#hows about some angst for a comeback wut wut
wclfwiife · 1 year
Rehab sucks - pt 1
“Up and at ‘em, girl.” the voice, much too loud for this ungodly hour, rang out through the dark hospital like room. It cut through the white noise from the walls like a knife slicing through her skull as she slowly tripped back into consciousness. 
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“Ugh,” she groaned, her hands shooting up to cover her eyes as the staff member pulled her curtains open. “Leave it.” Ash hissed, the photosensitivity part of her detox kicked in hard and already having not been a huge fan of immediately being sucker punched by the sun anyway, the head-achey woman was irked by this to say the least. “I prefer the dark.” 
The staff member denied her request for darkness, walking towards her with a tray holding the familiar little plastic cup of pills sat beside a plate of plain toast, dry scrambled eggs, and 2 bigger plastic cups, one half filled with apple juice and one with water. She’d have rolled her eyes if her head didn’t hurt so much. It seemed counterintuitive really, giving the drug addict more drugs to detox off the original drugs. Only in America, probably. Seemed like a very America thing to instill. They claim its for comfort during the detoxification process but to her, it seemed like just another insurance scam because they sure as fuck weren’t helping her feel better the past few days. The nausea wasn’t better, the headaches weren’t duller, her fluctuating temperature and chills did not get less painful so in her humble opinion, the doctors here long with their oh-so-caring staff could take these pills and suppository them right up their--- 
“Morning medicine time, c’mon. I cant leave till you shove these down your throat or I do.” His voice once again sliced into he skull right through her last thought, resulting in an extremely pointed glare from the young woman. “Be my guest. Your throat seems to need them more than mine does.” She shot back, well aware that his threat was aimed at her but it wasn’t in her to let anyone who thought hair gel was meant to be seen as a top layer boss her around. 
He shoved the pills closer to her rather violently, as if to strengthen the threat. “You wanna go to jail? We all know you’re in here to keep outta the big house, girl, so do yourself the favor and just take the damn meds.” 
“If I want to detox dry, I can.” She pushed the cup back in his direction before crossing her arms. “They said I gotta detox, they didn’t say I have to take any of your bullshit. Or your pills.” 
The man she came to know as Ted, although endearingly preferred to call him dick head (it did rhyme after all, just a moniker to help remember his name, really), was clearly getting impatient at this point. He pulled a syringe from his pocket and grabbed her arm roughly. “Hey!” she yelled, yanking her arm as hard as she could to release his grasp but he only tightened it. “Let go of me! What the fuck!? Let me go, you big fucking oaf, get the fuck off o’ me!” She kept writhing and tugging her limb in hopes to get free but the more she struggled the harder he gripped around her upper arm. He said something about making him strap her down and something else about it hurting more if she struggled but he didn’t say what was inside the syringe in his opposite hand. She kept making a scene hoping to catch the attention of someone outside the door and to her relief, the doorknob lowered and another staff member, Pete, rushed in. “Oh my God, please, help me, he’s fuckin’ crazy, please, get this asshole off me, he’s n---” The relief however, was short lived when Pete asked what was happening and instead of helping Ash, he too came to hold her down. “What the fuck are you doing?” She screamed at Pete, now strapping her other arm down at her bedside and moving to strap her legs down. Ash wasn’t a weak girl by any means, but these two grown men tag teaming her while she was in a weakened state was clearly an unfair fight. 
“What are you waiting for?” Pete spat to Ted in a hushed, urgent sounding tone.  Ted grimaced as he strapped her left arm down, tighter than the other restraints were drawn, and pointed to her pill cup with the needle. “She wouldn’t take her damn meds. She’s supposed to take the meds first.” “Well make her take them then. What, ya got a crush on this one? Going soft on us?” Ted snorted, pulling the strap harder, tightening the already too tight restraint on her left wrist and she winced as her skin pinched as it twisted and her bones felt like they were in a vice.
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“I’m not gettin’ into shit from Doctor Douchebag because the ratios are wrong and the whole thing gets fucked. The meds are supposed to be first.” He stressed again, pointing to the untaken pills on the tray once more. “Jesus Christ,” Pete shook his head, frustrated and moved back up towards her face and picked up the small cup with almost too much of that frustration as they almost flew out of it and onto the bed and floor.  “Nice job, dumbass.”  “Shut the fuck up!” Pete, who usually had a calmer demeanor than Ted, which she now realized was obviously an act or he truly had the shortest fuse known to man, repositioned himself so he could grab her jaw and keep it in place as she turned her head violently away from him until he grabbed a fistful of her hair at the base of her neck and wrenched backwards. She hissed at the pain, trying to keep her mouth shut as the plastic cup was being shoved at her lips. Pete kept pushing the cup at her mouth, muttering angry words until Ted grabbed her face, pushing his thumb and index fingers into opposite cheeks, prying her teeth open from the outside like trying to give an animal a pill who wouldn’t unclench its jaw. He finally got her mouth open just enough for Pete to throw the pills in. 
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Three differently shaped pills of varying sizes spilled across her tongue, playing a disgusting tasting game of tag as she tried to spit them out or at least hide them in her cheeks or under her tongue until Pete, the stupid jerk, also poured the water into her mouth, giving her no choice but to swallow or essentially choke to death on both as her head was still pulled backwards leaving the pills and liquid nowhere to go but down. She coughed violently as it all made its way roughly down her throat, it felt like all three pills rolled oddly down her trachea threatening to get stuck at the odd angle she was being held in. When Pete finally let go, she threw herself forward, still strapped to her bed, gasping for breath and choking on the awkward liquid, air, and pills. She wanted so badly to throw up or rub her throat at least, or even just her scalp where his fingers clutched her hair so tightly she was sure he took a few strands with him. 
“You’re both sick bastards,” she muttered through heavy breaths, still fighting against the restraints as best she could but her headache had easily turned into a full blown migraine at this point and the movement was agonizing. Ted took this moment to stab her bicep with the mystery needle and almost immediately the room was no longer still and the two men, who she could realistically presume were not swaying at the foot of her bed, were definitely swaying as he head and eyelids became heavier and heavier until the moving wavy room just turned black. The two staff members waited until they were sure she was out, although didn’t bother undoing her restraints as Ted shoved the used syringe back into his pocket and the men took their leave, quietly bickering on their way out.
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scxrlettwxtches · 5 years
A Slip-Up | Lee Donghyuck
Request: 65 with haechan?:3 maybe a bit angsty~💓
Genre: idol!haechan x idol!reader, fluff and angst (wuts new lol)
Warnings: sorta panic attack??
Word Count: ~2.5k
Prompt: “Look at me—just breathe, okay?”
A/N: partially inspired by my frustrations with that concert where literally everyone fell cause it was raining and dangerous ://// yeah. hope y'all like this! it's quite a lot shorter than my last one lol. once again, i always like feedback on my writing so I can improve, so if u wanna say smthin or just wanna chat about random stuff, just drop me ask! have a lovely day everyone!
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There was bound to be a mistake from the beginning.
The Dream Concert was a mess from the start. It was pouring and chilly, conditions that were obviously very bad for an outdoor concert. You had expected the concert to be cancelled, because it was just common sense that idols who had to both sing and dance should not perform in places where it was so easy to hurt oneself.
But much to your disappointment, your management informed you that the concert was apparently going to continue as planned.
It wasn’t as if you disliked performing; on the contrary, you were very excited to perform at the Dream Concert. As a soloist, it was very difficult to gain popularity in an entertainment business that focused on groups, much less be invited to such a big concert a few months after debut. However, you were not at all looking forward to performing in the rain, especially when you had a couple difficult dance breaks planned out in the middle of your song.
When you arrived at the stadium for rehearsal, you immediately frowned. The rain wasn’t too awful, only a slight drizzle, but the dark clouds above you hinted that things could be much worse later. The producers of the concert shouted at you to enter the backstage area to get ready, an attendant showing you to your dressing room.
Your dressing room was quite tiny, but you didn’t really feel disappointed. Big groups were performing that night, so it was only logical that they’d get the bigger rooms. Speaking of big groups, as you set down your bag and your stylist began laying out your stage outfit, you heard familiar (and extremely loud) voices coming from the room next to yours.
Grinning, you turned to your stylist, “I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?” she turned around frantically.
“I’m just going to greet the group next door,” you said, already making your way into the hall.
“Don’t take too long!” she warned, looking at her watch, “Your rehearsal’s in 30 minutes, and you haven’t even changed yet!”
“I won’t, unnie!”
The door to the next dressing room was wide open, and even from a little ways away, you could see the plethora of bags scattered all across the floor. Laughing to yourself, you poked your head in, asking teasingly, “Wow, did a hurricane sweep through the room?”
The boys in the room whipped up at the sound of your voice, before they all broke out in familiar smiles. Mark let out a loud whoop and ran over to greet you in English, “What’s up, Y/N?”
You gave him a high five, instinctively bowing as you walked in the room, “Not much, just heard you guys from my dressing room and came to say hi. You guys are really loud, do you know?” Taeyong gave a sharp glare at his members, who all looked away rather sheepish.
During your trainee years, you were originally part of SM Entertainment, but you left to focus on your studies. However, that didn’t stop you from keeping touch with the friends you made there, which included many of the NCT boys, especially the Dreamies, the ones you spent the most time training with. After your debut, you found yourself being able to converse with them more, frequently bumping into them at music shows.
As you sat down in between Jaemin and Jisung, the latter giving you a quick fistbump, you asked to no one in particular, “Hm? Where’s Donghyuck?”
The boys gave you knowing grins and catcalls, while you flushed pink. Suddenly, a voice called from the door, as a familiar boy walked in, “What about me?”
His eyes fell on you, widening with surprise before disappearing in a bright smile. He always had such a blinding smile, and as him opened his arms to you, you felt your heart thump wildly. Due to your busy comeback schedule, you haven’t seen him in a while, and you never realized until now how much you missed him. In front of the other boys, you leapt into his arms, and Donghyuck wrapped you in a large, comforting hug.
You could hear the hyungs all letting out different “eyyyyyyyy’s” while Jisung and Chenle fake gagged, but you couldn’t care less. This was the first time in maybe two months that you’d seen Donghyuck, and a little teasing wasn’t going to ruin your moment.
However, it seemed as if Donghyuck was not too pleased with the lack of privacy in the room, and as he pulled away, he addressed his hyungs while holding your hand, “I’m gonna take a walk with Y/N.”
Jisung made another gagging noise as Taeyong called out, “Make sure to be careful!”
Donghyuck pulled you out of NCT’s dressing room and led you to an empty corridor, not once letting go of your hand. Finally, when the two of you were sure you were out of sight, you turned to each other and basked in one another’s presence. Leaning down, he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, one that you reciprocated eagerly.
You had missed this, so much. The two of you had been quite taken with each other when you were both trainees together, but it wasn’t until you bumped into him backstage of your solo debut that you rekindled the affection you had before. It was hard, trying desperately to hide your relationship from everyone but his members and your manager, but you loved him and you loved to perform, and you were much too greedy to give up one for the other.
Donghyuck’s hand stroked your hair as he kissed you, your arms swung over his shoulder and around his neck. He tasted sweet, like cinnamon and apples, but you pushed away just as he nibbled your bottom lip playfully.
“What’s wrong?” he looked a little displeased at being cut off so suddenly, hands now resting on your waist.
You smiled, reaching up to boop him on the nose, “Nothing’s wrong, silly, but I do have rehearsal in a little, and my stylist is going to kill me if I don't head back and change.”
His hand on your waist tightened slightly, and he looked rather dejected, although trying hard not to show it, “Do you have to leave now? This is the first time I've seen you in months and all we get in return is two minutes together. I've missed you like crazy, you know.”
You have him a chaste kiss on the lips, “I've missed you just as much, Hyuckie, but now isn't the right time. You know I wouldn't leave unless I had to.” His grip tightened again, pulling you towards him in a sort of restrained desperation.
“Hyuckie…” you sighed, placing your hands on his face and caressing his cheeks, “I need to do my job first, okay? After this concert, you can come over to my place and we can spend some well deserved time together, sound good?”
It was obvious from his expression that it didn’t “sound good,” but it was the best solution the two of you could find and he knew it. Donghyuck relented, letting go of you gently, “Yeah, alright.”
You brushed a couple of loose hairs away from his face, giving him a parting kiss on his forehead, “I’ll head out first.”
The rehearsal went about as well as you had expected. It was only drizzling lightly when you went out, so things were fairly manageable. You did, however, give your stylist a pointed look when returning to your dressing room.
“Really?” you asked sarcastically, gesturing at your shoes, “The ground is wet and dangerous, but I’m still wearing stiletto boots?”
Your stylist shrugged, “There was nothing I could do about it. Your shoes were sponsored, so it wasn’t like I could change it.”
Groaning, you sank into the small couch in your room, pulling off your shoes to give your toes a break. The concert was going to start soon, and you were performing near the middle-end of the show, so you had some time to relax.
Performances went by quickly, at least they seemed to in your mind. NCT was third to perform, and you monitored them especially carefully. The rain looked like it had gotten heavier, and the stage had to be wiped after every song to avoid flooding, not that it made the floor any less slippery. NCT had quite intense choreographies for all their songs, and you were worried about very probable mishaps.
As you had expected, there were many slips and falls, especially near the center of the stage. You winced every time you watched Jisung trip, every time you saw Jeno’s frustrated glare. It was amazing how professional they all were, even when they were probably all in quite a lot of pain. Despite the hazards, NCT finished their performances without any major injuries that you could see, but you knew that they would be hurting for days after. To your immense relief, your boyfriend was one of the lucky ones that didn’t suffer from any major falls.
There was no time to go and congratulate them when they finished, but you sent Donghyuck a quick message telling him that they all did a fantastic job. Your makeup was being done, and soon after, you were ushered to the side of the stage to double check your mic and in-ear monitor. You gave your backup dancers smiles and high-fives, wishing them all good luck.
The moment you stepped on stage and heard the screams of the fans, your mild expression changed instantly and your movements turned sharp and fierce. The beginning of your intro began to play, and you soon found yourself lost in your performance.
Things went smoothly in the beginning. You purposely avoided the middle of the stage, a liberty that you as a solo artist had over groups. However, you had to stand in the center eventually for the dance break, which was when things started to go downhill.
The dance break (that you actually had a hand in choreographing) wasn't the hardest choreo in the world, but it required a certain aura to pull off. Being cautious of which does on the stage were more slippery, you dropped into the dance break quite timidly. It was incredibly frustrating, not being able to put the amount of power and presence in your performance that you had practiced so hard for.
In your split second of self loathing, your concentration waned, and that was already enough to cause a disaster. Your left foot skidded outward wildly, and you landed on your right knee. Hard. Pain traveled up your leg as you stretched a hand out to balance yourself. The gasps in the audience pulled you back in the moment, and you reminded yourself that you were still under the spotlight, and that the performance wasn’t over until the lights were dark.
Putting on your most confident glare, you continued as if nothing had happened, heavily favoring your left leg and putting a lot less power into your moves. Instead, you concentrated on your vocals, deciding to at least put on a good performance vocal-wise after that humiliating fall. You managed to ignore the continuous throbbing of your knee, which got decidingly sharper despite your attempts not to put weight on it.
After what felt like an eternity, you hit your ending pose, and the crowd screamed. Your song finished and you brought yourself into a low bow, thanking the audience. The lights disappeared, and you limped off stage. Two of your dancers immediately rushed to your side, supporting you by taking some of your weight.
As you walked out of the spotlight, you found yourself gradually shifting back from your stage persona to your regular self. This became a problem as you tried to control yourself, because unlike what everyone thought, the real you was a lot less special, and a lot less strong. Your face contorted in pain as you limped into your dressing room, your heart thumping wildly. As you sat down clumsily, your breathing began to labor, the adrenaline that had kept you going now leaving you dizzy, exhausted, and in pain.
Clutching your hand against your heart in a way of trying to control your breathing, your eyesight grew fuzzy and your head began to pound. You could hear the muffled shouts of your stylist, and your manager frantically calling what was probably an ambulance. The commotion around you did nothing to help your growing panic. You wanted to scream, to cry, and tell everyone to just shut up, but you couldn’t quite gain control over your body.
Just as you were able to pass out, a voice sounded, a voice that sounded warm, comforting, and oh so familiar.
“Everyone, please give her some space! Y/N, can you hear me?”
You could, although it sounded rather as if he were underwater. Even so, you could never forget his voice, “D-donghyuckie?”
“It’s me,” he sounded worried, and you felt feel his hands grazing your shoulders, as if afraid to touch you, “I’m right here.”
“I-i messed up. God, Hyuck, I messed up so bad,” you were gasping for air at this point, trembling all over.
“Hey, hey, hey! You did amazingly,” he denied your claims immediately, as if he had never once thought the same way, “Do you know how incredible you were, walking off that landing on your knee?”
You shook your head, but you found yourself being pulled to his voice as he continued, “I need you to breathe slowly for me, can you do that, darling?” he whispered the last word, as if cautious of the people around.
“I-i can’t.”
“Yes, you can. I’m right here,” he cupped your face as he gently ushered you out of your panic attack, “Look at me–just breathe, okay?”
Despite your blurry vision, you stared into his brown eyes, unconsciously beginning to match your breathing to mimic his. You could see his face light up as you began to calm down. Soon, your eyesight slowly cleared and color crept up your face again. Relieved, Donghyuck allowed his hands to fall from your face, instead taking one of your hands out of everyone else's line of sight.
You only had a couple precious minutes with him before your manager returned to the room, looking quite frantic.
“The ambulance is here– oh, Haechan? What are you doing in here?”
Despite your manager already knowing of your relationship, Donghyuck immediately retracted his hand from you. You understood; there was something very uncomfortable about showing affection in front of staff, as if you were under the constant impression that they could stop the two of you at a moment's notice.
“I saw what happened on screen and wanted to make sure Y/N was okay,” Donghyuck replied politely.
Your manager gave you a look over, “Well, thank you. She looks much more stable than earlier,” he peered out into the hallway before addressing Donghyuck again, “You'd better make your exit quick, though. People will be coming back any second now, and they're not under contract to keep things a secret.”
Nodding, Donghyuck turned to give you one last quick kiss. It was more gentle than usual, his lips just grazing yours before backing away.
“Get some rest, okay? I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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