#huehue it's an oreo...!
shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
Torino decides to tease nana and sakumo all week so they decide to get back at him in the best way possible 😏. ShimurasTorino.
You responded to my last one i made I just wanted to say I didn’t mean hang up it was autocorrect I swear 😅 Ik no prompts rn
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whetting the appetite, so to speak
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Halloween Oreos (Michael Myers x Reader)
Original Ask: How about some snack time with Micheal uwu sharing Halloween oreos with his s/o or someone me whose getting close to him. Perhaps they buy him some huehue
Haddonfield had become a rather quiet place following the Halloween murders, the following years becoming somewhat grim.
Halloween was no longer the same, or at least it was something that made the residents of Haddonfield tense up. Even after thirteen years, people were sometimes too afraid to speak the Boogeyman’s name. At least, people finally came out of their homes, as if the plague was already over with. After thirteen years, one could have said that the Boogeyman was no more.
October had finally come around, and this year Haddonfield was gifted with a veil of fresh white snow on just the third day of the month.
You grunted as you fixed the plastic bags in your hands, the mittens you wore making it somewhat difficult to properly hold them.Today was the day to go out for groceries, a task you only did every now and then due to your current living condition.
“Need help there?” you heard a voice behind you, prompting you to turn and see the cashier that had rung you up in the grocery store.
“Oh! Ah,” you gave a nervous chuckle as you once again fixed the plastic bags. “I-I can bear, thank you though.”
“I really don’t mind lending a hand, especially in this weather.”
“It’s alright.” you insisted, especially after a chill ran down your back, your eyes glancing around as an uneasy feeling came over you. “Thank you, I really appreciate it. I just need to get going right now. Somebody’s waiting for me.”
“Ah, I see.” he nodded, taking a step back as you sighed in relief. “I’ll leave you to it then.”
“Thank you, have a nice day.” you nodded as well, not bothering to watch him leave as you knew the consequences of such things.
As you headed to your car, you took notice of a news crew that had stationed itself across the road, right at a sidewalk that led to another array of stores. The crew was specifically focused on a hardware store that had its glass windows broken, even the farthest eye could see the bloody handprints that were splattered on the walls inside as well as other blood prints.
You shivered at the thought of what had gone down inside, instead focusing on the trunk of your car before loading everything inside. Not paying much attention to the camera crew, or at least not wanting to do so, you hopped into your car to drive out of town. But not before taking a good look at your surroundings, on edge about the eyes that were possibly watching your every move.
Home was a rather lengthy ride, no more than an hour’s time thankfully, but the searching for it was what made up for that isolation you required. Considering the situation you lived in, your partially preferred living arrangements lie in the woods outside of town, where things were calm and quiet.
Hopping out of your car, you felt as the snow began to fall once again. This meant that in the morning, the veil would be much thicker and there was no going out, especially as your small home was situated in a deep part of the woods.
Hearing your boots with every step, you unloaded the groceries which would definitely be taking more than one go. You made your way towards the cabin in front of you, coming to stop after walking onto the porch as your eyes caught crimson.
Right on the wood were boot prints, every single one as red as the blood from the hardware store.
Your eyes followed the trail that led to the door itself, and you took notice of it being ajar.
Dropping the bags onto the porch, you placed a hand on the door to cautiously take a step inside. The creak of the door was enough to have you jump back the slightest bit, especially as your eyes continued to examine the trail of blood that led into the kitchen.
Now, you knew not to act like a girl in a horror movie but…
“Hello?” you called out into the emptiness of your home, holding your keys close to either fight with them or immediately flee to the car. “Is that you-”
Soon enough your scream pierced the air as you jumped off the ground, this due to feeling a rough hand clasp onto your shoulder from behind.
Once you had turned around, you groaned at the sight of an older man that stared down at you with dead eyes.
“Michael!” you yelled at him, then fixing your jacket which had slightly crumpled up at the shoulder where you had been grabbed. “I thought you were someone else.”
The man before you in no way flinched, not even bothering to blink as he continued to watch your every move.
“You leave in the middle of the night without a word and leave me alone all day.” you mentioned before passing by him, knowing that he turned his entire body to always be facing you. “Well now that you’re done with scaring the hell out of me, I’m done with the groceries. Won’t need to go out until January I think. I hope so, since it’s starting to get pretty cold out.”
Michael Myers, the Shape or Boogeyman of Haddonfield, stood right at your door with not a care in the world. If anything, your door to your house, was his door to his house. It had been this way for quite awhile now.
A few years actually.
It was surprising that he was not wearing his mask, his blue and clouded eye completely fixated on your figure as you grabbed the bags right at the entrance.
Once you had grabbed the bags at the door and then the remaining ones in the car, you shut and locked the door before being followed by Michael into the kitchen.
After he had spared you years back, Michael had come to act like a cat. Always with his nose on the lookout for what it is you would be feeding him. Hilariously, that was just how Michael reluctantly came into your life.
“I haven’t prepared anything since I’ve been out most of the day.” you admitted, ever so quietly laughing at the soft groan that rumble in Michael’s throat. “I did find some sweet goodies at the market though. Especially at WalMart.”
Michael didn’t always understand the things you talked about, but he was always listening. Always watching. Learning.
“They have these new cookies for the season. The orange looks kind of funny, but I’m pretty sure they taste the same as the originals.” you mentioned as you set the groceries on the counter, looking through the bags as you began to put everything in its place. “I also got you some stuff to shave off that scruff.”
Michael’s eyes darted down in an attempt to look at his chin, instead seeing you hand placed under it as you softly rubbed your thumb on it.
“Though I have to admit that it’s starting to grow on me.” you smiled before making your way back to the groceries. “Just like the greys in your hair.”
It really had been a few years since you had met Michael, a relationship forming after a pretty good while. He was in his mid-twenties, practically a middle-aged man now who hadn’t been found by the authorities this entire time thanks to you.
As you began to prepare a hot beverage for yourself, and Michael who you knew would ignore it but drink it behind your back, you knew that Michael was watching you intently. His eyes were glued on your hands that grabbed a pumpkin you had purchased. Somehow, he had not even realized the large vegetable as you brought it in.
“Found a recipe you might like, especially for the cold.” you spoke before grabbing a kitchen knife, one that piqued Michale’s interest but was not enough to have him snatching it away due to its size. “Especially with all the pumpkins that are out now.”
To his dissatisfaction, you set the knife down besides the pumpkin on the counter before facing him.
“But before I make that, I’m gonna go change. These clothes are starting to make me feel stuffy.” you removed your jacket as you walked around the counter and out the kitchen, for once not being followed by Michael who was now focused on the knife you had left behind.
Knowing that you would be too focused on finding one of his shirts to wear, he approached the counter to take hold of the knife, bringing it to his face to admire how it shone under the kitchen light. He first held it pointing upwards, but changed it so that he was instead gripping it with the blade pointing down. His head craned to the vegetable beside him, and instinct got the best of him.
“I see you got started with the pumpkin.” he heard your voice, turning around after having jabbed the knife down into the pumpkin which had more than a simple wound.
Michael grabbed the knife once again to pull it out, his entire body facing you once again as he tilted his head at your figure.
Your eyes fell to the knife that contained a bit of pumpkin residue, even a seed or two managed to slip out due to Michael’s brute strength. Now your eyes were on his blank features, and you couldn’t help but give him a smirk.
It wasn’t often that you lit the fireplace as to avoid any attention from outsiders, especially authorities who had honestly given up on the search for Michael despite his former psychiatrist’s demands, but you believed that tonight was just the night for a warm fire.
Despite the cold weather, you only wore one of Michael’s shirts with socks, perhaps a little something on your bottom. You figured that there wasn’t an entire need for covering yourself when Michael was your human blanket, and one that refused to come off you.
With all of the day’s work done, you sat on the couch, or more like Michael’s lap as he sat on the couch. Your legs were crossed as your torso was constricted by Michael’s strong arms, his chin casually laying on top of your head as you ate the last of your pumpkin soup.
Both pairs of eyes stared up ahead, almost next to the fireplace where your TV screen was placed. You were both watching the moving pictures, or at least Michael resumed that when you made comments about the movie.
“That’s so cheesy, no girl would scream and faint on the spot if she saw a monster.” you ever so slightly shook your head, Michael’s chin too heavy to actually complete the motion. “At least, nowadays. However, that looked like that one scene from the latest Child’s Play movie where the guy has a heart attack.”
It was an old monster movie kind of night, your mood demanding it and Michael no doubt being curious. Frankenstein actually seemed to catch his attention.
The man’s eyes glanced down at you as he saw your arms stretch out with your empty bowl, attempting to put it on the coffee table in front of the couch. This of course was quite impossible with Michael holding you back, his grip on you only becoming tighter as you were managing to barely escape his grasp.
“Michael!” you groaned, pulling your head forwards until his arms made a ring around your hips after you were able to snake the top part of your body out.
As you reached out to set the bowl down, you felt Michael bury his face right into your back before rubbing himself all over and taking in your scent simultaneously.
“I just want to put the damn bowl down.” you wheezed, eventually releasing a sigh of relief when your glass bowl safely landed on the table. But it made you also pleased to have grabbed the plate you had prepared along with the bowls of soup, making sure it or its contents didn’t slip out of your hands as you adjusted your body to the former position.
Michael gave a grunt as he placed his chin on your head again, this time making sure that you had no way of escaping him.
“You wanna try one, Michael?” you lifted the plate just a bit, having Michael peer down at the plate that contained black little circles that smelled weirdly to him. “They’re the newest Oreos. The cookies I mentioned earlier.”
You placed the plate on your lap, wishing that that was enough to hold them up while you took one of the cookies and offered it up to Michael.
“I don’t have any milk right now because you’re not gonna let me get any, so take it like this.
Michael squinted at the cookie, the orange filling enough to have him blinking at least once. In this state of his, you were able to break free and spin your body in place so that your legs were no longer crossed but instead on either side of Michaels’ waist. The plate of cookies was safely put on the empty space of the couch so that nothing could fall.
Having a mind of their own, Michael’s hands wrapped themselves around you as he once again stared at the cookie.
“It’s just a cookie Michael.” you giggled, lowering it before taking a bite out of it yourself.
Michael’s eyes landed on your lips, watching the way they moved as you chewed the cookie piece. Tiny black crumbs adorned your lips, every now and then shifting the more you chewed.
You watched him as well, finding it how funny his curiosity was. So, you popped in the remainder of your cookie before eating it as well, now feeling one of Michael’s arms leave your waist.
Instead, his fingers brushed against the warmth of your skin as his nails carefully scraped your cheeks. The tips of his fingers now coming close to your lips, his index finger actually on your bottom lip before it pulled it down and open.
“Michael,” you breathed out, knowing that Michael was merely observing the crumbs left on your lips.
Blinking up at Michael, you saw as he brought his face down to yours. His lips now dangerously close to yours as he continued to play with your bottom lip, making your breath hitch as he neared more and more.
Soon enough you closed your eyes when Michael closed the gasp, but not with his lips but his tongue.
Your eyes shot open as you felt his tongue lick the corner of your lip, continuing onto your lips themselves. You placed your hands on his shoulders, gripping onto them as you felt his own twist around the shirt you wore.
Your lips had already been parted from the shock of Michael’s actions, that good enough for Michael to slip in his tongue to get a taste of your mouth.
He didn’t care about your nails digging into his shoulders but in fact enjoyed it, pressing your chest against his as his tongue continued to explore your cavern, tasting every bit he could. But before you could follow along with his treatment, Michael retreated himself and looked down at you with half-lidded eyes that matched yours. Well, his didn’t have as much emotion as yours for he was difficult to faze of course.
“Michael?” you sighed at him, thoughts clouded with what just happened. You were then snapped out of it when Michael let go of you with one hand, reaching to the side where the plate of cookies was.
He had grabbed another one, bringing up in between your faces and leaving it there for just a moment. Soon after, he brought it to your lips, scraping it against them before slowly slipping it in so that you could take a bite.
As you chewed the cookie, Michael took the other piece into his mouth, leaving the two of you with crumbs on each of your lips.
His tongue slid out once again, licking the crumbs off of his lips before you got the memo.
The flush on your cheeks was more than enough to warm you up on this chilly October night.
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drifting-rot · 2 years
Hello, hope others are doing better than our current minds, huehue...~ Changing a few of our tags as well as adding some with this new season and creatures...~ Edits below--
Reordered some a little so creatures are largest to smallest and dark to light. - Edited { friendlies } to { connected }. -- Consists of the close friends in our favourites constellation~ - Editing { moths } to be { kindled } and/or { unlit }, depending...~ -- { kindled } are friends in other constellations and silhouettes that we’ve lit ; { unlit } are the silhouettes. - Added { elders }, they are the spirits you meet after completing realm constellations. ((we’ve only unlocked Waste’s ((getting 100%)) so far and didn’t get a photo)) - Added { leviathan } and { dragonfish } for new season creatures. ((thank you Nil and Lore for allowing us to call these creatures these tags, they are lovely titles you gave them...~)) - Edited the elder mantas to be in { mantas } tag rather than { whales }. ((though they are whale shaped, as to why they were previously in { whales })) -- Still broad term for all mantas, whether they are light mantas or spirit mantas. - Added { dark flora } to include the darkness and clams. ((dark plants that you melt for wax ; clams you pop for wax)) - Edited { fungi } to { light flora } so we can include the new season light refilling plants, the fungus stays included since they refill light. - Added { treasure reef } for new season area. - Contemplating adding a { bones } tag, because... We bloody love bones-- Maybe we will do that at a later date... Editing and adding all of these was exhausting, kek kek. Done for now-- -- We did it, we added a { fossils } tag for seeing the bones and skulls in Sky...~ - We also added a { strays } tag for the other creatures that are kinda miscellaneous. ((mimi, oreo, robot, ghost)) - And added an { office } tag instead of having office photos put into Vault’s, so any photos past the threshold the one spirit allows everyone through during events are now in { office } tag.
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