#i am wearing a shirt that says 'ask me about porter cliffbreaker' (emotionally)
g0ldenglider · 17 days
okay so one of the funny things about being interested in porter before junior year is that, one of the few bits of information we get about him before this season is in episode 1 of sophmore year when they're talking about fig having paid riz to stalk him for a bit. all we find out about him really in this bit is that a) he goes to the gym a lot, and b) he "has a family". And like obviously "family" could mean many many different things, but with him being a (at the time) minor npc, i went ahead and extrapolated a whole headcanon around his home life to fill in the gaps
so it's extra funny that he's a more regular npc now and he's got an implied relationship with zara, and more to chew on in general, because i totally forgot that the "has a family" line was an off the cuff joke made by murph and not solid lore. anyway, in my heart, porter has two sons, one in oakshield and one who just got accepted into hudol (he's very proud), him and his wife are seperated but still legally married and living together for the kids (they get on maybe 75% of the time), he still goes to the gym a lot
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