#i based a lot of m/artha and n/eon on my own parents
erigold13261 · 1 year
Will Neon J ever get over Martha? Will they ever meet again?
Neon will never fully get over Martha, he will always hold some kind of love for her in his heart, even after all the shit she did to him and if he did find out the shitty things she did to 1010. He is not hoping to get back with her, but he won't deny that he still loves her and she will almost always be in the back of his mind when/if he starts dating again.
As for meeting, yes they will. Martha will one day bring a fully grown Aria to Neon so that he can meet Aria's child. It was Aria who wanted to meet him again because she still sees him as her real dad since he raised her til she was 9. She just never had the knowledge of where he was or if he was still alive.
Once she has her child Martha lets slip that Neon is still alive and her and him still talk through letters. After explaining who Neon is now (he had a different name before becoming a cyborg) Aria wants to meet him so he can meet his grand-kid and so she can connect with 1010 and have them meet their nephew/niece (still deciding the kid's gender).
And instead of being normal about it, Martha decided to just SHOW UP unannounced, totally freaking out Purl and causing a slight shit-show to happen. But Neon does end up getting to see Aria again and meet his grand-kid with lots of happy static crying as he finally got to meet his daughter again after about 20 years.
Martha and Neon have a real conversation face-to-face as most of 1010 stay with Aria and the baby (Purl dipped basically the second they saw Martha). They talk a bit and Martha ends up telling stuff about his parents since she went to stay with them to get away from an abusive partner she had after the divorce.
They won't ever get together again, they won't even try it. They both care for each other still, but they just don't love each other the same as when they were younger. But I will say, that this would be very good closure for Neon that would allow him to fully and finally date again without any regret or guilt eating at him.
It would also give Martha a chance to apologize to 1010 for her actions to them. She knows she will never be able to make it up to them, but she does apologize and tries to at least make amends as best as she could.
I don't see Martha becoming a big part of Neon and 1010's life, but they would definitely be there for Aria and the baby as much as possible. She would go back to her own home with Martha, but they would all visit each other on special holidays.
Neon might even visit his parents as Martha and Aria live close to them, but only because 1010 would want to see them and find out about their own heritage. It would not be because Neon wants to. Heck, Neon would try to discourage them from wanting to go for fear of what his parents might think of 1010 and how they identify. Though Aria and Martha let him know that they changed, he doesn't believe them.
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