#hyg: masterlists
hyggetwt-blog · 7 years
Labels Masterlist
This is a list of character titles that might help you develop your character and pinpoint what they’re all about. It’s been alphabetised and categorised based on lifestyle, careers, mannerisms, hobbies, etc. Credits to nph of rph
Based on lifestyle:
the Academic
the Adventurer
the All-American Boy
the Ambitious
the Anarchist
the Anchorite
the Artful Dodger
the Avant-Garde
the Backpacker
the Badass Bookworm
the Basement-Dweller
the Beach Bum
the Beatnik
the Bedridden
the Blue Blood
the Bohemian
the Bourgeois Bohemian
the Charity Case
the City Mouse
the Conspiracy Theorist
the Country Mouse
the Cultured Badass
the Daredevil
the Deadbeat
the Devout
the Drifter
the Earth Mother
the English Rose
the Farm Boy
the Fish out of Water
the Flower Child
the Fratbro
the Glory Seeker
the Gold Digger
the Granola Girl
the Greaser Delinquent
the Halcyon
the Health Nut
the Hermit
the High Queen
the Highbrow
the Hippie
the Hipster
the Homeschool Kid
the Idle Rich
the Indigent
the It Girl
the Knight Errant
the Lady of Adventure
the Lady of War
the Lifelong Learner
the Lonely Rich Kid
the Lost
the Mafia Princess
the Miscreant
the Mock Millionaire
the Mooch
the Mountain Man
the Munchausen
the New-Age Retro Hippie
the Night Owl
the Nomad
the Opportunist
the Outdoorsy Gal
the Pariah
the Party Fanatic
the Prima Donna
the Princess Classic
the Profligate
the Prom Queen
the Quincy Punk
the Rebellious
the Rebel Prince
the Recluse
the Rich Bitch
the Risk Taker
the Royal Brat
the Satisfied Street Rat
the Sea Dog
the Seeker
the Sheltered Aristocrat
the Socialite
the Southern Belle
the Spiritualist
the Spoiled Brat
the Spoiled Sweet
the Straight-A Student
the Thrill Seeker
the Trailblazer
the Traveler
the Upper-Class Twit
the Uptown Girl
the Vagrant
the Wanderer
the Workaholic
the Young Gun
Based on careers/occupations:
the Absent-Minded Professor
the Alchemist
the Amateur Sleuth
the Author
the Back Alley Doctor
the Barnum
the Bungling Inventor
the By-the-Book Cop
the Chef
the Conservationist
the Cowboy
the Deep Cover Agent
the Farmer
the Filmmaker
the Firefighter
the Good Doctor
the Grease Monkey
the High School Hustler
the Inventor
the Intrepid Reporter
the Journalist
the Librarian
the Park Ranger
the Phony Psychic
the Photographer
the Politician
the Private Investigator
the Scholar
the Shopkeeper
the Soldier
the Starving Artist
the Street Performer
the Stoner
the Trucker
the Veteran
the White-Collar Criminal
Based on hobbies/interests:
the Aesthete
the Artist
the Astrophile
the Avid Reader
the Badass Biker
the Band Geek
the Bibliophile
the Biker Babe
the Blogger
the Bookworm
the Botanist
the Camera Fiend
the Camper
the Collector of the Strange
the Dancer
the Epistemophile
the Fashionista
the Gambler
the Gamer Chick
the Gardener
the Gearhead
the Gym Rat
the Gymnast
the History Buff
the Hunter
the Jock
the Logophile
the Mad Artist
the Metalhead
the Music Lover
the Nature Lover
the Passionate Sports Girl
the Pianist
the Poet
the Rock-n-Roller
the Sci-Fi Geek
the Sculptor
the Skater
the Surfer Dude
the Thespian
the Woodworker
the Writer
Based on skills:
the Animal Whisperer
the Athlete
the Beautiful Mind
the Bibliognost
the Card Sharp
the Comedian
the Con Artist
the Diplomat
the Empathic Healer
the Engineer
the Friend in the Black Market
the Gentleman Thief
the Green Thumb
the Gunslinger
the Handy Man
the Little Miss Con Artist
the Mathemetician
the Mechanic
the Playful Hacker
the Prankster
the Puppetmaster
the Renaissance Man
the Schemer
the Stuntman
the Techno Wizard
the Tinkerer
the True Craftsman
the Virtuoso
the Wordsmith
Based on history:
the Action Survivor
the Asshole Victim
the Bluebeard
the Broken Bird
the Circus Brat
the Clean Slate
the College Widow
the Defector from Decadence
the Fallen Princess
the Former Child Star
the Former Teen Rebel
the Foster Kid
the Good Girl Gone Bad
the Jaded Washout
the Lawman Gone Bad
the Military Brat
the Nouveau Riche
the Old Money
the Pollyanna
the Recovered Addict
the Reformed Criminal
the Retired Badass
the Runaway
the Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up
the Screw-Up
the Self-Made Man
the Sellout
the Shell-Shocked Veteran
the Tenderfoot
the White-Dwarf Starlet
Based on mannerisms:
the Agent Mulder
the Agent Scully
the Alpha Bitch
the Barbaric Bully
the Baroness
the Bitch in Sheep’s Clothing
the Boisterous Bruiser
the Boisterous Weakling
the Bully
the Casanova
the Charmer
the Choleric
the Class Clown
the Cloudcuckoolander
the Coquette
the Cunning
the Curmudgeon
the Dandy
the Dark Horse
the Delinquent
the Dilettante
the Diva
the Docile
the Don Juan
the Donnish
the Drama Queen
the Dreamer
the Eeyore
the Emo
the Erudite Stoner
the Exuberant
the Fair Weather Friend
the Fickle
the Firecracker
the Fragile Flower
the Free Spirit
the Gadabout
the Galvanizer
the Gentle Giant
the Gentleman
the Girly Girl
the Golden Boy
the Golden Girl
the Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
the Handsome Devil
the Handsome Lech
the Headstrong
the Heartbreaker
the Hopeless Romantic
the Hot Mess
the Hoyden
the Ice Queen
the Individualist
the Ingenue
the Insufferable Genius
the Jerk With a Heart of Gold
the Kid at Heart
the Lady in Red
the Larrikin
the Leader Wannabe
the Life of the Party
the Lonely Doll Girl
the Loose Cannon
the Lovable Nerd
the Lovable Rogue
the Lover of Love
the Man Child
the Melancholic
the Minx
the Modest
the Morose
the Naive Everygirl
the Neat Freak
the Observer
the Oddball
the One Behind a Wall
the Ophelia
the Overachiever
the Pedant
the People Pleaser
the Performer
the Perky Goth
the Phlegmatic
the Plucky Girl
the Poser
the Pragmatic
the Prince Charming Wannabe
the Princely Young Man
the Proper Lady
the Prudent
the Quiet One
the Rebellious Spirit
the Ridiculously Average Guy
the Saccharine
the Sanguine
the Selfless
the Showboater
the Shrinking Violet
the Small Name, Big Ego
the Snarker
the Snoop
the So-Called Special Snowflake
the Sophisticate
the Spirited Young Lady
the Spitfire
the Stable One
the Still Waters Running Deep
the Subdued
the Sweetheart
the Tall, Dark, and Snarky
the Tomboy
the Troublemaker
the Underdog
the Uninhibited
the Unreadable
the Vain Sorceress
the Valley Girl
the Vixen
the Wallflower
the Wild Card
the Wise Guy
the Wise Prince
Based on morals/philosophy:
the Activist
the All-Loving Hero
the Altruist
the Always Neutral
the Backstabber
the Bruiser with a Soft Center
the Conscientious
the Cynic
the Defeatist
the Desperado
the Dogmatic
the Double-Crosser
the Fatalist
the Femme Fatale
the Fettered
the Gadfly
the Hedonist
the Heroic Wannabe
the Idealist
the Incorruptible
the Loyalist
the Ne'er-Do-Well
the Nihilist
the Optimist
the Pessimist
the Philosopher
the Power Hungry
the Quixotic
the Renegade
the Reluctant Monster
the Smug Snake
the Solipsist
the Technical Pacifist
the Vamp
the Vigilante
the Wide-Eyed Idealist
the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Based on flaws:
the Agonist
the Airhead
the Attention Craver
the Blabbermouth
the Bureaucrat
the Brilliant But Lazy
the Casanova Wannabe
the Center of Their Own Universe
the Consummate Liar
the Control Freak
the Cowardly Lion
the Destroyer
the Dirty Coward
the Ditherer
the Ditz
the Egomaniac
the Extreme Doormat
the Fighting Narcissist
the Flake
the Fool
the Glutton
the Gossiper
the Grumpy Bear
the Hair-Trigger Temper
the Heartless
the Hero Complex
the Hothead
the Instigator
the Lost Cause
the Master of Delusion
the Materialist
the Miles Gloriosus
the Miser
the Narcissist
the Paranoid
the Perfectionist
the Person of Mass Destruction
the Petty One
the Prince Charmless
the Pushover
the Reckless
the Self-Destructive
the Self-Righteous
the Slacker
the Sloth
the Snob
the Tempest
the Unlucky Everydude
the Wastrel
Based on strengths:
the Action Girl
the Artisan
the Badass Adorable
the Beauty
the Charmer
the Child Prodigy
the Cool Old Guy
the Cool Old Lady
the Courageous
the Creative
the Dauntless
the Determinator
the Doyenne
the Fearless
the Giver
the Helping Hand
the Industrious
the Intellectual
the Iron Lady
the Leader
the Little Miss Badass
the Loyal One
the Muscle
the Nurturer
the Passionate
the Peacemaker
the Perceiver
the Philanthropist
the Pioneer
the Polymath
the Quick Learner
the Ray of Sunshine
the Sage
the Savant
the Smart Guy
the Steadfast
the Strategist
the Visionary
Based on relationships:
the Allocentric
the Aloner
the Aloof Ally
the Apprentice
the Big Man on Campus
the Black Sheep
the Companion
the Daddy’s Girl
the Dogged Nice Guy
the Dutiful Son
the Fangirl
the Farmer’s Daughter
the Father Figure
the Follower
the Girl Next Door
the Lone Wolf
the Lonely
the Mama Bear
the Mentor
the Momma’s Boy
the Mysterious Stranger
the Networker
the Nosy Neighbor
the Papa Wolf
the Patriarch
the People Pleaser
the Player
the Protector
the Serial Juliet
the Serial Romeo
the Sidekick
the Smitten
the Social Butterfly
the Stage Mom
the Stool Pigeon
the Sycophant
the Tagalong Kid
the Team Mom
the Teacher’s Pet
the Teen Parent
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
Say It - Blurb
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(hello bbs, this is my final part of say it (maybe UGH IDK) its just a quick blurb bc someone said they wanted to know what happened with josh SO HYG <3 also this gif is what i think his face looked like when he opened his door and saw u OK BYEEE)
Word Count: 1,031
Shutting that bathroom door was the second hardest thing you’ve ever had to do. The look on Roger’s face when you walked out would be engraved in your mind for the rest of your life. The way is eyes were screaming at you to stay. He looked like a sad little boy and all you wanted to do was comfort him, but you didn't. You left.
You wipe the tears from your face and take in a deep breath. You needed to leave. You rushed to the living room and looked everywhere for Josh. You spot him talking to John. You walk up to him and grab his arm, causing him to look at you. John notices your red, puffy eyes and stands up straight.
“Y/n, you alright?” he asks, worried.
You look to him and try to give your best fake smile.
“Oh, I’m fine.” you say waving your hand. “I’m just tired. Are you ready to go?” you ask, looking to Josh. He looks to John then back to you.
“So soon?” he asks. You look to the hallway where Roger would be walking out at any second.
“Yes! I’m just exhausted.” It wasn’t a lie. You were exhausted. Being around Roger makes you exhausted. Josh nods and sits his drink down. He looks to John and shakes his hand, saying goodbye. You quickly hug him and find the others to say goodbye to. Mary noticed a look in your eyes and was worried, while Fred tried his best to make you stay. But this time you said no. You all say goodbye as you rush to Josh’s car outside.
Thunder was rolling in the distance when rain started spitting down. You cover your head with your purse and quickly slip into the car. Josh enters next to you and starts it. He looks over to you and stares for a moment before driving. You stare out the window and watch as the sky begins to cry. Almost as if it’s mimicking your tears. Josh reaches over and places his hand on your knee. You jump and look to him. You sadly smile and place your hand over his. You both drive in complete silence until you’re finally home.
You get out and hurry to your front door, trying to avoid the rain. He unlocks the door and you rush inside and kick off your shoes. You look around and frown. Suddenly this place didn’t feel like home. As if it was missing something. Josh watches you and leans down to kiss your head, lingering for a moment. You close your eyes and lean into him. He rubs your arm and walks away as you watch him. You take in a deep breath and take a step forward.
“Say it,” you whisper.
Josh pauses and turns around, confused.
“Say what?” he asks, furrowing his brows. He notices tears running down your face and suddenly gets worried. 
“Y/n, what’s wro-”
“Say it.” you quickly say again. “Say you love me. I need to hear you say it.” you whisper.
He freezes and just stares at you.
“Say it.” you whisper again. He shakes his head.
“I can’t.”
You walk forward.
“Why not?” you ask. He walks forward and gently wipes a few tears away. You lean into his hand as he sadly smiles at you.
“Because I know you won’t say it back.” he whispers. More tears pool in your eyes as you realize you had just broken his heart.
“I’m so sorry.” you say, turning your head and kissing his palm. He nods his head.
“Me too.”
And with that you reach up and kiss his cheek. You turn to grab your purse and rush out of the front door, but not before turning back to look at Josh one last time. He smiles at you and nods his head, telling you it’s okay to go. You smile back and shut the door. You begin running. You needed to hail a cab, but there wasn’t one in sight. The rain is pouring down hard, soaking every inch of you. You squint your eyes trying to see where you’re going. You don’t stop running. You need to get to him.
Suddenly you see headlights up ahead and freeze. You take a few more steps and realize that it’s a cab. You jump up and down and wave your arms like a crazy woman. The cab slowly pulls up to you and you jump in. You give the man the address and attempt to slow your breathing. You stare out the window and nervously bounce your leg. You had no idea what you were going to say when you see him. What if he didn’t want you anymore? What if he’s angry that you walked out again? What if he slams the door in your face? You shake your head and try to rid of those thoughts. That’s not Roger. He wouldn’t do that. You look back out and realize you’ve suddenly stopped. You’re in front of his building.
You quickly pay the man and jump out. You get drenched again while running into the building. You sprint to get to his door and stop when you’re in front of it. What if he wasn't at home? What if he was still at Fred’s? Or even worse, what if there’s a girl in there? You would be so embarrassed. You close your eyes and take in a deep breath. You lift your hand and hover it over the door. You count to three and hit it.
You freeze for a moment and don’t hear anything. Your heart sinks at the sudden realization that he might not be here. You have to try again.
You hit the door hard and fast and wait. What’s that? You hear movement! You take a step back and smile. He was home! Suddenly the locks on the door unlock and you hold your breath. The door slowly opens and Roger’s face appears. He freezes and looks you up and down. He looks so confused.
“Y/n?” he asks. You feel yourself shiver when you finally speak.
“Say it.”
Tag List: @basics-andthesimplelife @im-a-mazzellhoe @wanderlustandsmut @seven-seas-of-hi @ramimalekrp-roleplayerpage @queen-darlin @ask-dom-brian-may70
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