of sweat that will create the pungent aroma associated with sweat. This mixture of bacteria and sweat will then spread onto clothing and bed sheets that have captured and contaminated the material with its odor.
My Bed Smells Like Sweat
Does your bed smell like straight sweat from your uncontrollable night sweats? Bed sheet materials are fairly absorbent and thus when the moisture of sweat comes into contact with the material it will leave behind a pungent odor that can be somewhat difficult to remove with traditional washing methods. Sweat will often times mix with fragrant laundry detergents and laundry care products to create a far worse odor on the materials that will last for a long time after its wash cycle. Therefore, the best way to wash these sweat tainted sheets is through the use of a deodorization solution like vinegar, baking soda, or even with the use of a specifically designed odor eliminating laundry additive for sweat and body odor removal.
How to Get Musty Smell Out of Sheets
The OdorKlenz Laundry Additive is an effective laundry booster that is used in the washing machine cycle along with your everyday detergent to remove those stubborn noxious odors and chemical compounds from the fabric of different materials including clothing, bed sheets, and linens. The OdorKlenz patented formula is made from earth minerals and non-toxic ingredients so you will not expose your fabrics to harsh chemicals, dyes, or perfumes. The earth mineral technology will capture, contain, and neutralize odors present on the material of the bed sheets eliminating them completely from the fabric.
Learn more about the OdorKlenz Laundry Additive for night sweat bed odor removal on your bed sheets and clothing!
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