#i am not tagging this post. bc from what ive seen people get legitimately Crazy over this ship đź’€
bloodlessdebuf · 10 months
what are your thoughts on milly/wolfwood….. do you think stampede will push it like tri98 did?
good lird. Good Lird. the thoughts and feelings are Complicated bestie đź’€ like. taking a step back and looking at it purely objectively, i think 98s milly//wood is cute genuinely. im not personally crazy abt it but i like them both as characters and i do like the moments they gave them
that being said. the absolute whiplash it gave me EVEN W THE ADDED BONDING MOMENTS when it just cut to THEM IN BED. i genuinely cannot overstate it i have had comphet shoved in my face in media for all my 23 years of being alive and it still made my fucking jaw DROP!!!! it genuinely just came completely out of nowhere. and that feeling of it having little foundation only got stronger when i read trimax and they had even less interaction
like. i truly do like both of them i think its a cute ship genuinely. but the way 98 handled it made me so fucking mad fr esp bc like. they handled vashmeryl REALLY WELL imo so like...... girlies what happened... 🫢
as for stampede. i personally dont see them pushing any relationships to be completely on god. like obv we can all hold hands together and talk abt how vash and wolfwood are gonna fuck s2ep1 like intro scene but realistically i cant see it either. at least not overtly. the way theyre constructing the show is very much so focusing more on the severity of the twins polarizing black/white moralities with humans stepping in to provide the more gray perspectives in between, mainly w meryl and wolfwood. so i think season 2s set up for some very interesting character interactions, esp w the introduction of milly confirmed which i am. so excited for
the characters all still have a lot of growing to do as well. i cannot see stampede wolfwood, as closed off and hissy cat he is whenever someone sees past his front, entering an actual serious relationship w anyone. now obv theres a timeskip so maybe season 2s wolfwood will have settled into himself a bit more and act a bit more like the wolfwood were all used to but even then. id be really surprised to see them pushing any romantically charged relationship, esp between wolfwood and a character being introduced this season
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scottspack · 4 years
Over a week ago @progmetallesbian created the “Top Ten Niche Interests” tag game and tagged me in it and ive been meaning to do it ever since!!! My lovely wife @got2ghost tagged me in it again today so it’s finally happening:
As a preface, ive seen a lot of these from other people and you all have wonderful, very niche interests (ex: amy & chi) and it made me feel like a lame normie when i started thinking about my interests bc apparently im not into anything THAT niche, so these are the things that to me are personally niche and to everyone else are probably just normal things
1. TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR FC: there’s a long unimportant story to how my dad and i became spurs fans but the fact of the matter is that we’ve been following spurs soccer for three years now and it’s an interest i literally ONLY get to talk about with my dad because i have about two (2) friends who are interested in soccer and zero (0) of them watch the EPL. it’s hilarious to me that what is probably my personally most niche interest is the one that is shared by the vast majority of the world. such is the life of being a soccer fan in america :(
2. THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN TRILOGY: this is an old niche and another one that isnt that niche at all but one i feel compelled to include because when i tell you that i was obsessed with this trilogy in elementary school, obsessed is not nearly a strong enough word. i watched all three movies so often that i broke about 2 sets of dvds per movie. i know every possible piece of trivia about these movies. i had every piece of merch from claire’s and hot topic that it was possible to own. my friend and i read about 500 different books on pirates. we called orlando bloom “orly”. i could go on. potc was probably the only thing ive ever been legitimately “hyper-fixated” on and i will defend all three of those movies until i die!!!! if you’ve ever said “i liked the second two but i just couldnt follow the plot” please let me know and i will be happy to explain it to you in excruciating detail!
3. SOLO THRU-HIKE BLOG POSTS: this one i feel can actually count as niche! i fucking love reading blog posts from professional hikers who do crazy long solo thru-hikes. the lewis and clark trail, the appalachian trail, and the te araroa trail in new zealand are some of my favorite to read posts about, but ill read about any solo thru-hikes because i think its fucking bonkers and interesting and complex and inspiring and i hope to never ever do one in my entire life!
4. R/PARANORMAL: i have no reddit experience, i dont have an account, and i never want to actively engage in the reddit community. BUT. i fucking love ghosts and the paranormal so r/paranormal is a treasure trove for fun ghost stories and i read it pretty regularly! a lot of them are silly as youd expect but every now and then there are some really good ones that scare the shit out of me
5. HISTORICAL DRESS YOUTUBERS: it started with bernadette banner and once i had watched pretty much every single video she ever made, i started watching her friend’s channels, and then their friend’s channels. i have no interest in ever dressing historically, i dont really care about fashion, and i will never make my own clothes, but goddamn it if it isnt extremely fun and interesting to watch how passionate these ladies are about their specific niche time period of historical clothing! the talent! the history! its amazing! 
6. INSTAGRAM PINUP MODELS: i honestly cant remember how i stumbled into this world but there is an entire community of classic “pinup” models on instagram who have the most beautiful and creative looks ive ever seen and i now follow like 15 of them and am obsessed with watching them do their hair and makeup 
7. THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO (2002): this is the greatest film adaption of a book, the greatest period piece, and the greatest piece of cinema ever created by human kind. im not interested in debating, i just know that im right.
8. ENDLESS OCEAN: endless ocean was a game i owned on the wii as a preteen that i played for like a year and has been living in my head rent free ever since. you play as a scuba diver in the great barrier reef and all you do is go diving and catalog fish for your conservation team. thats it. that’s the entire game. and playing it was the happiest ive ever been in my life!
9. BANDS FC: there’s a guy on twitter who combines bands and soccer clubs to create new logos. ive been following him forever and its one of my favorite things on the internet!!! he puts a ton of time and research into his designs and they’re all so good. fun fact, he’s also a gay ally and once went to battle against british footie homophobes! a true king!
10. CHRISTIAN MYTHOLOGY: idk if it counts as niche if i blog about it on the regular but i have a deep deep love for the aesthetics, stories, and legacies of christianity. i grew up non-denominational christian but have always been (prepare for cringe) a spiritual person, so i have a huge appreciation for all religions! but obviously christianity is fairly ubiquitous in america and the only religion i have any claim to, so it’s a big interest of mine to explore christian mythology and the ways it’s shaped human history
im going to tag @wolfbuddy @eremji @curlytemple and @significationary if yall are interested!
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