#i also read a toooon of fire emblem three houses fic
unfriendlyamazon · 1 month
Gimme a 7 and a 9 for the ask game (ygo of course)
7. Is there a piece of clothing you think [character] is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?
this is a tough one! there's a few characters that i probably stick with a main look or a few articles of clothing that are distinctive to them, and i'm always on my seto kaiba hoodie agenda, but i actually think the best answer is joey wheeler's jean jacket. in my head he's had this jacket for years and years. it is ripped in some places, the sleeves are fraying, it stinks of cigarettes even after he quits smoking, and he hand washes it so it doesn't lose that nostalgic scent (not at all based on someone i knew). it's a comfort item to him that he loves dearly.
9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
this one is also hard because i love so many fics!!! and scrolling through my bookmarks reminded me of more that i love!!! there is a fic that i think has inspired my writing of kaijou more than any other, and i reread it constantly, and i have no idea if the author is even still writing, but if you are a kaijou fan you have to read "The Structure of Your Heart" by Chiharu. it is beautifully constructed and shows the progression of their relationship through stunningly domestic scenes. it captures seto's loneliness, his lack of experience with intimacy, and some beautiful moments that showcase jounouchi's own anxieties about himself and his relationships.
i am going to cheat a little and say if you are looking for a non-romantic fic "A Fresh Spring Green" by FloaromaMeadow studies Noah returning to the Kaiba home in an android body. it is crushingly sad in places and showcases (without being explicit) how gozaburo's abuse affected noah as well, and how he and seto are able to bond. lots of kaiba sib antics that explores the dynamic of three kaiba brothers i can only hope to touch on one day.
and one more since i'm hopping on the ryou train is "comb of iron and ashpodel (so bright and brazen)" by twelvemagpies which explores ryou's mental health problems, his disconnection with reality, his ghost sight, and is heartshipping which i adore but can never seem to write myself.
so i cheated a lot but i want to give poeple ~options~ and i do want to highlight some ones people might've missed. if you read them and like them give some love to the authors!!
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