#i can't help but think the merlin writers were deliberately going for that pun
oswinsdolma · 1 year
there are a lot of season finales that absolutely wrench the breath from your lungs and leave you broken on the floor, but i don't think there is any ending of a tv show in history that quite recreates the absolutely visceral impact of the blue lorry in the bbc merlin finale. like. the way it pans from the familiarity of avalon to the jarring realisation that the world is so different, but the things that matter remain, crumbling but sustained by hope and legend. how so much has changed, but merlin is still there, a relic of a time that should be in ruins, but remains defiant and out of place. the mundanity of our modern world that juxtaposes the legendary so sharply, and the sense of loss that evokes, like god. nobody was doing it like them.
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