#i can be a bad friend too but at least i dont cally friends autistic to won arguments
pockynyx · 1 year
I'm so tired of making friends with someone only them ending up putting me down in front of others so ....what? They look smarter? Cooler?
This most recent guy friend has been making comments that I'm autistic? Presumptuous but none of his business. Meant to talk to him about it but it occurred maybe a few times and was usually just between me and him. UNTIL he started saying this more often in front of our other coworkers this past week. It's in a way that it makes me seem dumber and therefore he wins?
Texted me way too early this morning that he apologized for the autistic comments and honestly? No. Done. I should've addressed this a long time ago, but he took it way too far on his own.
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