#i can excuse some idiocy in shounens but this crosses the line
enbyboiwonder · 1 year
Shounens are so stupid sometimes. In vol 2 of Attack!! they have a showdown between the overconfident newbie Harutaka (yes, he has power, but he has literally only 2 months of experience and doesn’t know how not to telegraph how he’s planning to spike; yes, he can jump high, but he doesn’t know how to jump properly, so on top of always losing his balance upon landing, he has his head angled up too high while in the air so he can’t see in front of him and can’t react to the blocker/s) and the genius setter Yuuta. If Harutaka can score off three spikes, he wins, but if Yuuta can score off three blocks, he wins. Predictably, Yuuta wins. But.
Because Harutaka’s spikes are so powerful, Yuuta tears the membrane between three of his fingers (to be clear, it’s two membranes: the one between his pinky and ring finger, and the one between his ring and middle fingers), yet he keeps playing. And then right afterward the captain shows up with the announcement that they’re having a surprise practice match in like 5 minutes, and he puts Yuuta in as starting setter! His injury is literally not acknowledged after he shows Harutaka during their showdown. That’s gotta hurt, and his hand has to be bloody at least somewhat (and possibly the ball too, from him handling it), so you can’t tell me no one else notices. Or that it wouldn’t affect his playing! He’s the freaking setter! At least get the boy a bandage, and then you can continue with your shounen idiocy.
(Granted, I’ve never torn the membrane between any of my fingers so I don’t know just how much they bleed or how much that hurts, and I doubt it would be pouring blood or anything, but it would still be visible, right? And it would hurt and cause him to favor those fingers, right? And it definitely should not have gone untreated—at the very least because, y’know, open wound! even if it is more minor than I’m imagining—and he probably still shouldn’t have been put in the game even if it had been. Eesh, and now I’m imagining sweat getting into the tears and them hurting even more…)
So now I’m kind of wondering how that type of injury would be properly treated. Do you just disinfect it and slap on a bandage and call it a day? (Well, I presume the fingers on either side of the tear would be wrapped together so moving them won’t aggravate and possibly reopen it.) Would you need stitches? Or would it depend on how bad/deep the tear is? (No matter how curious I am though, I ain’t looking it up because I don’t want pictures or graphic descriptions or anything. No thank you. I’m getting vaguely ill just from typing all this.)
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