#hwn: an obscure time
yedamhwn · 2 years
there’s something about the night sky,  and breeze,  in hwando that felt otherworldly.  yedam’s traveled around often (for go competitions),  and still nothing compared.  nothing could come close. 
in the same breath,  something eerie wrapped itself around hwando,  too.  a stillness that felt out of place as large,  monstrous trees rustled through the cold wind.  the darkness was too dark as it enveloped the sky - the shake of trees that sounded like a dire warning,  the flickering of a light bulb that looked like an omen.  his shift ended twenty minutes ago,  and yedam began the nightly trek back to the sharehouse.  
this time he’s dragged sydney along for the ride,  along with the prospect of walking her back to her place.  the duo had killed time during work with drinking,  eating,  and getting high.  in retrospect,  it felt like prep to head back home in the dead of night.  an arm is draped across syd’s shoulder,  keeping the fellow hwando student close by as he held a bag of chips with his free hand.  yedam plucks an onion soup flavored chip,  dropping it into his mouth as his eyes carefully shifted through the dark.
everything felt a little larger than life with the ingredients coursing through his veins - keeping his head both dizzy and hazy at once.  but gang yedam swears on his broomstick that he hears something crinkle in the trees and hedges to the right of them.  he towers over syd’s figure and twists his head,  slowing down their movement.
“shit,  syd.” he mutters,  in a poor attempt to whisper.  it doesn’t help the fact yedam can feel himself start to sway a bit,  either.
“did you fucking hear that?”
for: @hwnsydney
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hwnsydney · 2 years
     “i’m scared.” she’s not. sydney needed to lay eyes on an obscurus like she needed an itch scratched. the fact that it’s a scarce phenomenon in this day and age—that it’s more common to see a thestral (and she has, her first year at hogwarts, courtesy of agnes gibbons; the sweet elderly at st mungo’s that smelt of vanilla and sandalwood and till her dying breath, refused to let go of her hand) than an obscurus alive—sydney needed to see it yesterday.
     what about the curfew? what about it? she’s heading home, isn’t she? give or take a couple of wrong turns.
                                                                                                  see, she’s just that forgetful.
     “let’s go here,” in her voice, breath quickened by the slow mount of adrenaline that comes with being out on empty streets in the dark of night, there’s a notable twinge of zeal, coupled with an undeniable tremor of trepidation and unease. she needs to see it—and yet, and yet, a good half of her is utterly daunted. that’s being human, after all, chasing something that both frightens and excites you.
                                                              otherwise, she wouldn’t have begged for company.
     “cmon!” her grip tightens on their hand, tugging them down the unlit alleyway. “this is a way faster route to my place.” she throws in, well intended on keeping up with the pretenses. by now though, sydney isn’t all too sure if her facade is any bit believable. 
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
* // &. company
a closed starter for         ━☆:・゚✧*:・゚✧      ꒰     #    @tobiashwn​     ꒱
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it would be a lie for chaerin to say that she wasn’t shaken up about the news of the explosion. she didn’t care so much about the island wide curfew or rumored cancellation of the school festival. both precautions were understandable enough that she would never voice complaint against their concern for the island’s safety. however, the potential that a dangerous threat was lurking about the streets was enough to keep chaerin up at night. after living in the states for so long, almost entirely detached from the magical aspects of her life, she couldn’t deny that she was ill prepared to protect her family if anything were to happen. 
in addition to those worries, her aging mother was now working overtime to assist the sudden influx of patients at the medical center. each night, chaerin watched as her mother dragged herself back to her room, exhausted by the long work day. all she could do was ensure that a plate of warm food was ready for her arrival as she struggled to bite her tongue, holding back words of selfish desire. 
despite her silence, it was as if her mother could read her mind. without fail, she gently placed her hand onto chaerin’s cheek, offering a smile just as tender as her touch. “thank you for staying safe, my precious star.” and each time, chaerin fought against her tears with a small smile.
and now she stood before the house tobias moon, the neighbor she’d spent so many mornings running away from. she knew how important her safety was to her parents, just as theirs was important to her. the least she could do was offer them a peace of mind knowing that when she was away from the house, she was safe with a wizard much more capable than herself in the event that another random catastrophe were to occur.
“good morning tobias.” she forced the greeting out from the back of the throat, feeling the warm gaze of her father watching and waiting to send the two off as he usually did. “you took longer than usual to get ready today, it seems. now that you’re here, let’s get on our merry way!” chaerin  did her best to remain calm, casual, and collected. she desperately wanted to get to campus and away from the other as soon as she possibly could, but there was no way for her to directly state this without tainting her image as her father’s sweet child. 
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tobiashwn · 2 years
that was obscure shopping with @hwnahri​
things were definitely not going to plan. in fact, it seemed as if nothing was going to plan as of late for toby. suddenly because of curfew, use of the quidditch field for practice is being minimized. curfew means no one should be out and about but the presence of the obscurus has his father and the matriarch riding his ass about finding it and capturing it as soon as possible. on top of all the assignments he still had to get done (not that he was struggling, it was really more just an inconvenience at that point). 
out of everything, he just wanted to get one good game in. just one. 
and of all times, why did the obscurus have to show up now? couldn’t it have come during finals or something? tobias was sure more people would have appreciated its appearance then. if there was anything people could appreciate about an obscurus…
either way, he supposes buying some new quidditch gear from the local shop at city center should suffice. if there was anything that could lift his mood, it was doing something that he enjoyed, made him look good, and involved quidditch. even better, he doesn’t have to do it alone so there’s someone he can talk to, to keep himself distracted and occupied with.
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“man, it’s really too bad. it would’ve been nice to check out the shop inventories back in london but i guess sticking locally will do. let’s plan to go next time yeah?” tobias asks out loud as he sticks his hands into his pockets nonchalantly, scrunching his nose before smiling to shake off his bit of dissatisfaction.
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tobiashwn · 2 years
one for the team chatting with @yedamhwn​​
there’s an unusual amount of energy buzzing through tobias. he’s itching to get on the field as soon as possible to start training. playing. working. 
there’s plenty that the team needs to get caught up on again after the long summer break. especially getting them all on the same page again. the team synergy always needed some refreshing before any official matches of the season and toby liked having everything in place early on. 
he also found that with their current teammates, it was what was needed with all their own personalities and skills. with the annual school festival being cancelled, he thought the quidditch teams would still be able to hold tryouts at the very least. however, that option seemed to be hanging on a thread with how much restriction the institute was beginning to put out on campus locations with curfew. 
at worst, they wouldn’t be able to hold tryouts at all for substitutes or fresh talent and that was what had him grinding his teeth every day when it came to something important to him. 
as tobias makes his way through campus grounds with these concerns, that’s when he spots yedam from afar talking to another classmate, he assumes. immediately, he makes a beeline towards the younger jujak. 
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“yedam!” tobias shouts ahead to alert his co-captain of his presence. “got a moment? have all the mates gotten the schedule for training? we’ve got timeslots for the pitch through the weekend and into next week.”
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tobiashwn · 2 years
seeking trouble ( open starter ) location ; daltokk co.
it had only been about a week since the obscurus’ appearance. but within that week, things had seemed to change drastically amongst the city. shops were boarded up. there were barely any people in the streets, and if any, most were seen traveling in pairs or groups if they could manage.
few shops where open and tobias had to be honest, he was quite surprised to see that daltokk co. was one of them, seemingly running their normal hours even. when he had inquired the owner about it, they simply mentioned something about money not growing on trees before returning to the backroom. 
either way, tobias supposed that meant there was somewhere he could stake out if needed. although in all honesty, no one was truly safe with the obscurus loose. despite the organization and law enforcement going around and investigating, it wasn’t like they could guarantee everyone’s safety or which building would be destroyed next or not.
he’s aimlessly sifting through a box of records when an alarm suddenly goes off though. a loud blarding from somewhere outside near the shop. immediately, tobias can hear the screams of people as they begin running anywhere they can find shelter, some pouring throught the front doors of the shop as the owner rushes back out to get ready to secure it’s lock.
in turn, tobias rushes straight for the entrance as well, keen on getting out of the shop as he begins pushing through the group of people flooding through. 
all noise and shouts fly over his head, going against the crowd before he feels a hand grab his arm and try to pull him back inside with the rest of the people.
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