#i am not 'erasing' shit bi women can date men jfc
sapphic-saionji · 1 year
I get mad about this on the regular I know and I've gotten hate mail over this subject before but the amount of insane hate togafuka as a pairing gets is honestly disgusting. Like, way too far by all and any means. The togafuka community is small and mainly consists of cute domestic posts about them living together in a healthy and loving relationship (mind you, these are two consenting adults who are not biologically related to each other), and people will scream to the heavens how it's disgusting because it would THEORETICALLY be abusive/toxic in canon and like... ok, where's the abuse content? Where's the hundreds of thousands of togafuka shippers who are making abuse fetish content then, if we're theoretically fetishizing abuse that ISN'T EVEN CANON, because they are not in a relationship and never have been?
Trying to say that two characters would have an abusive relationship when you don't know HOW they would behave in a relationship, because they have never canonically dated ANYONE, is atrocious logic. I could say ANY ship was abusive because NO Danganronpa pairing has ever been canonized. I could call Gundham and Sonia an abusive relationship. I could call Makoto and Kyoko an abusive relationship, because I personally believe that if they were in a relationship, it would be abusive, but I don't, because that is fucking insane people behavior. I have no idea what they would be like together!! The only thing I would have to base this off of is fan content, which depicts these couples in happy and loving relationships, JUST LIKE THE TOGAFUKA FANDOM DOES!!
The hate that that pairing gets also goes way too far entirely. I remember how uninhabitable instagram was for a while (possibly even to this day, I'm not sure as I don't much use it anymore) because the togafuka tag was spammed with so much irl gore and selfharm, and even posts that weren't gore and sh were just people talking about how much they fucking hated togafuka and how gross and abusive it was. The only hatemail I have ever gotten on this blog in my entire life, in almost a decade on this site, has been about togafuka. Just stop and think about how fucking batshit insane it is to direct this much hate and vitriol towards someone for being a fan of two non-related adults in a healthy, consenting relationship.
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