#hunger games ilysm šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ tbasos is always going my favorite
queenpiranhadon Ā· 6 months
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A/N: Enjoy Day 2 of the Twelve Days of Christmas Oneshots! You can find the master list for all the one shots here
Warning(s): This is a modern AU, Coriolanus and Lucy Gray are dating, the Covey is referred to as a legitimate family, before any of you start complaining, note that Barb Azure is canonically apart of the LGBTQ+ community. I'm sorry - the Covey are hard to personify other than Lucy Gray and Maude Ivory :'). I tried my best with the other three.
Pairing(s): Coriolanus Snow x Lucy Gray Baird
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Coriolanus fidgets nervously as he enters the daunting and spacious shopping mall he entered. Today he was going to be spending Christmas Eve with his girlfriend and her family for the first time, and Tigris said it would be a good idea to get them all gifts. Obviously he met the rest of the Covey household, but something as serious as Christmas Eve required certain preparations. Ā 
He looked at his list scanning his eyes over the list of people he needed to get gifts for. Ā 
Gift List:Ā  - Lucy GrayĀ  - Maude IvoryĀ  - Barb AzureĀ  - Tam AmberĀ  - Clerk CarmineĀ 
Coriolanus deadpans. He had a long way to go.Ā 
Walking from store to store, he finally finds a store that he thinks Lucy Gray will like something from ā€“ deciding to start from the top of the list. Alas, nothing was in the store, none of the bright ornaments and baubles seemed to be of anything the colorful girl would like. Ā 
Sighing, he moves on, before a paperweight glass piano studded with sparkling pearls catches his eye. The blond man smiles, knowing the charismatic ivory loving girl would be ecstatic over the small thing. Ā 
Eyes trailing back to Lucy Grayā€™s name, he sees a guitar store across the mall, just on the other side of the hallway, making his way inside.Ā 
But again, there was nothing that seemed to be worthy of Lucy Grayā€™s attention. But, on the rack, Coriolanus saw a bass pick with the pride flag on it, picking it up, knowing Barb Azure would accept it happily. As shy as the woman seemed, Coriolanus knew she was coming out of her shell more often, talking about the girl she was seeing with a small grin on her face.Ā 
As one can expect, he didnā€™t have much luck in the other stores, in pursuit of a gift for his lover. In a hat store, he found a feathered and classy hat for Tam Amber, as well as a quality (but expensive) pack of rosin and a tuner for Clerk Carmineā€™s fiddle, but to no avail did he find anything for the woman that stole his heart.Ā 
Heart sinking, anxiety squeezed his heart, what Snow, no- what boyfriend couldnā€™t find a gift for his own girlfriend?! Ā 
Seeing a jewelry shop just around the corner, he entered, deciding that if he couldnā€™t find anything in here, heā€™d just give up. Ā 
The door opened with a jingle, a woman looking up from behind the counter and smiling warmly before noticing the bags in his hands. Ā 
ā€œChristmas present shopping?ā€ she asks, tilting her head slowly.Ā 
Coriolanus scratches the back of his neck sheepishly before agreeing with the statement. ā€œYeah...ā€Ā 
ā€œCutting it a little close, are we?ā€ she chuckled, before motioning him closer. ā€œI have a fewĀ that Iā€™ve been keeping off display for customers like you.ā€Ā 
She shows him a selection of necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, and even a few watches, but his eyes settle on a pair of earrings with bejeweled dovesĀ dangling from each of them, the cool white light of the store reflecting off of them, making the gems reflect all sorts of colors.Ā 
It was poetic in a way, it reminded him of something Lucy Gray had said to him.Ā 
ā€œYou're mine and I'm yours. It's written in the stars.ā€Ā 
The stars, shining brightly in the sky, reminded him so much of her, just as the gorgeous pair of earrings did. Ā 
ā€œIā€™ll take these.ā€ he said, pointing to the dove earrings. Ā 
Two doves for his Covey love.
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