#i am seriously considering just buying 2 different flavours of hamburger helper and some veggies and ranch dip
six-of-ravens · 1 year
anyway an official list of things I have to do before next Thursday (tbh preferably before Monday bc I'll be tired from work):
figure out some relatively cheap and nutritious meals I can make in bulk and freeze for dinners after the expo (otherwise I will order soooo much fast food, and I'm trying to keep costs down outside of the convention center). will also need meals for work lunches/suppers for next-next week bc I won't have time/energy to grocery shop and meal prep Sunday night. I have a few ideas but I'm not sure what I Feel Like. Part of the problem is that it's snowing horribly right now so "I need a hearty stew to warm my soul" is outweighing any practical decisions.
oh also figure out snacks to take to the expo...I always bring granola bars and never eat them. maybe I can pay a visit to the bulk barn and build a trail mix with Only Things I Like (And No Fucking Peanuts)
make a schedule of the panels I want to attend (always the most exciting part)
go to the value village and track down a decently sized shoulder bag. during covid I got rid of my old, utilitarian black one bc I forgot that despite it being ugly and bulky, like 3 times a year for the expo or traveling it really came in handy.
also see if I can find a decent light jacket or sweater with deep pockets. currently I just have my coats (heavy, kinda bulky) and my jean jacket (can't wear with jeans, though, I refuse. leave that canadian tuxedo shit in 2003) so if I could find something in between that'd be nice
read the handful of manga/comics I want to finish before then
finish this book (a rather large hardcover) so I can bring a smaller, lighter paperback with me
probably a dozen other things I'm not remembering right now
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