#hws eutria
anyway The Horse and the Infant still gives me major feels over Troy being Rome's dad. And I've come to the conclusion that Mycenae showed up in Italy at some point after hearing Troy had fled there. He arrives, finds out Troy is dead, but had a son. Now for whatever reason, Mycenae assumes Rome to be older, somewhere between 12-17, I haven't decided what brought him to that conclusion exactly but...
instead, he shows up with the intention to kill The Son of Troy. He gets near Rome, and realizes from his hiding spot watching, Troy's son is only about 2 years old. He proceeds to have the 'hold on, hold on, am I really going to kill a toddler??' moment, and even debates grabbing the kid and raising him himself, bc he won't know then and then I can avoid this whole thing and not have to kill a baby.
(The Prophetic Vision btw was of Rome taking over Greece)
He looses the chance to do anything when Eutria turns away from whatever she was doing picks Rome up and walks away; Mycenae is like "well! Guess that means I shouldn't do it, oh well, so sad, maybe I'll come back when he's older" and then hops back to Greece with a "yeah, yeah this kid is never going to hear about his dads grudge and how I'm technically responsible for his death. Yeah it'll be fine"
....it will not be fine.
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