#huh...the king is dead. that's one thinf
nikatyler · 2 years
The urge to overshare about my story vs the need to stay quiet until it is perfect
So I'm just gonna scream at you a little, is that okay?
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quebracabeca · 4 years
We meet in Duat
Discord thread with @kaibacorpbros
Seto had done it a million times before. Gone out flying too late, it was a risk to his license ever time, he knew he was risking one of his greatest hobbies like that. And yet, he sill went out anyway. He'd dipped a bit too far below the horizon line while he was approaching to land after an exhilarating acrobatic flight over the sea. And it was just too late to pull out of the decent.
No, it was useless. He could take his hands off the yoke and it wouldn't make any difference. And he did, with one, in order to clasp the locket. After all those additions to it, it would be safe.
He was burned to cinders instantly.
There was the sensation of falling, panic, and impact. Time didn't quite flow the same in this in-between realm, so no one would have known how long for it to take for his cells start to reform. But they did, slowly. And once his nerves and brain had come back he felt every moment.
Eventually most of his body and flight suit had reformed. He was still missing all his limbs but his his left arm, his skin still raw, burnt, and bleeding, almost like it could fall off. He was screaming, for a long time, but eventually it died off into rasps as his throat ran dry as his flesh was forced back together.
Dammit. Dammit, dammit!
He was counting on death to finally be his end. He supposed his father owed him a 'I told you so'.
Why couldn't he just die? Why couldn't it just be over? Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop--
"Please... w-why..." he coughed, spitting blood. "M-Mokuba... Mokuba!" 
He sensed his death, his arrival from his realm. Could it really be him? It had to, the sudden shift in his mood accompanied by a new sensation... It called for him to venture out of the afterlife's safety.
The other souls noticed the sudden change, in their king's behavior. It was something important, they all could tell that much. This is why no one, tried to stop him when he walked past the palace's walls and headed towards an exit of his realm. Atem wasn't all by himself, Mahad, his trustworthy bodyguard accompanied him even though he wasn't quite sure, what the matter was about. His pharaoh hadn't spoken an word, ever since he began this walk.
In no time they found themselves out of the afterlife, and began wandering into the mysterious Duat.  The place felt like a surreal dream, were they walking on a solid ground? Or were they walking on water?
Regardless of it, the duo eventually found what had brought them here in the first place. His intuitions were right... It was him.
Atem stopped at a relatively safe distance, from the burnt and destroyed flesh... The sight shocked both souls.
Mahad took his time to look for missing pieces, of Kaiba's body. Whereas Atem, stood by and stared at the state of his former rival.
"... Kaiba..." The pharaoh spoke softly, as he approached the mangled body. 
A new voice broke the sound of his own in agony. And if he could, he would have spat and hissed at it if he had the strength, despite things having been better between the two after Kaiba had managed to get Mokuba to come home.
"You," he rasped. "Of course it's bloody you, Atem--"
Seto gets cut off as more waves of pain spread through him. "W-What the hell is this, didn't--didn't I die? Why aren't I gone?"
He was atheist, and not even spiritual. He shouldn't exist. Or be in Hell, paying for old sins. If Atem was here he knew what was likely to happen. The king would try to play savior and try to fix him somehow. That begged the question... what other spirits were here? Seto didn't want to see them.
Let me die.
"I crashed! I should be liquid right now!" 
Atem remained in silence, while still staring down at the mangled remainders of his rival. He was taking his time processing the sight, and the informations he spewed at him. It was a tragic and abrupt death... It really wasn’t how, he hoped the man would have met his death.
At least, he was glad to hear it was quick... Even though, it destroyed his body. And now, he was stuck waiting for it to reform.
“You’re right, you’re dead.” The pharaoh broke his silence in a calm tone, as he dared to get closer to the other man. “Please, try to calm down it will only make the process worse for you.” He added as he found one of Kaiba’s hands beside his foot, then proceeded to gingerly place it in it’s rightful place.
Before he could say anything else, Mahad approached him with what appeared to be a leg. “Thank you, Mahad.” Atem spoke to his priest, as he did the same thing - and placed it in the right place.
“I’ll help put you back together Kaiba, try saving your insults for when the flesh starts reconnecting.” Atem responded in a cheeky- lighthearted teasing tone, despite the morbid situation they were facing.
In theory, the priest should attempt to try and prevent his king from doing this. It would stain his garbs, and he shouldn’t interefere in the process of a soul’s judgement. But as a friend of Atem, he didn’t do anything - instead he assisted them.
He knew how much his king valued the bond he shared with the man, that invaded their palace a long time ago. 
With the two limbs the they found, the flesh started to knit itself together once they were in proximity, ripping another scream from Kaiba's lips as soon as the nerves reconnected with the rest of the system.
"Atem, Atem--" a quiet hoarse, gasping growl came from Kaiba. If his hand weren't raw and sensitive he would have tried to grab the pharaoh by the neck and choke him.
"Stop. I don't know what the hell this place is, but I don't want to be here. Don't you dare start playing savior again, I don't--"
He was fine with it all ending there, in that cockpit. Mokuba was happy, and along in his life. The younger had been in Italy last Seto heard. And he was considered a genius among his field, the work recognizable, and most of all demanded, just as how Mokuba had always deserved. Kaiba, of course had unfinished projects. New invention and game ideas, several children programs he was in the middle of setting up-- things he wished he could have finished, but ultimately weren't a pressing need.
"Don't you get it? I don't want to be here," he hisses, his eyes screwing shut as his leg reattaches. He could almost cry from the pain alone, nonetheless of the gravity of what was happening.
"Don't condemn me to live, Atem. Or I swear I'll kill you myself." 
Atem brushed off Kaiba's threats, and ignored his words at first. Despite their weight, nature and even harshness the pharaoh didn't look bothered at all by them.
The same however, couldn't be said about Mahad who didn't take them all too kindly- those words struck a chord with him. The pharaoh quickly noticed it, and simply gestured for the priest to resume his search for any other pieces of Kaiba's body.
"You're in Duat, Kaiba." Atem began, while he watched over the other's flesh recompose before his eyes. "This is Osiris' kingdom, you are in his domain... The land of the dead, a realm that exists in-between the countless afterlives." The entire time he spoke, he used a calm tone all while trying to be as clear as possible to his acquaintance.
Even in his current state, Atem is almost certain that Kaiba won't listen to him, nor believe in a single thinf he just said... But that didn't seem to hold him back with his explanation.
"I'm not here to save you, Kaiba. And I can't really revive you... But I have come for you, because I have an offer to make you." Atem added, just in time when Mahad returned with another arm and a foot.
"Come with me, to my afterlife Kaiba... After your body is back to normal and you see the light, follow me and Mahad towards it." 
"I don't want to be in any realm," Kaiba spat. Finally, his skin started to heal over, and he forced down more sounds exclamations of pain.
After all of this, everything he'd done... He was tired. Continuing on in any way, whether it be in this limbo or in this afterlife Atem spoke of... it made Seto's voice want to close up in anxiety. What about his--he wanted no chance of running into them. Seto couldn't face them. Wouldn't. It'd be a worse punishment than his body re-stitching than dying over and over again.
"And if I don't? Can I finally stop, huh?" As his limbs solidify back to him he gives them a small stretch as blood clears from his skin.
Kaiba manages to push himself into a sitting position with a grunt. He'd expect that it would take a few moments more to be able to stand. All of which, he saw no point in. Why reform his body if he was dead?
"You realm is one of the people of your time, correct? I don't think a modern person from Japan would do well there anyway. Why would you even want me there? Don't kid yourself."
‘Kaiba, don’t... You don’t know what’s about to come.’
Atem could only think on those words, while watching over the other man return to his former glory. The pharaoh is in silence, hearing to everything that he spoke to him.
His soul’s trial was bound to begin soon... He merely hoped, the other would take this as an opportunity to try adn skip it.
Mahad became noticeably disgruntled, he made small gestures to his king in order to rush him- hurry him up so they could return to their safety. Kaiba would have to face everything, by himself.
“It’s my kingdom after all, Kaiba. But you won’t find any peace, around here... You’ll most likely end up as an wandering soul if you don’t leave this place.” Atem responded, while ignoring his priest’s signals at first so he could buy them some more time. “This isn’t a place for you, Kaiba. Listen to me, and do as I said... Follow us, please.” The entire time he spoke, his eyes never left his rival’s- he was staring deeply into those deep blue eyes.
For a moment, it was all that he could do... He found himself lost, within them... This feeling wasn’t new to Atem, he hadn’t felt like this in a long time.
Their peace however, came to an abrupt end when the pharaoh’s once serene- calm gaze shifted into one of fear. “Follow us, Kaiba.” It is all that he could say, before he rushed towards the golden gate that Mahad held open for him.
A bright and warm sunlight bathed Duat’s ground, and Kaiba’s body. Unfortunately, the gates closed without giving the new soul the chance to even attempt to get up. 
Atem still didn't get it. Kaiba didn't want to find peace, wandering would suit him just fine, it would be better than reconnecting with specific souls-- but before he could say so, the two were gone.
With a hiss, Kaiba finally pushed himself to a stand. There were few times he had ever seen fear in Atem's eyes. But he brushed it off, along with the ashes on his flight suit. "So much for the invination," he scoffed. Not that he wanted it, but he didn't stand a chance to make it through that door before he shut.
Might as well start that eternity of wandering now.
But as soon as he took almost three steps, something grabbed him by the ankle, and yanked him right into the ground.
What occurred after that could only be described as dramatic irony, or some would even argue poetic justice of the highest caliber. Seto had never been so afraid in his life. Or even in his death.
It started with a mob of people with faces he couldn't make out. But they all wanted his blood. He'd managed to defend himself against a few, but quickly became overwhelmed. Blades jabbed into him, and right as he was sure it would be too much, they all seemed to drop into liquid. Almost like oil.
It grouped together, reformed, and took the shape of a beast with too many conflicting features for Seto to classify it. Something akin to a immense frakenstein of deadly features that caught him easily almost ripping off a newly formed leg in the process. He screams. But Seto freezes when the claws grip his throat, all to similar to too many years ago. But still Kaiba digs in his heels, still fights and claws at the monster to no avail as his vision starts to fade. Ever stubborn. If he had to be snuffed out completely, it would be under his own terms. He couldn't just give up.
And yet the more he struggled, the worse it got. Was he on fire? Surely not. But everything burned, burned, burned--! 
Him and this ugly creature of his own making were in deadlock. And then he heard a familiar voice. One that should been long gone. Telling him to give in, to obey.
He wouldn't. Couldn't. Never. Seto would protect himself, for no one else would. Because this was a threat and he needed to eliminate it. A gaping maw threatened to devour him. All he could smell was blood--this would be his end.
No, he didn't want his essence to die to this--thing. Something that had no place here, a remnant of the past.
Blue eyes fly open at the beginnings of a realization. This was something of the past. He may not know all the rules of this realm in between... but something like this couldn't be real. Right?
Some old words of advice came to him.
Let it pass you.
Right as the grotesque creature's teeth were about to clamp down on his head, his hands fall from their struggles. A sense of calm seemed to wash over him.
"You are just memories."
The creature melts into the ground, dropping Seto  a good ten feet in the process, a cry echoing the void as once more the loose leg reforms, the rest of his pale skin still littered with unidentifiable wounds.
"W-What the hell was that?" And was it over now? Or would something else come back again? Could it be over, couldn't he just be done?
‘You can’t intervene in it, nor try to stop it... You must leave him to face those things all by himself.’ Atem had been scolded by his father, and other members of his court as he waited for the chance to return to Duat. Of course he wouldn’t follow him, even if he did it would only be postponing the inevitable. All of this, only caused Atem’s fear and anxiety to brew and grow strong within the back of his mind.
He needed to have faith, and believe that Kaiba would make it through his judgement. The pharaoh felt immense pain on his chest, to a point he could barely breath as he waited. In the meantime, this gave him the opportunity to delve into some of his thoughts, and even questioned himself what was truly making him feel like that.
The pharaoh couldn’t stop thinking of their encounter in Duat, the way his former rival was found and especially those words. ‘Why am I doing this? Why do I refuse to listen to him?’. The man would think on this subject, until the door to Duat opened once again.
Light and warmth return to the realm, the turmoil was over. The afterlife’s door opened, and allowed the pharaoh back into it.
“Kaiba!... Kaiba!”
Atem exclaimed as he dashed into the realm, this time he is all by himself. He could see him, Kaiba made it through- his soul was worthy of peace. The pharaoh immediately felt relieved- like a weight had been liften from him, and happy as well. Tears formed in his eyes as he approached the other man, he only stopped when he pulled the tackled him- wrapped his arms around him into a tight and warm embrace.
“Kaiba, you’ve made it... You did it...” He spoke in a low tone, his voice was cracking as a sobbing noise could be heard coming from him. “Kaiba... I was worried, I... I...”
“I love you, Kaiba.” 
By the time light entered this odd void, Kaiba had struggled back to his feet. Almost in waves his injuries healed over again, but this time with no pain, and much quicker, restoring his body to it's state right before the crash, flecks of gray in his chestnut hair and all. Before he could shield his eyes from the harsh change he was slammed into by another person.
What in the world was going on? He was about to ask so, when the pharaoh's last words smacked him in the face like hitting the water from fifty feet.
"You came back..." he managed to say eventually. Why was Atem crying? Why those words? Seto didn't understand.
"What the hell was that thing? Is it gone?" He may not be entirely sure what it was, but it all felt so final. Something in him felt different, or so he thought, but the logical side of his mind knew that could all be in his head. Which then prompted him to ask a different final question. Before it would have been 'Why do you say that? You'd better not be trying to manipulate me into changing my mind.'
Now it was plain and simple, "I don't understand."
Atem's hold onto Kaiba is firm, extremely tight as well while more tears kept running down his cheeks. He fell silent upon hearing the other's words and looked up at him, it was then he noticed how different the man looked from the last time they saw each other.
The white hair was the first thing the pharaoh noticed on him, he aged- he grew older. Whereas Atem, remained the same - not a single thing about him changed. Slowly he picked up on other signs of Kaiba's state, when he died.
It took Atem awhile, until he found his next words to say- in the meantime he could only quietly sulk as he tried to maintain a coherent train of thought due to his emotions. "... I love you..." Atem repeated faintly, as he looked back up at the other. "Your soul has been judged... You were put through a test... And you managed to get rid of your package. Kaiba, you're ready- you can come to the afterlife and find true peace..." The pharaoh tried to explain, but the pain on his chest had returned...
He was happy for Kaiba, but now he feared he wouldn't be reciprocated nor would be followed to his realm.
The look in his eyes, gave out his anxious state and the fear was crystal clear on him. "Kaiba, I..." A knot in his throat formed right there, which prevented him from completing that sentence. The pain that he felt, only caused more tears to form and run down his cheeks. 
It was hard to register the things Atem was saying, and Kaiba's disbelief in any sort of form of judgement and afterlife wasn't helping either. A large part of him thought Atem must be confused due to his near 'second death' or whatever, that it was just something the pharaoh said in the heat of the moment.
There was always this odd connection between them, and Kaiba never doubted it. In fact, Atem was one of the few people he could connect with in life. Since his departure, things had smoothed over the slightest bit, partially from their duel as well as Seto's talks with Yugi, and to Atem through Yugi.
But all that aside...
"'True peace?'" There's a quirk of his lips at that. "I've never thought there's such a thing for me. As I tried to enunciate before--" When he was still in pieces, "--I'm tired, Atem. I can't... keep doing this. I got rid of whatever that thing was, but I wanted my death to be it--for everything to turn to nothing."
His expression seemed to be one of someone twice his age at that moment. He'd thrown everything into life, for that was all he had some control over, the only thing he cared about. He'd used it all up in the mortal realm. Kaiba managed to pull away slightly from the king, now examining the sleeves of his perfectly unsinged flight suit. He hoped he hadn't hit anything important with that crash, or anybody. But there shouldn't have been many people there that late at night anyway. He didn't envy whoever was put in charge of the cleanup though.
"Whatever that creature is may be gone but... who else is on the other side of that light Atem? Because if there is any truth to theological studies there are several I don't want to see--can't see again." He runs a hand through his bangs with a sigh. He'd rather get mauled by that creature than have to face them. 
The knot in his throat was still strong as ever... He knew all too well, how this wouldn’t be easy. But he couldn’t give up on it, not on their bond and his feelings for him.
By now his kohl was in shambles due to the tears that kept running down his face, Atem listened closely to Kaiba’s words. Everything he spoke- that came out of his mouth, was so incredibly painful to listen to. He averted his eyes from the older man, now his gaze landed onto the other’s hands.
They were so much larger than his, on top of looking noticeably rough around the edges. His gaze remained fixated on them for a long and quiet moment, as he tried to muster up the courage- the power to undo the knot in his throat that has been preventing him from voicing - responding to him.
Eventually he reached out for Kaiba’s hands, and dared to hold them firmly. The pharaoh gave them a reassuring light squeeze, as his gaze finally returned to his face. There is a comforting smile on his face, he was trying to convey to the other- how there was nothing for him to be concerned about. That he could trust- believe in him, their connection- bond.
“...You can trust on me, Kaiba...” Atem finally managed to utter out, as his hold onto the other’s hands tightened up. “Beyond that door lies my kingdom...” His voice trailed off softly, he gives another light squeeze. “Please... Come with me, Kaiba... Rest with me, in my world...” 
My kingdom.
Kaiba still tensed at the touch. He'd like to blame it on the fact of only reforming a little while ago, but a deeper part of him knows after all these years and trials there was still lasting damage.
But the main matter was that this beyond was Atem's realm. Ergo, assumedly, his parents couldn't get to it. A realm of existence that was far from unappealing. The look in the pharaoh's eyes was reassuring. But there were still two vital questions Seto wanted to know the answer to before he decided whether or not to go into that light.
"Two things. Just answer two things for me, Atem. One, what happens if I don't? If I stay here do I disappear eventually? Two, what about Mokuba? He's still young, I don't want him waiting all alone if he ends up this void as well eventually. What if he starts looking for me and can't find me?"
At the end of the day, Seto was still a logic-based person. Gods, would Mokuba have even heard of his demise by now? Was he crying? Seto had planned for his untimely death long ago, Mokuba should be getting Seto's last message to his little brother soon.
"Please. I need to know those two before I can decide anything." 
Atem quickly nodded his head- in agreement to answering his following questions, despite everything he felt in that moment- he just can’t give up on Kaiba. All hope isn’t lost... He can do this. The pharaoh tells himself, as he quietly tries to clear his throat before he tries to respond.
Might as well start with the shortest and easiest one, out of the two.
“There’s something you need to understand about this realm... Actually, the same can be said about others. Time flows at a very different pace and speed compared to the one you came from... Does it feel like one a few hours have passed at best, Kaiba?” The pharaoh asked then paused for a moment, but he didn’t give him a window to respond. “I imagine at least a few years in your brother’s life, have already passed... Depending on how long his life turns out to be, he might arrive here at any given moment. Regardless of when or how he arrives, his soul will find his way to you... There’s no doubt about that.”
Another pause came, now it was time to address the most complicated one of the bunch. He could lose everything, if he isn’t careful with his following words.
“... You’ll not vanish, there’s nothing for you here... This isn’t a realm meant to last, it’s only a stage of transition... A connection... If you don’t leave this place, you become a wandering... No, a doomed soul who’ll never find peace or be able to rest... Doomed to wander the nothingness between the countless realms, unable to ever get in them...” Another pause. “... This is the worst thing, that could happen to anyone. It’s worse than failing your soul’s judgement...”
Atem’s hold onto the other tightens once more, as his eyes stare intently into the other’s deep blue ones. “So I beg you, Kaiba... Please, come with me... Everything will be alright, listen to my words... You can trust on me...” 
Years? How could that have possibly... he had only just died! At Atem's explanation, Seto even glanced around, just to ensure he hadn't missed Mokuba in the chaos. Though he breathed a sigh of relief at the king's insistence that his little brother's soul, spirit, or whatever would be okay. He supposed that wasn't proof but... the pharaoh had certainly been existing in the realms beyond for quite a while, and Kaiba had no way to fact check him.
"An endless march through nothingness, huh...." He very much didn't want to go through similar motions of the darkest moments of his life again. If Seto's only two options would have been this Duat or void he would have still taken that over risking seeing the two faces of the people who's disappointment would shatter him. In his mind, that was inevitable if they were to ever meet again. A sarcastic chuckle falls from his lips. "Heh. Somehow being mauled alive still seems like the worst out of the two."
The squeeze prompts him to refocus on his rival again. Kaiba's expression is perfectly neutral as he weighs his options. Begging? Atem didn't beg. No, he only ever fought tooth and nail at each of their clashes for what he believed in. To say it caught Seto off guard would be an understatement. And after such an admission from before, he didn't know what to make of it. To Seto, it seemed largely out of nowhere. But he supposed that must have to do with being a part of another 1% demographic.
But Seto never doubted that Atem was one of the few people that managed to connect with him on some level, when nine out of ten chairs were empty. There wasn't too much Kaiba had left to lose, he died after all. But there was something to gain. He could always seek something else out if he couldn't find some semblance of peace in the kingdom of the pharaoh.
He took a deep breath, and with a whisper,
"Okay... I will. Don't make me regret this, Atem." 
Atem fell silent, his heart is racing at a deafening pace- if he doesn’t pay attention to Kaiba, he might end up missing out on the things he say and responses.
Now it was all in the other’s hands, there is nothing else that he could-- Did he hear that correctly?
The pharaoh’s expression changed on the spot, his eyes shot widely open as he quickly looked up at the other man. He is coming with him- he will follow him. More tears welled up his eyes, but he quickly wiped those out using his arm. A few faint grunts and huffs escaped him, he needed to say something back- utter out anything. But all he finds himself capable of doing in that moment, was to just smile back at him.
His facecheeks were slightly flustered up, he was overjoyed with the answer he had just received. The pharaoh gave him a slight nod with his head, as he stood and led Kaiba towards the afterlife - warm light.
His hold onto the other’s hand doesn’t diminish in the slightest.
“Just walk into the light, Kaiba... Close your eyes if you have to, listen to my voice... I’m here...” 
Kaiba's focus was on following the pharaoh. He certainly didn't want to be left behind to face whatever creatures were in this realm. One foot in front of the other, it was simple right?
And yet there was still this niggling in his gut. He glanced over his shoulder. No Mokuba. Hopefully he'd be okay. Atem, Yugi, and all them seemed to care about him before, he doubted he would just kick his spirit to the side.
Seto had Atem's word. As they stepped into the harsh light, Seto's nerves flared up, but he forced himself forward, not losing his grip on the pharaoh's hand.
And just when it seemed his eyes would be seared inside and out like all those years ago--something washed over him as soon as he stepped past that barrier. All the anxiety that had been bubbling in his gut being soothed. There were two familiar presences. But Seto did not panic like before. The feeling was gentle, not overly neutral, nor positive.
The sound of something heavy falling, and echoing on the ground could almost be heard.
They say nothing, and it's better that way. It was for his sake. They knew this is what he needs, that even appearing and offering to come with them would weigh him down with baggage once more. So they say nothing.
There's a non-existent kiss to his hair, and a hand on his cheek that he could almost swear were real before they were gone.
The message is clear.
When he could see again he was met with Atem's kingdom. He glances around on instinct, but there was never any sign of their presence. His boots sink into the sand, and now he was regretting dying how he did, a flight suit was good for keeping engine fire out, not desert heat.
Seto opens his mouth, as if he were going to comment on what just happened, and then closed it.
"Well... I suppose you should give me the grand tour."
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