#i bet tyler is the one who wrote “moron” on him
thurio-edau · 28 days
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vmohlere · 5 years
More Infinite Coffee Q&A
@musings-on-bucky-barnes​ had some more questions from last year’s Q&A, and after AGES of procrastination on my part, here’s the first set of answers. Also on Ao3.
·         When does Pepper teach Bucky to wink?
 I have no idea! That’s not one of the little details that my brain bothered to supply.
 Or perhaps he saw her do it (to himself or someone else) and decided to copy it.
 Very possible! Barnes definitely watches Pepper closely, because he considers her a reliable source for acceptable social cues.
 ·         Reactions of the Tower residents and other friends when Bucky recovers enough to start grinning and winking? (We know that Natasha said it makes him look epically hot!)
 Pretty much the universal reaction to being grinned at by Barnes for the first time is being stunned and maybe a little turned on. Barnes doesn’t bring out the flirting that often – most often with the Olds and the folks at the Lucky Carp, because of his comfort levels – but Barton and Sam flirt with him pretty shamelessly, trying to get him to smile. Hill has been known to save up a particularly juicy smart comment so she can make it in front of him. And Tony would deny it forever, but once Barnes laughs softly at something during arm maintenance, he ramps the Tony Show up to 13 to try to make Barnes laugh again.
 And also what about flirting at and with Steve? Lucky Steve would get the full force of it when they’re together.
 Prior to Upgrade: Advanced Happiness Skills, Barnes only flirts with Steve when it’ll cause maximum embarrassment and/or make Steve drop something heavy onto his own foot.
 ·         The reactions of the others to Steve and Bucky being together? We get to see the main Avengers and the Olds react, but not Pepper, Maria, Bruce, Katie, Peggy and the Carp clan.
 Hill yells at them for ruining No-Touch Valentine’s Day, but come on – you know she’s delighted. Especially since their timing meant that neither Barton nor Tony won the betting pool for how long it would take. (Pepper won, because she picked the date Nat told her to).
 The others might complain that the bet is then null and void because Nat had insider information ;)
 Who would dare complain (to her face)?
 Mr. Hayashi blinks at them for a minute, until Kazue fusses at him for being old-fashioned.
 How does he then react?
 Oh, he’s fine, just momentarily surprised.
 Katie cries with happiness, and Steve’s a sympathy crier, so that’s a very damp conversation.
 Bruce notices. Eventually. (Nah, I kid – all the Tower residents saw this coming miles and miles away.)
 So that means that they are good at keeping their poker faces, as Bucky says in Advanced Happiness Skills that none of them (apart from Nat) noticed and that they appeared to be morons. (Which could mean that HE was so happy and distracted that he was actually the unobservant moron!)
 Sadly, I’m not sure that the Peggy in this world would be mentally together enough to hold onto the news. But her objective was always that Steve be safe and happy.
  ·         Steve and Peggy’s relationship - how it was affected in the period after Bucky’s ‘death’?
 I don’t have anything for this. Just thinking about it makes me so sad, though.
It is ironic that Bucky remembers more about Steve’s sex life than his own, like Steve & Peggy in the room in Lyon. Poor Bucky…
 Oof, his own sex life has a lot of stuff he didn’t want to remember, so he walled off all of it.
 Steve’s reactions to knowing that Bucky loved him and was jealous of Peggy
 Capt. Compartmentalization took that knowledge and tucked it very far back in his mind, bringing it back only when he wanted to torture himself by feeling guilty about it.
                 Will Steve and Bucky discuss Steve’s feelings/guilt about how he felt he let Bucky down during WW II?
 Oh, sure. They live for a very long time, and eventually, they talk all of it through.
  ·         Other Tower residents & Olds after Bucky has been shot
 Widespread frantic worry. There’s a phone tree for updates. Barton remembers to add the Hayashis to it.
 Steve’s reactions to wounded Bucky’s ramblings – including the ‘you’re my favorite person’ comment
 Well, you know, Buck was just as high as a kite there, couldn’t be held responsible for anything he was saying, and there definitely was no teeny tiny little part of Steve that had been in love with Bucky Barnes since he was 15 years old that was 100% thrilled.
 ·         Does Bucky ever run into Tyler and Dale again? Or they recognize him on TV when the media realize Bucky is alive/helping the Avengers?
 Oh man, I don’t know. I have thought about The Dale & Tyler Question a number of times, and I haven’t ever been able to decide what the funniest option is.
 ·         Bucky’s next birthday – will he be recovered enough for a big birthday party of his own?
 No, but I’ve just decided this minute that they rent out the Carp for the evening and have all the mission-assists for dinner. Barnes has to sit with his back to the wall near the front door, but he loves it.
 ·         What made you decide to do Steve’s POV? It was the first look at Bucky from the outside in this series.
 That section rose up and demanded to be written and fell out all in one lump. The only thing I changed while revising was to rearrange it a little. I really loved writing Steve’s voice.
 ·         Tony’s reaction to someone apart from himself doing something risqué/scandalous (the skinny dipping)
 He hates it, of course! While secretly loving it. Incapable of having a straightforward emotion, that one.
 ·         Solo trips to the Carp by other Avengers
 Oh, sure. They’re very good for that place’s bottom line. And Nat visits the Olds on her own.
 ·         It seems that Ollie’s honey Wayne died not long before Ollie encountered Bucky for the first time. How did the Olds all meet? Did they know Wayne?
 That must be so, given the way I mentioned things, but the timing wasn’t deliberate. Esther and Lidia had both lived in the building for several years, moving in when it was a much less dire place, and neither could afford to leave once it started getting bad. They were “nodding neighbors” until O’Reilly bought the place and started using it for nefarious purposes, and then they clung together for safety. Ollie moved in because it was what he could afford. They took one look at how sad he was and adopted him.
 Eventually, all three of them move to California, because the NYC winters get to be too much for their joints, and Ollie’s family is so happy to have him more active in their lives, and they don’t want to be separated. Barnes is NOT a fan of the plan, though it’s what ultimately makes him stubborn about learning to make air travel okay.
 That makes me sad and happy in equal measure. Tony would probably offer to do something whiz bang to the building’s heating, but a permanent move to warmer climes makes sense (and he and Pepper would make sure they got a great home). Hopefully Cat Eleanor likes her new home!
 Yeah, they are all really happy in California. Ollie’s family takes them all in with open arms.
 ·         Use of first names/surnames/nicknames and the importance of choice of which.
Like how you mentioned in a Tumblr post that you were very specific in Bucky’s use of Rogers, Steve and Stevie. And there is also how he only seems to prefer to let Steve say ‘Bucky’.
 Using a first name is a sign of intimacy for Barnes. Surnames keep people at arm’s length – or, in Hill’s case, are a sign of recognizing one as an equal.  His using “Steve” or “Stevie” means that it’s a moment of the programming losing power.
 And yes. Only Steve can call him “Bucky.” Only the Olds can call him “Jimmy.” He thinks of himself as “Barnes.”
 ·         How quickly did it take the Olds to realize that their mysterious new neighbor was Bucky Barnes?
 A couple of weeks.
 ·         Any more snippets of Cat Eleanor being her glorious cat self with the boys?
 Oh man, I wish I had one for you, but I don’t.
 They do eventually adopt their own cat, though, after the Olds move. His name is Jack, and he’s a hideous old grey thing with one eye. He and Barnes are devoted to one another. Jack tolerates Steve as a second-class roommate.
 ·         In ‘This You Protect’, you mention that Barnes is somewhat of a prude when Steve trolls him by singing rude and yucky songs. Is that a feature of old Bucky or new Barnes or both?
 Bucky thought all those songs were hilarious.
 ·         Recently you gave an intriguing one line summary about your original novel – please repeat that and tell us a bit about the genre, what stage it is up to, why you decided to write it.
 oh jeez.
 Did I say it was about a lady and her six werewolf boyfriends? I’m working on my query letter now, and I don’t know whether it’s urban fantasy—with—romance or paranormal romance, because marketing labels are a mystery unto me, but it’s full of jokes and people being dumb about their own emotions and baked goods. It’s definitely a coffeeshop AU, plus lots of boning.
 It’s not high art, but I had a ton of fun writing it.
 Honestly, I wrote it because I got mad at a bad fic (non-MCU) and decided I could do better. I will NOT link the fic.
 ·         Tell us the story behind your choice of that Battle of the Planets art for your icon.
 HA! I loved that cartoon when I was a kid. But mostly that picture just makes me laugh every time I look at it – it’s so cheesy. There’s something about the pose and the facial expression that I find hilarious, and I’ve used it for long enough now that it would be weird to change it.
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