todandb · 3 years
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“I can not wait to give birth!” A line we don’t hear often enough. But it is possible to feel like this (you wouldn’t believe the amount of people who have rolled their eyes at me when I say that😅). During pregnancy is one of the most common times you are sure to be told everyone else’s birth story and you’ll probably want to tell your own after your baby is here. That is completely normal and everyone’s story deserves to be heard... But☝🏼hearing negative stories can impact how you think and feel about your own upcoming birth. It can cause a sort of mental block what won’t let you succumb to the power of labour and birth. Reading/watching/listening to negative stories is something I strongly recommend you stop. Right now 🚫 Surround yourself with positive birth stories, books, information and people. Learn how your body works and get prepared and excited to meet your baby. Do your own research and put as much time into preparing for this big day as you would any other major life event. Too much time is spent worrying about things like prams and packing your hospital bag - the birth of your baby is not just one day, it will stay with you forever and all you need to have your baby is yourself 💪🏼 🤍 (and you can get the likes of Siobhán from @ulluvdotcom to worry about getting your bag ready😁). I’d love to hear in the comments where you look to feel positive about pregnancy, labour and birth ⬇️ 📸 : @milkandhannah #todandb #todeliveryandbeyond #midwife #pregnant #pregnancy #pregnant2020 #due2020 #due2021 #labour #labor #laboranddelivery #birth #postpartum #newborn #newmum #mumtobe #hyonobirth #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthclasses #antenatal #antenatalclass #labourtips #pregnancytips (at London, Unιted Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH5zSpwHvFq/?igshid=1pomkv77bjs5c
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