#however since i have to make everything about corpse party. it also fits perfectly with morishige
wriochilde · 7 months
you should listen to i love the dead by alice cooper just trust me on this one
you have such good music taste its insane
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igneouswyvern · 5 months
After nearly two and a half years of being completely obsessed with Zestiria after I beat it way back in July of 2021 I finally decided to go back and watch the anime, Zestiria the X and, yeah I have some thoughts
I'm gonna start with the good. Definitely the best part was getting to see Rose and Alisha interact with each other, and Dezel and Zavied interact as well, since they were never in the party at the same time in the game. The anime format also did a lot of good for both Alisha and Zavied's characters (I'm so glad Zavied is something besides "the horny guy" now). Really the story works a lot better with the full party of 8 together towards the end.
The anime also gave me the one thing Tales games never give me, which is a full proper ending, and by that I mean showing us exactly what happened to the world after the final battle was won. I've never been very good at using my imagination when it comes to a peaceful and normal world so it was nice to see that fleshed out. While unrealistic I am also glad Sorey came back within Rose and Alisha's lifetimes because that always kinda bugged me in the game
Using Berseria as a legend in Zestiria was pretty cool considering they didn't get to do that in the game since it came out first. I thought it worked really well. However I am very confused on why they decided to animate the first three hours of post-prologue Berseria smack dab in the middle of the Zestiria plotline and just...never return to it. I don't know why they decided to do that, it didn't fit at all and the whole time I was just wondering if or when they were ever gonna come back to it. And if they were gonna do it for context's sake shouldn't they have, I don't know, jumped ahead to some part where Velvet actually fights Artorius?? It just felt so strange to me.
Onto some more bad: Why the hell did they make Maltran a good guy. She worked just fine as a twist villain. They just cut that entirely for no reason??
And there's one particular huge thing that they just completely changed. One of the most interesting things to me about Zestiria's narrative was the underlying theme that "you can't save everyone." From "everyone knows you can't purify a dragon" to that first moment in Pendrago when they encounter a hellion so strong that the only way to quell its malevolence is to outright kill it, leading all the way up to the finale of the game where Sorey has to kill Heldalf because he can't be purified. They learn over and over again that malevolence has consequences, and that the Shepherd's journey isn't without sacrifice, and that sometimes taking a life is the only way to save that many more.
And Zestiria the X just throws that whole concept out the window?????
First they straight up replaced the corrupted church lady in Pendrago with something totally different and far less impactful, just a corpse that can be purified. And then they go and purify a real dragon??? You can't just do that????? And of course that means they won't kill Heldalf either. He ends up unrealistically purified as well. It just bugs me so much. It goes against everything the original game wanted to set up. Sure it gave us a happier ending but we don't always need a perfectly happy ending! Life is full of heartache and tragedy and sacrifices, and the original Zestiria showed that in a really neat way. And the anime just goes and tosses all of it out the window. It just...it makes me really upset. Tbh the Pendrago sequence is one of my favorite moments in the game, and the dramatic sequence where you kill Heldalf is another favorite, and I was really excited to see those in anime form. And instead they just got binned entirely. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined :(
And for that matter they also kind of completely got rid of Sorey's character arc, as meager as it may have been. One of my biggest gripes with Zestiria the game is that Sorey is just too perfect a guy, he's too pure and innocent and never really makes mistakes and the game had opportunities to allow him to do that but were too scared to actually commit to it. But despite that, Sorey still has a character arc of some sort, mainly in what I mentioned above where he has to accept that sacrifices are inevitable but in some other ways too. Meanwhile the anime just removes all of that. Sorey pretty much never struggles, except maybe in matters of strength in the beginning you know, and he always gets his way--he never has to make a sacrifice and always saves everyone. All this culminating in The X Sorey being somehow even more flawless and perfect and static than game Sorey. And it's really disappointing to see because I was really hoping to get a more fleshed out Sorey as a result of the anime format.
Something pretty insignificant that bugged me was the fact that they pretty much never got to explore ruins or old temples or whatever else. The game's gameplay loop was pretty much go to a town, deal with some political stuff/watch some cutscenes, go to a ruin or temple and fight a boss, back to the town. Which worked really well for a game setting, but I recognize doesn't work as well in an anime. However, what the anime decided to do was completely cut out any ruins exploration and focus exclusively on the political conflict in the towns. I see why they did this, don't get me wrong, but I just can't help that it doesn't really feel like Zestiria when Sorey and Mikleo aren't nerding out over random stuff in ruins, you know? All that political stuff started to get really boring after a bit. And like so much of the game's story and lore takes place in those dungeons, so it just feels so odd to have them completely removed.
Pretty minor thing but I felt like they kind of messed up Lailah's character. Her whole thing in the game is that she knows everything about the Shepherd's journey but she's not allowed to talk about it because of her oath, so she does the whole inconspicuous whistling and deflecting to other topics the whole time. And I kind of liked it because she looks totally airheaded but it isn't true, she knows a lot she just can't tell us. But in the anime it felt like Lailah didn't know all that much about the whole situation, like she seemed just as surprised as the rest of the party in a lot of scenes. And I feel like that just kind of took all the life out of her character. She was already kind of generic in the game and taking away the one thing that made her interesting just made her even worse.
Okay I'm starting to make it sound like I hate Zestiria the X, I don't. I think I am just a huge purist when it comes to the original game and the anime did a lot of things contradictory to the game that I didn't like very much. But it's okay it was still a good anime and worth watching
It didn't really help me like my favorite characters (Sorey, Mikleo, and Edna) even more, but it did help bring the characters I was lukewarm about (Alisha, Rose, Zavied) about up to par with the original three in terms of how much I liked them, so that's nice. (Lailah and Dezel were more interesting in the game anyway.) I think if you took The X Alisha, Rose, and Zavied, and put them into the game's narrative, you'd have a pretty solid experience in total.
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jacquelinemerritt · 1 year
Dragon Ball Z: Abridged Episode 31 Review
Originally posted December 15th, 2015
Reflection and humble beginnings.
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Last season, Team Four Star began with intensity and focus on the story they were going to tell. As Bulma blasted off towards Namek, there was a sense of determination she shared with her creators; while she was determined to gather the Dragonballs and bring her friends back to life, Team Four Star was determined to retell the Freeza saga with the appropriate weight such a story deserved.
They were burdened with a great task of satisfying the expectations of their fans, most of whom had already seen the original Freeza Saga and held it in high regard, and they let their viewers know that they were going to take that task seriously. Now, however, the Freeza saga is over, and it was pretty clearly a success. Imperfections aside, Team Four Star did an excellent job retelling this story, and that fact is something I’m sure they are keenly aware of.
It’s fitting then, that they choose to begin season three not with determination, but with reflection. While they tease at an ominous story to come with Garlic Jr., by the end of the episode they show that to be a red herring; the important story here is a simple but personal tale following Krillin and his new girlfriend, Maron.
Now, Krillin is not my favorite character in this series,1 but he is my fourth favorite character because, despite being constantly overwhelmed and afraid, he still persists and does his best to fight alongside people who are essentially gods. He’s also the most human character in this series, which is made incredibly clear in this episode as he struggles with whether or not Maron loves him because of who he is, or because of the money he obtained through insurance fraud.
This question keeps him up late into the night, and after having the most emotionally honest conversation of the series with a turtle, he decides that he’s going to tell Maron everything and see if she still loves him anyway. She never loved him at all, it turns out; she was investigating him for insurance fraud the entire time. Finding this out is heartbreaking, to be sure, but it’s also hilarious, and since Krillin’s wealth was obtained illegally, it feels like karmic justice as well.
The rest of the episode is also filled with small snippets of domesticity for the characters. Everyone attends a birthday party for Turtle, a talking turtle that everyone seems to care about and love for no apparent reason besides the fact that he seems pretty nice. Gohan and Chichi pound the tuna, in an attempt to take the place of Goku, and Piccolo chills on a mountaintop with Nail and Kami, talking about nothing particularly important. This is all incredibly refreshing, giving us a break from the intensity we just went through in the Freeza saga while still delivering a funny and entertaining episode.
Rating: 5/5
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Stray Observations
1My top three characters from Dragonball Z: Abridged are as follows: Piccolo, Gohan, and Vegeta in that order. Piccolo’s slightly too serious demeanor (which makes him feel perfectly out of place) and devotion to being Gohan’s father puts him at the top, Gohan’s bookishness combined with a will to fight (and anger/father issues) makes him second, and Vegeta’s superiority complex, devil-may-care attitude and excellent insults make him third.
Oh, Kanye, you always let us know when bitches be gold diggin’. (And then “American Woman” reminding us of that later.)
Kami: “Last time Mr. Popo had a booty call I found five corpses. He laughed when I said five.”
Bulma: “No one screws Yamcha but life.”
Krillin Owned: 29, because Maron isn’t just a gold digger, she’s a federal agent.
Maron: “I said I worked for the government, I never said I was a good person.”
Mr. Popo: “Oh don’t mind me Kami. I just had a bit of Italian for dinner.” Kami: “What does that-“ Mr. Popo: “’Cause it was nothing but Garlic!”
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sinfulspencer · 4 years
You control me (even if it's just tonight)
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Prompt: Y/N and the BAU's team are enjoying a night out at Rossi's.
Sex is the main topic of the night. Morgan and Y/N tease Spencer about him being “too adorable, too vanilla”, so... he has to prove he's not.
Rating: M (smut, rough sex)
Warnings: oral sex (female receiving), hair pulling, spanking, gagging, fingering, choking, over-stimulation, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie. .
Check out my masterlist here.
    The night is on your lips and I feel like I'm locked in There's a million lights, I don't care if they're watching Your body is saying everything, I don't have to read your mind
 “Thank God we can finally relax, guys.” Y/N huffs
Morgan is sitting beside her, sipping his beer with a smirk on his lips. “That's the best part of the job.” Rossi and Prentiss, on the other side of the room, are chatting about what they're planning to do for this weekend while Spencer is sitting on the couch, his head thrown back against the pillow and a book open on his lap. The whole team is pretty tired after a whole week of investigations, profiles spread all over the town, sleepeless night and too many corpses found in the area. Thankfully, the help of Garcia and JJ got them to the end of the case, arrested the motherfucker and enjoyed their first night of the week with at least 9 hours of sleep. The same number of hours they got to sleep in exacty five days. Y/N is very tired and can't even keep her eyes open, so Garcia made some coffee for JJ, Y/N and herself in her adorable and weird cups. Y/N gets one with the octopus, JJ one with a shark and Garcia has her own favourite cup, one with Cinderella's fairy godmother. “Is Reid asleep?” Rossi asks, walking towards the oval table in his living room Y/N grabs a pen from the table, throwing it at Spencer as he opens his eyes. “Not anymore.”
Morgan chuckles, shaking his head. “Poor thing. He partied too hard last night, he didn't even get to sleep.” JJ and Prentiss sit down at the table, one in front of Y/N and the other next to Rossi. Y/N loves nights like this, where they could get all together for something to eat, something to drink and maybe some gossip that they couldn't share while working on a case. But she knows that somehow they'll end up talking about a case that night. Y/N doesn't mind, but sometimes it's nice to keep her mind off criminals and murderers and kidnappings. Just for one night, just for a couple of hours. Garcia walks out of the kitchen with a normal black mug in her hands. “Spencer, your coffee is ready.” He stretches his arms forward and lets out a soft sigh, nodding. Y/N grabs his coffee mug from Garcia's hands and uses her free hand to grab the sugar bowl with a spoon.
“How much sugar tonight, Spence?” asks Y/N
The doctor stands up from the couch, slowly walking towards the empty seat by her side. “Surprise me.”
Y/N simply nods, amused by the fact that he trusts her with his precious coffee. She knows he loves sugar with a little bit of coffee – that's what Morgan always says to him when he's the one making coffee for all the others at work – so she pours at least three spoons of sugar in the mug, mixing the liquid. And when the coffee is ready, Y/N hands the mug to Spencer as he leans his head on her shoulder.
“Oh, pretty boy is tired. - JJ coos, grinning – You should go to bed.”
Spencer lifts his head as Y/N wrinkles her nose, annoyed that her female colleague bothered him. She didn't mind having him laying against her like that, he was actually very warm and he smelled like vanilla.
“No, it's fine. Coffee will help me. - Spencer replies, taking out the spoon from the mug – Thank you, Y/N”
She shoots him a smile, taking a sip of her milk and coffee. “No problem. Did you come here with your car?”
He shakes his head. “No, I took the bus. I was hoping you'd give me a ride at the end of the night.”
Garcia and Prentiss look at each other. This is the first time Spencer asked Y/N for a ride – and they both know he had asked her because he wants to be alone with her for a while. The two women noticed that Spencer acted in a totally different way when he was with Y/N, than his usual self. He was more nervous, stiffer but he kept eye contact with Y/N as much as he could – and, of course, he spent a lot of time simply watching her with that dumb smile on his lips. 
They tried to talk to Spencer about it, to convince him somehow to do something about his crush, but every single time they brought up “Y/N is single” or “Y/N is very pretty”, he tended to shut them down and focus on other things.
It's not really a surprise, Spencer has always been quite.. private.
Garcia and JJ, on the other hand, noticed the same thing but on Y/N's side but at least she was honest about it and straight-up told JJ that she had a very big crush on Spencer, but she didn't know what to do with him. JJ suggested her to simply flirt a bit with him, calling him with pet names or sitting by his side every time during their case. So Y/N did that. And she even got to hang out with him for a whole night.
Even though they were working on a case in his bedroom, Y/N still felt like she had won something. By the end of the night – it was almost 5 in the morning – Spencer told her that he was very tired and he wanted to go to bed, so Y/N took that as a “get out of my bedroom” sign. But then, as she was grabbing her shoes and her purse, Spencer asked her to keep him company. So she did. 
And they slept in the same bedroom: Spencer on the small couch, Y/N on the king-sized bed – even though she would've loved to sleep next to him, with his arms wrapped around her and his lips pressed against her neck.
After that night, nothing “more serious” had happened. JJ told Y/N that it was fine, that it probably was a big step for him, so she just needed to wait for another on of his moves. Sure, they flirted on the jet while flying from one country to another, they worked together on other cases, she made him coffee almost every morning and he bought her lunch for three days straight, but still. Nothing else.
Y/N wanted more.
“I heard there's a new bar down the block. - Rossi says, leaning back against the chair – We could have a drink there this weekend, if you're all up for it.”
Garcia giggles, shaking her head. “I can't. I have a date, actually.”
Morgan raises an eyebrow, leaning in. “Babygirl, why didn't you tell me?”
JJ and Prentiss laugh, while Spencer takes another sip of coffee from his mug. His eyes are fixed on Y/N's face, not leaving her for a single second. She can feel his stare on her skin but she doesn't have the courage to turn around, pinch him on the thigh and tell him something. He can stare however he wants – but he could also touch her, it would be amazing too.
“Well, you know, we talked this morning and he said he wanted to take me out. - Garcia explains, placing with the edge of her mug – But you guys should go out anyway! I know some of you need to get laid. Especially you, Y/N.”
She opens her mouth, not expecting her colleague to say that. “I...”
Prentiss covers her mouth with a hand. “Isn't it right?”
Y/N doesn't mind talking about sex, it's nice to talk about it and find out more about her colleague's thoughts on it – all of her colleagues saw her reading sex books at the end of a case, on the jet while coming back home. But still, Y/N wasn't expecting Garcia to call her out like that and she can feel Spencer's eyes on her the whole time.
It's difficult to breathe when he's looking at her that way.
“Hm, I haven't gotten laid in a very long time. - Y/N manages to crook out, blushing – Maybe this new bar will bring me some fun.”
JJ raises an eyebrow, noticing Spencer's eyes shifting on hers before going back to Y/N. “How long since your last time, Y/N? We actually have never heard you talking about a possible date or something.”
Rossi turns his head towards Spencer, smirking when he sees the young doctor shiting on his chair. “Spencer, is everything okay? Are you excited to try this new bar out and see what chick come to your way?”
Morgan laughs at his friend's remark. “Yeah, pretty boy, do you need to get laid?”
Y/N turns her body around to look at Spencer, hoping the conversation would stay on him and his business for the rest of the night but the doctor is looking at her, a tight smile on his lips. Y/N knows she has to break the silence or someone could ask more personal questions – sex is not a taboo, of course, but some things should stay secret and buried in her mind.
“I mean, who doesn't need to get laid here?”
Prentiss, JJ, Rossi, Morgan and Garcia raise their hands. Y/N stares at them, then covers her face with hand as she shakes her head. She can feel her cheeks getting redder.
“Oh come on, Y/N! - Morgan exclaims, capturing her attention – How long?”
They all look quite surprised that Y/N hasn't had sex in a while, probably because she's a very attractive young woman and they assumed she had sex at least once a week. Y/N let out a soft sigh – and fuck it, they wouldn't judge her on the most natural thing in the world. Right?
“At least three years. The last time I had sex, I was still with Leonard. - Y/N says, shrugging as she takes a sip of her coffee – My first year in the BAU, yeah.”
Garcia places a hand over her heart. “Oh honey, you need to get laid!”
Y/N blushes, giggling at the same time. “I know, I just don't find the time to do that.”
Spencer lowers his eyes, scratching the back of his neck. “And I don't find the right people to do that.”
Rossi immediately looks at the young doctor. “What did you say, boy wonder?”
“Boy wonder, pretty boy”, Y/N loves Spencer's nicknames. 
They fit him so perfectly because he really is a wonder, and he really is pretty. One of the most attractive Y/N has ever laid her eyes on in her whole life, way better than her ex boyfriend Leonard. She whishes Spencer would look at her the way she does.
“I said that I don't find the right people to do that, you know? - Spencer says, this time in a higher voice – I just don't like going to a bar and stare at women like they're objects. I'd rather spend the whole night talking to someone and then see what happens.”
Y/N quickly nods, leaning back against her chair. “Yeah, same. I'm not like you, Morgan.”
“Hey! That was rude. - Morgan exclaims, rolling his eyes – But I get it, you both need psychological arousal before actually having sex with someone. That's fair.”
JJ and Prentiss look at each other, then they turn around to stare at the two “lovebirds” sitting really close to one another. They would be the perfect couple: both very smart, both very attractive, both clumsy and romantic, both book-geeks, both curious, both open-minded and both amazing listeners, conversationists and interesting people. The only thing that was missing was... well, something that actually forced them to tell each other how they felt.
“Why don't you both give it a try?” Rossi asks
Morgan almost chokes on his beer, turning his head around. JJ and Prentis start laughing, covering their mouths while Garcia tries her hardest not to laugh again. Spencer looks almost offended while Y/N wants the floor to open up and swallow her without even hesitating.
“That would ruin our professional relationship, Morgan. - Spencer says, his voice calculated and stern – She is a very attractive woman, but she's my colleague. I wouldn't do that.”
Y/N lowers her eyes, a sharp pain spreading in her chest. She knew he wouldn't be so open about the idea of having sex with her, but still, she felt a big rejected. He wouldn't have sex with her because they work together, but if they weren't colleagues, he would?
That question running through her head makes her open her mouth.
“So.. would you fuck me if we weren't colleagues?”
This time is Rossi who almost chokes on his beer, as Prentiss and Garcia widen their eyes. They were not expecting her to be so straight-forward, but Y/N doesn't want to let this go. If he found her attractive, why wouldn't he give it a go? Y/N was literally waiting for him to do something to her, but she wasn't going to be the one to make the first move. Ever.
JJ smirks on the other side of the table, crossing her legs. “That's actually a good point.”
Spencer shifts again on his chair. “Well, I...”
“Pretty boy, you can speak. I'm sure she won't bite. - Garcia exclaims, snapping her fingers – Unless you want her to. Right, Y/N?”
Y/N winks at her, feeling more at ease now. 
Does coffee and milk have some kind of effect on people's behaviour the same way alcohol has? 
Because she feels like she's drunk. Or maybe it's just the fact that her hormones are all over the place when she's around Spencer.
“Come on, Reid. If only I liked women, I'd go for it. - Prentiss says, kicking him under the table and making the others laugh at her words – If Hotch wasn't married, I would fuck him!”
JJ places her coffee mug on the table. “If I wasn't married, I'd go with Morgan.”
“I'd go with Y/N, if only she was interested in me. - Morgan says, winking at Y/N – Unfortunately she has eyes for someone else.”
Y/N blushes hard. She confessed to Morgan her feelings for Spencer on the last night of their case at the beginning of the month. She was drunk, her head pressed against the wooden surface of a pub in Texas, when she basically poured her heart out to Morgan – he was less drunk than her, but still. They've spent the whole night talking about how she should find the strenght to grab Spencer, push him somewhere and just tell him the truth because it was almost overwhelming.
Y/N started working for the BAU three years ago and she had been interested in Spencer ever since – she didn't use the words “in love with” because, well, she didn't want to. She wasn't ready to admit to herself that she has always been in love with him, mostly because he wasn't really interested in her body but only in her mind. Or that's what she thought.
She didn't know that Spencer has thought many times about her, with his hands down his pants and his eyes closed, head thrown back on the pillow as images of her possible naked body straddling him would fill his brain before falling asleep.
“Why is this about me, now? - Spencer mutters, crossing his arms to his chest – Shouldn't we focus on the fact that she hasn't gotten laid in so long?”
Y/N giggles, shaking her head. “Thank you for your concern about my sexual life, Spence.”
“Why don't you help her ending her misery? - Rossi asks without even thinking about it – Come on. I'll even give you my bedroom.”
Prentiss stands up from the chair, laughing. “God, you're scaring him, Rossi.”
JJ taps her fingers against the table. “I'm pretty sure Y/N is not as vanilla as he is, anyway.”
“Uh, did you forget that I'm here and I can hear what you say?” Y/N blushes hard
Garcia whistles, leaning forward. “Oh please, tell me more. Vanilla? What's that?”
Before Y/N could open her mouth to reply, Spencer speaks first.
“Vanilla basically means someone who enjoys sex without twists or kinks. It's plain regular sweet, happy and very lovey-dovey sex. - Y/N turns to look at him, raising an eyebrow – What? I'm not as vanilla as you think I am, Y/N. Just because I don't talk about my sex life, doesn't mean I hate sex. I experience sexual attraction, I like having sex with others.”
She lifts both her hands, rolling her eyes. “Calm down, sweetcheeks. I didn't say anything.”
“What's a kink?” Garcia asks again
Prentiss and JJ step inside of the kitchen, probably to grab a beer or something. Rossi and Morgan are enjoying the conversation, darting their eyes from Spencer to Y/N to see how they react. The conversation isn't over yet and they hope that, by making those kind of references, they'd get the two lovebirds together.
“A kink is a sexual behaviour, a sexual preference someone has. It's something that increases sexual enjoyment like... spanking, choking, hair pulling. - Y/N says, eyes focused on Spencer by his side – It's different from a fetish because a fetish replaces the partner with an object.”
Morgan leans forward. “I guess I have a kink for lingerie, then.”
Rossi laughs, placing his empty bottle down on the table. “I would've never said that.”
“I guess I'm vanilla, then. - JJ mutters, sitting back on the chair in front of Y/N – Me and Will don't have much “mommy and daddy time”, so we haven't explored much. Not yet, at least.”
“What about you, Y/N?” Prentiss asks
The younger woman shifts on the chair, taking the last sip of her milk and coffee.
“Oh, I have a very long list of kinks that I want to try and that I've already tried and loved.”
“Explain.” Spencer says
She looks at him for a second, then blushes. “Well, uhm... Can you promise me nothing of this conversation is going to leave this house?”
“Of course! We would never spread intimate informations to others. - Garcia exclaims, clapping her hands with a mischievous smirk on her lips – Come on, spill. It's been three years and you've never told us any of your spicy secrets.”
Spencer moves his chair so he could face Y/N, getting a bit closer to her.
“Oh, this is going to be so good. - Derek says, pressing his hands together – Tell us.”
JJ leans in, smirking. “I know some of them already.”
Spencer looks at JJ for a few seconds, then raises an eyebrow and turns to look at the other girl by his side, the same girl who's about to open up about her kinks – what if some of them are the same as his? Would it be easier for him to make the first move in the car, later?
Spencer almost chokes on his coffee. She's into choking, huh? Well, that's definitely an interesting kink to have – and he appears to have it as well. He has imagined many times to have his hand wrapped around her pretty throat, forcing her to look at him in the eyes while he's touching her.
“Choking? Oh, damn. - Rossi says, not surprised – Have you tried it?”
Y/N nods, biting her bottom lip. “Yes. I have. Many times, actually. That was the only thing Leonard was able to do.”
“What do you mean?” Prentiss asks, furrowing her perfectly shaped eyebrows
Y/N shrugs, blushing hard. “Well, I would've liked to have an orgasm once or twice in my life.”
Garcia, JJ, Prentis, Morgan and Rossi all gasp at her confession. Spencer is actually speechless: he remembers when she told him about Leonard breaking up with her after four years. He has always thought that they were having a wonderful sex life, but now... it appears that her ex boyfriend wasn't really that good in bed. 
So? She has never had an orgasm? That's fucking frustrating.
“Oh my God! Are you serious?” Morgan widens his eyes
Y/N shrugs, biting her bottom lip. “I've had self-orgasms, but never... you know.”
Garcia immediately stands up, wrapping an arm around Y/N's shoulders. “Poor child, you definitely need someone who can make you come or you'll go crazy. I am so sorry.”
The younger woman chuckles, slowly pulling away from the hug. “Eh, it's fine. I'll find someone, won't I?”
After a few seconds of awkward silence, Y/N lets out a huge sigh and stands up from the chair. She definitely needs something to drink right in that moment, maybe something alcoholic so she can stop thinking about the fact that she admitted that she never had an orgasm before. 
Sure, Leonard was nice in bed but he has never been able to actually take her to the finish line. She tried to talk about it to him, but he always got so offended to the point he would storm out of their old apartment.
“Vanilla boy, what do you say? What's your kink?” Rossi asks
Y/N steps inside Rossi's kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge. All this “sex talking” is getting to her head but she doesn't mind, it's actually very refreshing to talk about sex with someone different than JJ when they're sharing a room during one of their cases.
“I bet you have a foot fetish.” Morgan sneers
Prentiss chuckles, pulling out her phone from her purse. “I wish I could stay here a little longer but my dear boyfriend wants me home in an hour. I want to know more about your kinks, Spencer!”
The young doctor rolls his eyes, fidgeting the edge of his shirt. “I don't have a foot fetish, Morgan. Maybe you do, but I don't. I don't think I have any fetish, I have a lot of kinks though. And I'm probably less vanilla than you, chocolate fudge.”
Y/N giggles when she comes back to the living room, placing her beer bottle on the table as she walks towards Prentiss. She hugs her tightly and opens the entrance door for her, waving until she's safe and in her car. Not that Prentiss needs a bodyguard, but still.
“Tell me one of them, then. - Morgan says, raising his eyebrows – We're all curious.”
Y/N grabs her beer bottle and sits next to JJ, leaving the empty chair next to Spencer so he's all alone in front of her, JJ, Morgan and Rossi. Spencer is blushing hard, probably because he's not really used to talk about sex in front of others, and Y/N finds it so fucking cute and pretty. She wants to stand up, sit on his lap and shower him with kisses all over his face.
Or maybe she'd get on his knees for him, she'd love it.
“I like gagging.”
Y/N's eyes snap on his face, noticing he's looking at her.
So he likes to gag people? With what, tissues or maybe a part of body?
“Oh, that's nice. - Y/N says, agreeing with him – Same, honestly.”
JJ and Rossi look at each other, both smirking.
“See? She'd be perfect for you, Spencer! - JJ exclaims, touching Y/N's knee – Maybe you'd help her having the first orgasm with her life.”
Y/N shakes her head, embarrassed beyond limits. “Please, stop trying to make him hook up with me. If we want to fuck in my car later, we will. We don't need your help, do we, Spencer?”
Spencer immediately agrees, taking the last sip of coffee. “Exactly. Thank you, Y/N.”
And so the sex talk finally ends, shifting to another topic for the next hour and a half.
 It's almost two in the morning and Y/N feels extremely tired. She can't wait to go back home, strip from all of her clothes and jump into her bed to take a very long, long sleep. She needs it or she'll pass out during lunch with her mother the day after – she probably shouldn't have accepted to go out to Rossi's apartment with the team, but still. She needed to see Spencer before Monday.
The conversation with the team is slowly coming to an end, forcing all of them to stand up and get ready to leave Rossi's apartment. After a second beer, Spencer decided to change his chair and sit back on the couch; he even asked Y/N to join him, which she did, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders while she laid her head on his chest. 
She actually enjoyed being so close to him, smelling his soft scent and having her hair caressed by his skilled fingers. She wonders if he noticed the way she got really comfortable by his side, letting herself wrap an arm around his waist to pull him closer to her. Maybe he didn't notice, but JJ and Rossi did – and they probably texted Prentiss and Garcia, who left a bit later, to tell them the good news.
Y/N doesn't really care about what they think. 
It's obvious that she has a thing for Spencer, so what? It's not like it would ruin everything in the team – unless Spencer rejcts her in a bad way and leaves the BAU, but Y/N knows he would never do that. 
Even if he's not interested in her, Spencer would never hurt her or tell her something that'd upset her. He's a sweetheart, he's romantic and he cares for her. He was her first friend in the BAU, they got close to each other basically two days after their first meeting so.. Y/N trusts him. She would take a bullet for him.
“I'll see you all this Monday, then.” Rossi says, standing on the door step
Y/N quickly nods, closing her jacket on her chest. “Yes. Thank God it's not paperwork day.”
“I'm allergic to paperwork. - Rossi mutters, shaking his head – Goodnight, guys. Drive safely.”
JJ, Morgan, Y/N and Spencer walks away from Rossi's apartment to reach the small parking lot right behind his house. Spencer doesn't leave Y/N's side, almost as if he's terrified he might remain right there, alone, and has to walk home in the middle of the night.
He doesn't even have his gun with him.
JJ opens her car with her automatic key. “As always, it was a pleasure.”
Morgan gives her a quick hug. “See you on Monday, JJ.”
Y/N winks at her, blowing her a kiss. “Text me when you get home, okay?”
“Always. Don't worry. - JJ says, putting her bag in the backseats – Goodnight Spencer.”
He lifts his hand, waving at her. “'Night.”
JJ gets in her own car as Morgan and Y/N walks towards their with Spencer.
Y/N grabs her keys from her bag and clicks them, opening the car. “Morgan.”
“Babygirl. - he whispers, hugging her quickly – Goodnight, sleep well. And don't tease our pretty boy too much while you're driving, wouldn't want his not-so-vanilla side come out at the wrong time.”
Spencer rolls his eyes at his friend tease, shaking his head. “You are so incredibly annoying, Morgan. I don't know how Savannah can stand you, literally.”
“What can I say? - Morgan smirks, winking at both of them – I'm good in bed, I guess.”
Y/N laughs along with him, jumping in her car with Spencer by her side. She has always loved the way Morgan is so open and so fun, she likes his behaviour and she loves the relationship he has with Garcia. She wonders if she'll ever find someone to have a similar relationship with. Y/N loves teasing.
Spencer closes the car door, putting his seatbelt on. Y/N starts the engine, not driving out of the parking lot, and grabs her phone before giving it to Spencer.
“I don't remember your address, I need my GPS.”
“Oh, you don't trust my directions?” Spencer asks, pretending to be offended
Y/N gives him a weird look, chuckling right after. “The last time you gave me your address, we ended up in the middle of nowhere with JJ and Morgan behind us.”
“That wasn't my fault! I was drunk! - Spencer tells her, rolling his eyes – Morgan challenged me with the twenty vodka shots at The Angel. It wasn't my fault.”
She giggles, placing her phone next to the steering wheel. “Sure, keep telling yourself that, sweetcheeks.”
A comfortable silence washes over the car as Y/N slowly pulls out of the parking lot to follow her GPS' directions towards Spencer's house. She's glad he's not talking, but at the same time she wishes he would open her mouth and tell her something. Whatever he wants, she doesn't mind. Y/N really likes his voice, it's soothing and relaxed, and hot. 
She wonders how his voice would sound if he whispered something against her ear, maybe from behind with his arms wrapped around her waist and his hip...
“So you've never had an orgasm before.”
Y/N stops at a traffic light, turning for a second to look at him. “Is it so horrible to imagine?”
“Orgasmic dysfunction is a condition that occours when someone has difficulty reaching orgasms, usually when they're sexually aroused. The contributing factors might include older age, but you're not old; the use of certain medications, particularly antidepressants, shyness, cultural or religious beliefs... - Spencer starts to ramble as Y/N beings to drive again – Or maybe unresolved conflicts, lack of trust, stress, poor self-esteem, anxiety, depression. The inability to orgasm can lead to distress, which may make it even harder to achieve orgasm in the future.”
Y/N taps her fingers against the wheel. “What are your conclusions, doctor?”
“He wasn't as good as he thought he was in bed, maybe. - Spencer adds, shrugging without looking at her – You said that you were able to, uhm, come by yourself. I think it's called situational anorg..”
She lets out a huge sigh, keeping her eyes on the road in front of her. 
“He was the problem, Spencer. He wasn't able to use his tongue, his fingers, let alone his dick. He cared about himself and his own pleasure instead of mutually sharing the experience.”
He bites his bottom lip, tapping his foot. “Well, I am sorry. It must be really frustrating.”
“Not really. I mean, one day I'll find someone who can make me come. - Y/N replies, not really wanting to keep diving into her “secret” - For now, I'm quite satisfied with myself.”
Spencer remains silent for a few minutes, turning his head towards the window of her car. 
He is completely alone with her in her car, far away from the others and all those weird teasing phrases that kept bothering him every single day. Morgan and Hotchner tried to make him hook up with her many times by booking a bedroom for two under their names, but Y/N has always managed to find a way to change that booking and sleeping with JJ instead. Spencer didn't mind because if he got to sleep with Y/N in the middle of a working-weel, he would've forced her to spend the whole day in bed with him instead of going out to work on a case. 
He has the chance of touching her or try to talk to her about something he can help her with, but what if she rejects him and pulls him away? Or what if she gets repulsed by him and the idea of being with him?
“Well, if you ever need help, I'm here.”
Y/N blinks, not really sure she heard him right. “What?”
“To talk. - Spencer coughs, covering his mouth with a hand – I meant, to talk. I'm here for you if you need to talk to someone, you know. I'm always here for you.”
This would be the perfect time for her to shoot her shot. They're stopping at another traffic light and there's silence, which means Y/N could actually say something to change the course of their night.
“You could also physically help me, if you're in the mood. - Y/N whispers, tightening the grip on the steering wheel – See if there's something wrong with me or if my ex boyfriend was just a useless piece of meat when we tried to have sex.”
Spencer gulps, biting his bottom lip again. She asked him to have sex, basically.
But what should he do? Accept and have the best night of his life with the woman he's been thirsting over for the past three years or reject her in order to keep his sanity while he's at work? 
If they end up having sex that night, Spencer knows he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about her when he sees her at work – and that would definitely be a disaster, because they all need to be focused on the job. But still. It's just sex. It's a normal thing, everybody has it, everybody has done it or will do it in their life, so why would it have to ruin everything?
“Are you asking me to make you come?”
A little smile appears on her lips. “Yes. Do you think you can do it?”
Spencer shifts on the seat. “I don't understand if you're serious or are you just joking.”
The GPS tells Y/N that they're almost at Spencer's apartment. She bites her bottom lip, not really sure how to reply to that. She hoped her voice, more stern, would help him understand that she's on the verge of begging him to touch her but apparently he needs a little more encouragement.
“Why would I joke about this? - she asks, turning the wheel to the right until she stops in front of the white building on her left – If you don't believe me, you can just say no and we'll stop talking about this.”
Spencer looks at his left, then turns around to stare at the woman by his side. She doesn't take off her seatbelt, probably waiting for a sign from him. He's hesitating because he really doesn't know what to do. He has the perfect opportunity to have sex with her, to touch the way he dreamed of, to be touched by those hands he had fantasies about. 
But what if it's just a plan that the others had elaborated to make fun of him?
No, they would never do that. They love him, they care for him. Morgan loves to tease him and make fun of him but not in a bad way, in a friendly and jokingly way.
“I don't want to say no, Y/N. That's the problem.”
She takes off her seatbelt. “And I don't want to force you to do anything.”
“I thought you were too tired and wanted to go home. - Spencer whispers, biting his bottom lip – But if you're too tired to drive, you can stop by my house for the night.”
Y/N tilts her head. “I might accept your offer, if you don't mind.”
He quickly shakes his head, stepping out of the car. His heart is beating so fast in his chest to the point he's scared it might jump out from his throat because this is happening all too fast. Spencer closes the door behind his back and walks towards his apartment, followed by Y/N who closes her car with her keys and puts them back in her bag. He hopes she can't see the way his fingers are shaking.
Spencer pulls out his card from his pocket and slides it against the locker device on the door. A little “click” can be heard, later on the door opens and Spencer walks inside his living room, soon followed by Y/N.
It's not the first time she goes to his house. 
She remembers the first weekend at the BAU, Morgan and Prentiss decided to have a little gathering somewhere. And Spencer offered his house, inviting all of them there. And they had so much fun, playing board games and drinking white wine.
“Are you cold, Y/N? I can start the fire, if you want.”
She takes off her jacket. “No, it's fine. Your house is already warm, I don't want to get too hot.”
Spencer simply nods, grabbing her jacket and hanging it behind the locked door. There's only one thing in his mind so when he turns around, he realizes it by grabbing Y/N by the waist and pulling her closer to his chest as she widens her eyes. She looks up at him, her eyes staring back at his.
“I would love to help you. Physically.”
A smirk appears on her lips. “I was hoping you would, actually.”
Y/N's hand slides up on his chest, caressing the exposed skin of his collarbones. Her finger tips are so delicate, touching his skin while she leans forward with her head. Spencer lowers his eyes to look at her, enoying the soft touch of her hand, and brushes the tip of his nose against her before letting their lips meet in a very chaste kiss. There's no lust, no passion in it.
It's sweet. Maybe a little too much for her taste, but Y/N doesn't want to rush things. Even though the only thing she needs right in that moment, is for him to push her down on her knees and gag her with his cock while forcing her to take all of him in her mouth.
Y/N moans softly on his lips, licking his bottom lip before sliding her tongue inside of his mouth. She can feel the little hint of coffee mixed with beer, it's hot. And it's delicious. She might get already addicted to his taste, but she bet he'd taste even sweeter somewhere else.
Spencer moves his hand from her waist to her back, pressing her body against his. A soft moan escapes from her lips, forcing him to pull away for a few seconds. He looks at her, noticing her full of lust her eyes are, as a little smile appear on his mouth. She looks fucking sinful in that moment.
“Are you sure you want this?” Spencer asks
Y/N takes his face in her hands, gently brushing her thumbs over his cheekbones. “Yes. I want you.”
That was all he needed to know. His lips press against hers one more time, the light stubble along his cheeks scratches the soft skin around her lips but she doesn't care. No, the only thing she can focus on is the way he's pushing her towards his body, moving his hips against hers.
Spencer slides his hand down to her thighs, picking the girl up in the middle of the living room. Y/N doesn't realize that they moved to another room until Spencer lays her down on his bed, hovering over her as their lips keep meeting in passionate kisses. 
His tongue moves across Y/N's, his hands forcing her to open her legs as he presses his hip against her again and again. She can feel his erection through his dark trousers pressing on her thigh, leaving her breathless.
“Fuck, Spencer.”
Y/N runs a hand through his hair, pulling it lightly. Spencer interrupts the kiss and pulls away from her mouth, making its way down her neck. A loud moan echoes through the room as she arches her back while Spencer kisses the tender skin on her throat, while his right hand slowly wraps around it.
“You are so fucking hot like this, Y/N.”
She grins, opening her eyes. “I would look way hotter without my clothes.”
Spencer smiles softly, lifting his body up. “Oh yeah? Show me, then. Undress yourself.”
He moves on his bed, laying down on the mattress with both hands behind his neck. Y/N blinks, then gives him a huge smile as she steps down the bed. She quickly takes off her shoes and her socks, pulling down her trousers.
“Thank God I put on my favourite pair of panties!” - she thinks, removing her dark blue blouse.
“I love your body, you know that?”
Y/N shakes her head, leaving her clothes on the floor before jumping again on the bed and slowly straddling Spencer's body. His hands end up on her bottom, squeezing it slightly while his mouth covers her once against. Y/N starts grinding against him, moaning softly on his lips, as she lifts his shirt.
Spencer lets her undress him as quickly as they can, finally feeling her hot skin pressed on his.
“Were you expecting to get laid tonight?” Spencer asks
Y/N shakes her head again. “No, actually. But I'm glad I put on this lingerie.”
“Dark blue is my favourite color. - he whispers, brushing the tip of his index around her right nipple – You should wear it more often, both on your clothes and your underwear.”
Y/N will definitely do that in the future. “Gladly.”
Spencer unclasps her bra, throwing it on the floor along with their clothes, and before she can move to take off his trousers, his mouth attacks her nipple. A loud moan echoes through the room as Y/N bites her bottom lip, moving her hips against his thigh while Spencer starts playing with her other nipple. He twists it softly, making her whimper with her eyes now closed.
His hands are still on her bottom, grabbing it tightly to the point she knows he left his handprints on her skin – but she doesn't care, she wants everything he can give her. Spencer starts sucking on her right nipple, flicking his tongue against and around it until she starts moaning faster and louder. She has always loved nipple play but unfortunately her boyfriend wasn't on the same page as her.
“Spence, stop. - she manages to whisper – I need to...”
“Go ahead, princess. - he says, helping her to lift her body up – Do whatever you want.”
She obeys quickly, pulling his trousers and his boxers down. Now he's completely naked under her body and Y/N is shocked because she didn't know he was actually fucking packing. 
Like, very long and thick. She doesn't even know if she'll be able to take it all inside of her without her crying in pain.
But she quickly recovers, straddling him again. The tip of his cock is slightly pressed to her core, forcing her to rock her hips forward as a soft moan escapes from his lips. It's soft, needy, just like hers. And Y/N swears she has never heard of a more beautiful sound before in her life. 
She can feel herself getting wetter and wetter by the seconds, so she quickly pulls down her panties until she's finally completely naked on his body. There's nothing separating the two of them. She can easily slides her hand down his torso, grab his cock and push it inside of her without hesitating but... Not yet. She wants to enjoy his fingers, his mouth, his gorgeous body before actually having the pleasure of being fucked by him.
Spencer lifts his right hand, pushing two fingers in her mouth. Y/N allows him to do that, feeling his fingertips pressing down on her tongue.
“I want you to suck my fingers while you ride my thighs.”
And who's Y/N to reject him of such a delicious order?
She slowly nods, blinking when Spencer begins to bounce his knee slightly, eliciting a whine from Y/N as he closes her eyes. Her tongue touches the tip of two fingers, wetting them as she moves her hips to match his movements. The knot behind her belly button is growing fast, heat spreads through her body and on her cheeks as she uses her left hand to steady herself on his body.
She has never been so aroused before.
Spencer presses his fingers on her tongue, forcing her to open her mouth. She looks straight into his eyes, grinding faster against his thighs. The pressure on her clit is getting heavier, more pleasure, more intense and her thighs are starting to shake.
Is this what an orgasm caused by someone feels like?
“Good girl. You're being so good, princess.”
His voice is deep, filled with desire and lust. A low moan comes out of his mouth as Y/N throws her head back when his fingers leave her lips, sliding down on her body. Spencer starts to play with both her nipples, bouncing his leg to allow her to have more friction. Her wetness is sliding down his thigh as Spencer bites his bottom lip, twisting her nipples between his fingers.
“I think I'm gonna come.”
Y/N's moans grow louder and louder, leaving her lips in a lithany of low sounds. Spencer has never seen a more beautiful creature in his life before, as she moves quickly against his leg.
“Come for me, Y/N. I want you to come.”
His right hand leaves her nipple, his fingers dig deep into her hip as he follows her pace, bouncing his knee to meet her movements. Y/N whines, wanting to finally have a decent orgasm. And as soon as Spencer grabs a fistful of her hair with his left hand, the pure ecstasy of the moment takes over her body as she reaches her climax.
“Spencer, fuck!”
He keeps a slow rhytm for her, helping her ride her first ever not-self orgasm. Her face is red from the heat, a single sweat drop falls from her forehead down her chest and Spencer leans forward to press a long kiss at the base of her throat.
Y/N is shaking as she collapses against his body, her chest raising up and down. She tries to catch her breath, grasping the sheets by his left side as Spencer slowly rolls over her body. Y/N closes her legs, panting hard with her eyes closed.
It felt so good, so liberating to finally have an orgasm not caused by a vibrator or her own fingers,
“Good girl. - Spencer says in her ear, pressing a soft kiss on her lips – You've been such a good girl.”
Y/N throws her head back on the pillow, sighing. “That was...”
“Just the beginning.”
She opens her eyes again, finding him smirking at her. Uh-oh. “What are you planning to do?”
Spencer doesn't reply to her. 
Instead, he opens her legs and lays down between them as he leaves a trace of delicate kisses from her chest to her belly button. He nips at her skin, making his way downtown until he leaves another kiss on her clit.
Y/N grabs his right hand, placing it on her breast. “I'm oversensitive now.”
Still, Spencer doesn't say anything. Instead, he laps at her clit in response and Y/N swears she has just been thrown in the space, into the Iperuranium or some-fucking-where in the world. He slips two fingers inside of her and starts massaging her clit with his thumb, sucking on it gently while he listens to her soft moans echoing in his bedroom.
He has dreamed about tasting her, feeling her wetness on his tongue, hearing her voice when she's about to come, making her come. And he's doing all of that in one night.
“God, fuck. Don't stop.”
He hums, pumping his fingers into her as he looks up. “I'm not planning to stop.”
She gives him a smile before throwing her head back. She tries to buck her hips, moving it to encourage him to go faster, but Spencer pins her waist down with his free arm. And he goes back to suck gently on her clit, feeling her thighs shaking around him and her juices coaxing his chin, his lips.
But she tastes so fucking good.
“Spencer.. I'm gonna..”
She yelps in pure ecstasy when the second orgasm hits her body like a thunder. Y/N grips the bed sheets with a hand, using the other to pull harder and harder on Spencer's hair. Her eyes rolls back into her head, her legs close around Spencer's head as waves of pleasure wash her whole body.
Her eyebrows are furrowed, her cheeks are read with pleasure and she's shaking. Spencer feels himself growing harder and harder as the seconds go by. He desperately wants to be where his fingers are, feeling her hot wetness gripping him and letting himself fall inside of her while kissing her, choking her, whispering in her ear that she's so good for him.
Spencer drags his tongue between her folds, licking her juices with a low hum before pulling away and brushing his mouth with the back of his hand. The bottom of his face is completely drenched in her wetness but it's fucking hot. He didn't know she could get so wet.
He really loves giving oral sex.
If he knew she'd be so good, so delicious for him, he would've made the first move way earlier. Or maybe not, because he's a fucking idiot who couldn't see how attracted she was and still is to him. If she wasn't, she wouldn't be in his bed after two orgasms. 
Spencer pulls himself up, hovering over her face. Y/N opens her eyes and runs a hand through his hair, leaning forward as he lowers his mouth to finally covers her again.
This time the kiss is nothing but full of lust, desire, passion. A love so strong, so powerful and so animalistic to the point where they both don't want to pull away. They have been waiting for this for long and it only took less than 15 minutes to get them where they needed to be.
Spencer on top of her, completely naked, with Y/N underneath him, completely naked.
Y/N wraps her arms around his neck, closing her legs behind his hip. He lays down on her hot body, moaning softly when her nipples press against his chest. His cock is pressing on her wetness and he's tempted to slide it inside of her, but he wants her to be the one to do it. He's worried she might have changed her mind after two orgasms.
He raises an eyebrow, interrupting their kiss. “Yes, princess?”
“Thank you.”
The young doctor brushes the tip of his nose against her cheek. “My pleasure.”
Y/N grabs his left hand and places it on her own throat. “But now you have to do something.”
He hums, pretending he doesn't know what she's talking about. “What?”
She bucks up her hip, biting his bottom lip when his cock slides between her folds. She's desperate to feel him inside of her, and yet he's not doing anything even though she can feel how hard and painful his erection must be. So? How is he able to keep all that control? Isn't he some kind of robot?
“Spencer, please. - she begs him softly, using her free hand to touch him between his legs but he slaps her hand away, making her whine – Please, I need you inside of me.”
He leans in, pressing a soft kiss in the crook of her neck. “You are so needy. And greedy. A little too greedy, don't you think?”
She huffs, placing her free hand on his back. “No, I'm not “too greedy”. I feel bad because you haven't come yet, while I had two orgasms already. Let me make it up to you, please?”
Spencer slips his hand down her chest, caressing her breasts. “Get on your hands and knees, princess.”
He presses his forehead against hers as his breath against her skin does nothing to calm her down. She needs him more than she could ever admit it to herself, and yet he's taking his own sweet time to adore her, to watch her carefully and to make her crazy.
It's annoying.
But so fucking hot.
Y/N follows his orders, rolling her body as she lifts her bottom. 
She feels Spencer slowly crawling between her legs, opening them to press his hip against her ass while he uses a hand to grab a fistful of her hair and pulls it hard. Y/N lets out a shriek, not expecting that gesture, but she doesn't mind. She loves having her hair pulled back, especially if Spencer is doing it.
“You look so hot like this, princess. - he whispers in her ear, leaning against her body with his chest pressed on her back – I wish I could have you like this all time.”
Y/N bites her own bottom lip, pushing her ass back. “If you promise you are going to touch me like you're doing right now, you'll have me anywhere you want. I swear to whatever is up in the sky.”
The young doctor grins, his mouth travelling down her spine while leaving kisses before going back to her neck and nipping at the skin. His teeth sinks in her soft skin, making the girl moan softly as Spencer's finally slips the tip of his cock between her wet lips.
Y/N almost collpases on the bed but Spencer is faster and wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her to his body in order to keep her still. She lower her eyes for a second, noticing the veins in his arms; she quivers, closing her eyes as Spencer moves his hip forward and finally bottoms out. She inhale some air for a few second, trying to adjust quickly to the delicate stretch of her body for him, and lets out a low moan. Spencer keeps leaving soft kisses on her back, enjoying the hot wet grip around his cock without moving; he wants her to be as comfortable as she can, he would never ruin this experience for her.
“My fucking God.”
“Not God, but thank you anyway, I guess. - she smiles as he grins, relieved that she heard him; slowly, he raises his hand to meet her throat – You feel so good, princess.”
Y/N clenches around him, throwing her head back against his shoulder. Her throat is totally exposed and Spencer feels the need to grab it, softly pressing his fingers on her delicate skin that rapidly changes colour. Y/N opens her mouth, the loss of oxygen making her feel more dizzy but ecstatic.
“Yes, yes, please. Like this, yes.”
Y/N is already a mess and he hasn't even started pushing inside of her. He wasn't expecting her to enjoy choking this much, but he's glad she does. He practised it a lot in order to learn how to actually do it without hurting the other person.
“Can I move, princess?”
Y/N quickly nods, not able to form a complete sentence She's overwhelmed with pleasure: one hand on her throat, the other one through her hair, his mouth on her neck, his cock inside of her and her core already over-stimulated because of the previous two orgasms.
Can she handle a third one after 21 years of self-orgasms or it'll destroy her? Y/N wants to find out.
“You are so fucking tight, princess. - Spencer groans, beginning to thrust into her – And you're so fucking gorgeous, taking my cock like this. Perfect, so perfect for me.”
He's moving inside of her with a slow pace, but Y/N is still writhing under his touch. Her back arches into him, begging for more. And he obeys, tightening his hand around her throat while he pulls her hair and forces him to look at her through her eyelashes.
Then, he starts pouding into her.
And Y/N swears she just reached Heaven and saw God in the shape of Spencer.
It's actually crazy to feel this much pleasure in just one moment, but Y/N wouldn't trade that second for all the money in the whole world. If Spencer Reid could fuck her every single day, every single hour, she would sacrifice herself for it. She'd sell with her own soul for this.
“I've been waiting for so long for this, Spencer. - Y/N says, placing her right hand over his forearm while steadying himself against his body – God, you are so fucking good. Fuck me, fuck me.”
Spencer lets her hair go, forcing the girl to face down the mattress.
So she has waited for this moment for a long time, why don't make the most out of it then?
He slaps her ass with a hand, watching it bouncing against his hips. It's the most erotic view of his life.
“Next time you're going to let me use your body, you'll be on your knees.” he whispers
Y/N quickly nods, scratching his arm. “Can't fucking wait, sir.”
His pace becomes faster and harder. Every stroke is deep, making the girl whimper at each move as she hides her face into the pillow in front of her. Tears of pleasure are streaming down her face, Spencer hands are scratching, grabbing tightly and smacking her ass without mercy and she can't wait to see all the marks he has left her on her body.
She won't be able to sit down if he keeps hurting her like this.
That's exactly what she wants.
His hard grip on her body is contrasted by the softness of his voice. She wasn't expecting this dualism in Spencer, but she loves it and can't wait to experience more of this in her apartment, where they can try more fun things in bed.
“Fuck, Y/N.”
Her name rolls off his tongue like it's made for it.
“I'm almost there, Spencer. - she whispers, pressing her ass back to his hip – Please, fuck me more.”
He wraps his arms around her, moaning in her ear as he thrusts into her as fast as he can. This new rhythm helps him finding the perfect spot that makes Y/N scream louder and arch her back.
“Fuck! Right there, right there!”
Spencer doesn't slow down, wanting to make her come from the sex. He doesn't even need to touch her between her legs because before he can open his mouth, Y/N clenches tightly around him and finally comes, letting the orgasm wash all over her. Her arms give out and her whole body shakes with pleasure, her thighs almost closing and her muscles spasming around him.
“God, fucking Hell, Y/N.”
Y/N keeps whispering his name, trying to move her body against his to help him come. She wants to feel his orgasm, she wants his mouth pressed on her ear, she wants everything he can give her or she'll go crazy. She's already regretting not doing this earlier – she has to send something in order to thank Garcia, Morgan, JJ, Prentiss, Rossi and maybe Hotchner.
Spencer knows his orgasm is about to hit his body and it does right after. He growls against Y/N's right ear, filling her up with his warmth as his mouth nips at the skin of her neck. She scratches his forearm, releasing a little whimper as she feels his come dripping in and out of her as he keeps pushing his hips forward. That was probably the hottest sensation ever. 
But.. Did he just come inside of her?
He did. And she'll allow him to do it again, for fuck's sake.
“Shit, Y/N. I am so sorry. - Doctor Reid whispers, pulling out of her body to admire the mess he made inside of her – I didn't even ask you if I could finish here.”
Y/N collapses on the bed, rolling her body over to face him. He looks really worried but she's not, because she's on the pill – so she can't get pregnant, thankfully.
She lifts a hand, caressing his arm as Spencer lays down by her side. She's still trying to catch her breath after what they just did, but he seems just fine – is he used to this? Is he really not that vanilla an inexperienced as Morgan kept saying? Y/N can't wait to find out.
“Don't worry, pretty boy. It's all fine, I would've made you finish inside of me anyway.” Y/N says
Spencer puts a hand over her cheek, forcing her to turn her face. She brushes the tip of her nose against his before kissing his lips once again. This time their kiss is slow, lazy, it's not filled with lust like the last one they've exchanged but they're both fine with that. Y/N doesn't want this night to end, she wants to keep kissing him until she consume his lips but she knows that she can't do that. And that this was probably just a one night stand.
She pulls away and lowers her head, lifting her body as he puts an arm around her waist. Y/N leans against his hard chest and closes her eyes, caressing his hot skin with the tip of her index fingers. She can't believe she just had sex with him, it's fucking crazy.
A comfortable silence washes over the room.
But Spencer breaks it.
“We should've done this earlier.”
Y/N opens her eyes, finding him staring at her. He looks so pretty: his hair are all messed up, his lips are of a dark red shade more swollen than before, his eyes are shining and there's a curious yet relaxed smile on that gorgeous mouth that was between her legs not much long ago.
“I agree. We really needed a little push from the others. - Y/N giggles, lifting her hand to caress his cheek with her eyes on his face – And I can't thank you enough for proving me that there's nothing wrong with my vagina and that my ex boyfriend was just a fucking dickhead.”
Spencer laughs loudly at her words, throwing his head back. “I can finally say it: Leonard was a fucking dickhead and I'm so glad I could make you come while that bastard didn't. I knew I was better than him in bed, at least.”
She laughs along with him, tapping her index on his cheek. “Yes, you are way better than him in bed. And in everything else, pretty much.”
He moves his eyes on her, leaving a kiss on her open lips. 
Y/N lays back with her head on his chest and keeps brushing her fingers on his hot skin, travelling down towards his belly button but coming back up to touch his collarbones. She closes her eyes, relaxing her muscles and letting her body finally rest for a few hours before going back home. She doesn't know if Spencer wants her to spend the night there, but she knows she won't be able to actually dress up again and drive towards her house. She's too tired, too sore to even stand up.
Either way, Spencer is not saying anything so she'll stay there. And hopefully, he'll fall asleep before kicking her out or something. Also the blanket is quite comfortable, Spencer's body even more.
“The next time we do this, will you allow me to take you out to dinner first?”
Y/N widens her eyes. “Do you mean...”
Spencer pulls her closer to his body. “Yes, I'm asking you to go on a date with me.” She lifts her body up to look at him in the eyes. 
He stares back at her with a soft smile on his bruised lips, his hand placed on her hip ever so gently. Y/N can't say no to him – well, she doesn't want to say no because she has been waiting a long time for this, but yeah. 
The point is: Spencer is literally the most attractive man ever, he's smart, romantic, hot and he's fucking good at sex. He made her come!
He's the total package and she won't let anyone steal him from her.
“I thought you'd never ask, sweetcheeks. - Y/N answers with a smirk, giggling when he gives her the most beautiful smile – But next time it'll be my turn to pleasure you.”
Spencer crooks his fingers, asking silently to lean forward. “We'll do whatever you want. I'll be more than happy to spend the whole night kissing and hugging you, princess.”
Y/N closes their distance with another kiss before stepping down from the bed. She grabs her phone from her purse, unlocking her screen; she has to text her mother and ask her to come to her house a bit later. 
Y/N doesn't like making other wait for nothing and since she's going to spend the night at Spencer's place, she doesn't know when she'll wake up and when she'll be back at home.
But before she can open her mother's chat on iMessage, Y/N notices a message from JJ.
“So? How did it go? Tell me everything!!”
Y/N replies with a simple winking emoji.
Who knew that night would end so well for both of them?
Okay, wow, this is what it looks like I guess? It’s my first ever one shot in english. My first language is italian so there are probably some mistakes in it. I would love to get some feedback, if you’ve enjoyed my little os.
Thank you so much for reading it.
Aurora x
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peaches-of-1 · 5 years
Peachtober | Day 24: Forever
University Student / Vampire!Reader x Teacher / Priest!Namjoon
Warnings: Blaphemy kink, sex in a classroom, sex in a church, questioning faith, biting, blood play, Vampirism, angst, smut, multiple partners, voyerism, no condom (all gifts are better wrapped), male masturbation, stepping on genitalia, wet dreams, death mention (let me know if I should add others)
Citrus Scale: Buddha’s Hand
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When one's will is stripped away, oftentimes the outcome will be rebellion. A direct or passive fight against their oppressor(s) in one way or another in order to regain their sense of freedom. In this specific case, it was the denial of a dream college to follow their parent's ideal of being a servant of their Lord that one was not exactly loyal to. More like questioning instead of lack of belief. However complicated one's relationship with His Holiness may have been, the rebellion of not being able to go to the school of their choice led to late parties with non stop drinking and laughter that sometimes turned into tears. Such parties and celebrations of indulgence were against the rules, of course.
As it was a Friday, one snuck out of a white marble dormitory in clothing fit for Mary Magdalene as it was skimpy and sheer and perfectly fit for a party bound Harlot. All of this under a casual black coat due to recent rain and to get under the radar of any of the nuns and priests who asked where a young being was going so late. If spoken response was needed, the reply would be something forgotten in the library or a quick prayer session in the on campus cathedral which was always open for troubled minds.
Yet the escape went smoothly. Coats were taken at the door and libations were spread all around in joyous celebration of the weekend. A sense of concern had washed over the shy companion one had decided to come out with.
“More for me then.” was the intoxicated response as another red solo cup of mystery spirits was downed.
As the night went on, the shy one wandered off, no longer in the mood for loud music and drunken partiers bumping into them. Out onto the back porch where something rather large hid behind a tree.
“Hello?” they called out into the night. “It's ok. I won't hurt you. I just needed some fresh air. Inside just smells like vape juice.”
A hand touched the side of the bannister and felt something wet and sticky. In the amber lighting, it was a reddish color.
“Are you bleeding?”
No response and so the compassionate stranger approached too happy to have a quiet place and someone to talk to. Their scream at the realization that what they had stumbled upon was not human and it was not their blood that came from its body was not heard over the loud pop music inside.
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Although the original partier as well as the whole campus was being told to stay in dorms and on campus even more than normal, they were not told the reason why. But they knew. One had seen the corpse of their quiet and reserved friend in the back yard when the bathroom was full and they needed to piss and ran back inside to call for help. Police were called soon after. People gave their condolences not just for their lost friend and fellow student, but more for the punishment those in attendance would be receiving.
That punishment being cleaning the cafeteria at the end of the day for the rest of the year. As this was the first day of doing so in this righteous university based on religion, morale was low. Several students were dressed in the school uniform of navy plaid bottoms, white socks, black shoes (with black laces), a button up dress shirt with a collar, and a navy blue Thom Browne blazer which had been approved through one of the CEO’s children going to the school but hating the previous uniforms. They all moaned and groaned at the prospect of actually having to work for forgiveness.
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“You should have thought about that before you snuck out to a dangerous party.” Father Namjoon said. “You will stay here until the place is spotless. I will be back within an hour to check on you. I have confessions from the Faithful to listen to.”
And so the young man who was constantly praised for this love of his God and the passion of his sermons went to the booth and waited to listen in on the sins and guilt the Lord's followers had been holding in. Most were the usual things, they had lied or said something wrong. They lusted over the unattainable or felt as though they weren't faithful enough. Some just had burdens too heavy to deal with alone and so Namjoon would pray with them.
That is until the unmistakable sound of Y/N's voice came in and shook the young man's own piety. She had teased him ever since she arrived only a few months ago, but he never gave into her antics. However, they still stayed in his mind so much that he prayed for her. Because of silence on that front, he knew she was just a person in his path to test his faith. Namjoon would never admit that she was doing a rather splendid job at doing so.
“Sorry, Daddy, I've been a bad girl.” Her saccharine voice said.
“Now you know that is not how we do this, Y/N.” Father Namjoon replied.
She giggled, “Yet I know you are listening to me more closely than anyone who has ever said such things properly, aren't you, Father Joonie?”
Every word that came from her mouth taunted the young man and pulled at the Father's heart and other parts inside of him. He stammered out that he needed to get back to his other duties and this needed to be quick.
“I do have a real concern.” The young lady spoke with an irresistible pout in her voice. “It would be irresponsible for you to ignore it, Father~”
“Speak your heart's worry to me, my Child.” Namjoon sighed.
The woman spoke of wanting to claim not only the heart, but also the mind, body, and soul of a man. She claimed to have done this before but not in a very long time and it had never been so difficult for her to approach him in a one on one situation.
“It is not within the right of man to claim another as his property.” Father Namjoon replied with such conviction it surprised him and the woman on the other side of the wooden partition, his body turned to face her.
His hand set on the space in the partition and her hand set on top of it.
Y/N smiled, “What if I am not a man? Nor am I human.”
Brown eyes met ones as bright as rubies. In the darkness of the confessional, the coloring was clear as day. Namjoon felt his hand move but was not sure if he wanted to stop it until his own flesh touched the soft fabric covering her own skin... which body part was this? A quick squeeze and he jerked back his hand. It had been her breast he had grabbed and so he bolted from the booth due to the shock of the action. He felt the need to hide away from everything she was. God knew he had not meant to touch her body like that. It was what she had wanted but the feeling wasn't mutual. Namjoon had taken to a tree in the middle of the courtyard to catch his breath.
“Good afternoon, Father Namjoon. Are you alright?” Father Yoongi asked.
His long time friend and Namjoon's adopted sister who had followed his God given plan into becoming a nun. Both were dressed in their own black and white robes with looks of concern upon their faces for the man they cared so much about. He gave the two a smile and laughed.
“I... I am fine. I simply got frightened by a bee that got too close for comfort.” He would ask the Lord's forgiveness later for lying to his dear friends.
His sister laughed, “They must have mistaken your aura for a physical flower.”
Yoongi chuckled and then asked, “Would you like to join us in getting some craft supplies from in town? We could always use an extra pair of hands.”
“Perhaps another time, Father Yoongi. I have been given the duty to watch over those who attended that party, their punishment that is.” He pushed his hair back. “I was just on my way to check in on their progress.”
“Best of luck to you, dear brother.” Said the little sister.
After polite bows and words of farewell, Namjoon finished the evening quite quickly after the cafeteria was cleaned and decided to work on his sermon for the week.
There had not been another incident for a few days. Nothing as big, that is. Instead it was Namjoon's own mind that he was fighting against for the past evenings. He knew she would be back today after the sermon. The man with hair like honey was sure of it, like a well kept promise. He'd keep himself under control and not get caught up in her teasing, he would do his best not to take her bait. Wanting to claim a man for herself. All of him.
He almost wanted her to come back so he could learn more.
And so she did. Within the grated separation, crimson eyes glowed. She smiled, her giggle sounding more like a threat than actual joy.
“So, Father. It seems you have been expecting me.” Y/N announced as the door creaked shut and she sat on the aged red cushion where thousands of students and guests had sat before for years on end.
“Of course,” the blonde man swallowed deeply and ignored the cotton on his tongue in order to speak correctly. “You are a student at this university and so--”
A cute laugh that sounded like the sweetest doom poured from her lips, “Don't play dumb with me, Joonie~ I see how you force yourself not to look at me in class. Why don't you?”
Namjoon replied honestly--as he always did, “You don't wear your uniform properly. It's immodest.”
“But I keep that part unbuttoned just for you. No one else, I swear.” Y/N spoke what appeared upon first listen to be candied false promises.
He scoffed quietly, “Forgive me for not believing that coming from someone like you.”
She pouted, “You should. I don't want anyone else but you, and I intend to make you mine sooner than later.”
“You should repent your lustful and commandeering ways and try to walk in the Lord's light. It is not too late for someone so young like you.” Candid were the words which came from the man who promised himself to the Most High
“But you have the choice to be in MY light, Father. Make the right one before it is no longer a choice you can make.” Her tone alone put the sin in sincere.
“What are you?” Namjoon asked quietly, not sure if he wanted to know the answer.
Y/N made a sighing hum, “Me and my kind have been called many things and depicted millions of times in your media in half as many years. However, I think the common term is Vampire.”
Namjoon gasped and his blood went cold as he knew this was the only truth. That it would explain her eyes and her enchanting ways. Why the men of the school followed her and adored her in the most carnal of ways and fooled themselves thinking it was pure intentions they had with her. Wasn’t that how they were? He saw it in their eyes. Yoongi would sometimes smack them in the back of their heads when he read the thoughts that dripped from their hungering eyes such as the drool from their gaping mouths.
“V-V-Vam-Vam-” The priest stuttered out. The word gripped him like an iron maiden.
Her teeth glinted in the little bit of amber that snuck through the cracks of the ancient confessional, “Yes. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned for nearly a thousand years. Lately I’ve been biting into some of the more beautiful of the young men that come here and women too. Even those who would rather not subscribe to gender no matter how much it is forced upon them. I am not picky. Blood is blood though it does taste better when I see those beautiful faces become twisted in horror and their eyes roll back when I finally sink my teeth into their alluring necks and wrists. The school uniforms to very well at hiding the scars until they heal.”
Y/N’s voice was tinted with true revelry in those moments that must have been the terrors for others. She had in fact created a harem of students to do her bidding in the sunlight where she could not go, right?
“The sunlight,” Namjoon asked. “How do you?”
“Do you really think vampires can live for millenia and not find some way to thrive even in sunlight?” She laughed. “We have many scientists in our ranks who have created ways of surviving in the sun. That along with natural evolution.”
A knock. Time’s up. Apologies exchanged after hushed guarantees to visit later. Y/N had promised to claim him. He could either submit to her by choice or by force. Was there not some way to defeat her?
Namjoon tried his best to continue to perform his daily duties as a priest, as one of the most looked up to men in this lifestyle. Vampires were demons! He could not let himself succumb to her and her unbuttoned top and her plump thighs in her too short skirt. It had been required for girls to wear shorts underneath, but she never did. Instead she bent over and displayed herself for anyone with the pleasure to pass by.
A pleasure? No. It was wrong. Sinful. Gaudy. Women needed to respect themselves and hide their precious bits for someone special. Their husband. Though Namjoon believed women were allowed to do what they wanted with their own bodies, there was a time and a place for everything. The school hallways during the changing of classes were not appropriate options for either. No one else had ever called her out on it, so neither did he.
There had been a few like that. Skipped through classes with no regards for the rules and omitted their pants, but that was the cause of money. The wealthy child of a wealthy benefactor. A single feigned outcry of unfair treatment could cause for their abundant donations towards the school to be pulled. So many sinners in a house of God, but Namjoon knew that was the way it was supposed to be. He knew they wouldn’t be like this forever. They’d see the light of his Lord and see the fault in their ways. Some had in the few months he had been there.
They had become good little cherry blossoms. Had decided to become part of the flock of sheep that took God’s Word to heart. Some mere liars. Goats hiding their horns. However Y/N had been the lion among the lambs, making peace and friends and yet simply bringing them elsewhere to be devoured. All of this occurring away from the eyes of the herders. Right behind them, but they refused to turn and look because they were blinded or simply ignorant by choice.
Had this been her first slip up? Eating the young woman from the party? The DNA found on the body had belonged to a woman thought to be dead for over a hundred years. In the short week after the celebration gone wrong, the case had been thrown out due to evidence tampering. However, it all made sense with one of the few truthful confessions the taunting young woman ever told. The DNA found did in fact belong to a being over the age of 100. It belonged to Y/N, not as if anyone would believe the man no matter how faithful and honest he was.
With heavy feat and a foggy head, Father Namjoon began to disrobe and pray before troubled slumber claimed his night. All he could dream about was Y/N. Belonging to her and giving into desires he had cast aside in the name of following the Lord. Tasting her sweet nectar below, making her hips roll in an attempt for him to go in deeper to her sweet and tangy tasting core. Eyes opened in fright but the second attempt at a G rated dream was even more pornographic. She was feeding on him and he shuddered in joy.
Her eyes like two glowing cherries.
Would a vampire’s bite be so calming? So intoxicating? With Y/N, it could be. He knew that for sure as if the words were spoken to him in a prayer of promise. From his own heart. Yet being fed from above was not enough for her. She also wanted her sacred garden to be plowed and seeded by him.
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“Begone, Daemon!” The tall man said into the empty and simplistic room.
His own. Not the den where she had...that he had dreamt. The black iron framing of the bed contrasting the white quilt placed upon it for the colder nights and the equally white walls. Light seeped through the thin linen curtains and showed the specs of dirt dancing in the morning rays of pure and comforting light. Namjoon quickly went to his knees and prayed for the fear to go away. To purify and forgive him for his impure thoughts of a student he was supposed to help guide.
“Heavenly Father, please forgive me. I do not know what has gotten into me, but I promise I will not stray from your path, Dear Lord. You are my light. You are my Savior. I refuse to let the lustful thoughts of that young woman lead me astray. I ask for your guidance now more than ever, God. Oh, God.” He wept. “Please help me.”
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When one sacrifices himself for his Lord, when one gives himself to his faith completely, it tends to twist their outlook. It gives someone confidence they did not have before because they feel they have backup. That they are not alone. That is what Namjoon felt as he walked into the class to teach his class for the day. He had truly believed in this morning’s “Amen.”
As a man trained in philosophy until it left him with more questions than answers, he brought that into teaching his class of young adults about God’s word. His promises. He taught about His protection today. With renewed strength, he slammed his ruler on a giggling girl’s desk and asked her to read her texts allowed. Nothing but lustful tones filled the abbreviated letters and messages to someone in a different class.
Y/N spoke up, “As if you are one to judge, Father Joonie. I would not doubt if you had dreams of exploring a woman’s ‘Garden of Eden’ from time to time. Tasting the honey that drips from her at the mere sight of your own sun kissed face.”
A ball of guilt and craving entered the man’s stomach and he hesitated to look at the young woman he now knew was a vampirinc daemon. He feared all weaknesses would be clear in front of her. But he had his Lord and Jesus Christ and even the Holy Spirit on his side. Standing up straight, the young Father smoothed his black robes and met her eyes now their imitation of human coloring instead of the demonic garnet shade he was familiar with.
“I am not one to judge on anything. That is a job reserved only for our Lord Jesus Christ. I simply am stating that her mind should be on the lesson and not matters of the flesh.” Namjoon spoke with a straight spine. “As for your guess as to what I do in my own privacy, in my own head, that is not for you to know.”
“Then I am right.” She said with a knowing attitude and a sharp glare.
Brown eyes defied his inner doubt and said, “You have every right to think so and you also have every right to button up your blouse.”
A false pout sat upon her plump lips, “Even Jesus hung out with harlots.” and folded her arms which made her chest seem even more voluptuous than before, creating stronger cleavage to be seen through her opened dress shirt and blazer.
“I am not Jesus, but I am in charge here. So please conduct yourself properly.” Namjoon said.
“Feeling brave today, aren’t we, Father Joonie?” Y/N said before deciding to follow the rules. . . in her own way. “Taehyung-ssi~, will you button up my shirt for me? I’ve hurt my thumb this morning.”
The beautiful young man with skin like caramel stammered and eventually nodded and blushed as he ghosted his hands above her chest, having to look directly at it to do what he was commanded to do. He even bit his lip. As the moment stretched out, she smiled and looked at his face. His heartbeat had to have been loud. Namjoon’s heart was beating louder and was biting his lip even harder. Why? He should’ve said something when she made the request in the first place.
Instead jealousy made the strong jaw tense as both hands gripped firmly on the podium in front of him.
“That’s--” Father Namjoon began, starting to get fed up with how long this was taking.
“Done. Is that fine, Y/N?” The younger man asked, forcing himself to look into her eyes and his cheeks became scarlet.
She gave a smile, “Yes. Thank you, Taehyung-ssi.”
Both students sat in their seat and the lesson continued as the sun was high in the sky, beating down on all of the rich campus. The sun that gave all of the world life and light began to sink soon after the final lesson and Namjoon decided to finish grading the last test at home. As he passed by what was supposed to be an empty hallway since it was nearing dusk, he instead heard labored breathing and primal grunts alonged with muffled moans.
“Be quiet, or someone is going to hear you.”
Was someone in trouble? Had someone given into their lustful urges and gone after an innocent student?
The sunkissed man with a heart of gold and duty towards bettering humanity sped towards the source of the sound. Moans and grunts got louder as the concerned teacher traveled empty halls to find who would be visiting the Headmaster and getting extra sessions in the confessional.
It was not any sound of pain, but pure erotic rapture taking place on the sturdy tables attatched to the floor. Pure whites and blues being tarnished by the sweat and friction it takes for at least two bodies to engage in intercourse. The bodies belonging to those who engaged in what turned out to be subtle foreplay of buttoning a simple blouse in front of a class of 13 other students and a fuming teacher. Who else better to approach the scene of discarded navy blue blazers now?
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“Oh, I do love your blood the most, Taehyung-ssi. I would take more, but I wouldn’t want your cock to suffer any loss since I find that just as delicious if not more.” purred a familiar voice. “Yes! Oh yes! You are such a good pet, TaeTae.”
Deep growls responded, “Take as much as you want, Mistress. I’ll produce more blood. Ah! Ah, I want to serve you, Mistress.”
She moaned at his repeated penetrations, “You serve me so well, my pet. I assure you. Mmmm, right there. The most--oh--sought after boy on this incredibly dull campus approaching me my first day here, mmmpph and not backing down even after you found out what I was.”
“I just wanted to be yours, Mistress. I didn’t care how. Feed on me more, my beloved Mistress. Please.” Taehyung’s labored voice begged.
“You’re close, aren’t you, my pet?”
A desperate voice answered, “Mmmm, gya. Yes, Mistress.”
Y/N’s unforgettable laugh, “Ok, one more bite.”
Namjoon watched through the cracked doorway, unable to tear himself from the sounds of such passionate and primal coitus in an empty classroom. He remembered the time in high school when his heart led him to do the same with his crush, but it became the reason why he was sent here in the first place. It had been seen as too dirty and sinful when the love they had was as pure as freshly fallen snow.
Now, to see the one he said would claim him instead claim another, it...it hurt. It clouded his once confident mind with doubt and complex feelings. Had she lied to him? Was he really something so special when she had claim to half if not all of the student body at this point? Did such a pain that shot through his chest even deserve the name of heartache?
The sight of her removing the white dress shirt from Taehyung’s shoulder and sinking her glistening fangs into the area made something shift inside Father Namjoon. A brief wish to be in the young man’s position instead of standing stunned in fading sunlight flitted through his mind as he stared, mouth agape and stomach being filled with the most sensual of sins in the highest concentration. Such an act was being performed right in front of his snout which rested a pair of glasses.
As if fate wanted to make sure he saw every moment, every thrust, every bead of sweat as clear as possible.
Eyes like Hellfire looked directly at the frightened but enticed priest, assuring him that she had known he was there the entire time. The smile telling him not to look away even as the black framed lenses landed on the floor.
“Mistress! I feel so dizzy~” Taehyung whined. “Can I--?”
“Go ahead, pet.” She responded.
With blue plaid bunched around ankles, the student thrusted deeply into his Mistress with a broken moan. He begged for Y/N’s kisses and she gave them to him for being so good for her. As the affectionate action was done, a troubled pious man ran away. Out of sight, out of mind, right? That was his goal.
“Mistress, who was that?” the pet asked, breathing heavy and mind full of fog in part due to blood loss.
Y/N caressed his head and felt his creamy offering inside of her, “No one, my dear. Rest now. I’ll get you a nice comfy place to rest. Don’t you worry.”
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With the door shut firmly behind himself, the call of concerned friends asked the reason for his quick pace and strained face. He assured them that it had just been a long day and he had just been in need of rest and it would be best if he were left alone for the time being.
“I just need to pray.” the young man with hair like a sandy beach promised himself.
But there was something that needed to be dealt with before he uttered a word up to the Heavens to hear. The growing problem in his pants making them even tighter, now pressing up against the zipper. It...it had to be handled now. This was the first time Namjoon had been on his knees not to pray, but to instead relieve the lust that created a fire in his groin. A fire as bright as Y/N’s ruby eyes. Unbuttoning pants and moving down black fabric and white underwear to free his thick and throbbing phallus. More upstanding than he was perceived by everyone on the other side of the door.
He just had to make it quick, and so the horny representative of the Heavenly Father began the task of sliding his hand back and forth along already moisturized skin. Friction was decreased due to his own precum leaking onto the rest of his cock. Biting the hem of his robes to keep quiet and keeping it out of the way, the man imagined himself in the place of his student, serving his Mistress in the most carnal of ways. He thought of her flame filled eyes looking at nothing but him.
Mistress. Mistress. Please don’t let anyone else serve you but me, Mistress. I’ll do anything. Please! He tried to stay true to the live script but instead let his own desires come forth. You were right. I do think that way. I haven’t thought about any of this stuff in a long time, not until you revealed what you were. Please!
He imagined Y/N’s hands scraping down the front of his chest and landing on his aching cock which she soon took over and began stroking with fervor. She teased him for being so desperate and laughed at him for making things so hard on himself when he could have just given in. Namjoon could just deliver himself unto his urges and into her and then maybe he’d be rewarded with actually getting to cum inside of her. Father Namjoon just wanted to let his snake explore her bush for the rest of his Earthly years..
The constricting heat of it. Her voice calling him precious names and soon enough his own voice was begging just like Taehyung’s had been. The small bit of sense left in the priest’s mind caused him to bite on his own arm as his white seed fell onto the barren land of a carpet a few shades darker due to it being traveled by many feet, making his sin even brighter and apparent.
Guilt soon constricted his heart and hot tears of regret burned and flowed down his cheeks. This was no way to live! He could not serve two Masters! He had to choose and Namjoon was sure his body had already decided against all reason, all logic, all sincerity to his life and love of serving his Savior God.
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The next day in class, it was difficult to look at the one he had imagined pumping his cock for less than 24 hours ago on his bedroom floor. She noticed very early on in the teachings and had been torturing him thought the entire lesson, spreading her legs too wide while in her seat and even while in groups, she made sure her back was towards Father Namjoon and bent over the desk to reveal the scandalously thin and lacy thong she had decided to wear.
Blood rushed to all extremities of the teacher with a war inside of him. Which to follow, his Master or a new one that would rather be called Mistress? One was certainly real in a physical plane as well as mental. He no longer hesitated to believe in her power, though his troubled thoughts were stilled by a hand tapping his arm.
Father Namjoon jumped out of his skin, making the others laugh for a moment.
He then turned to the face of a young woman known as Lisa, “Father Namjoon, the timer? It’s been going on for a while.”
The beeping of his phone was silenced and then he had the groups go through and speak about the Biblical topic they had chosen. Research had been done as a group, but only two would present to class until the bell rang. Once the charming ring of wind chimes sounded, the students were released to their next class. The honey haired priest then cleaned up the room before his next class came for his teachings.
There was a folded note with his name on it in the seat in which Y/N every day as things were organized by surname. Namjoon’s heart jumped in excitement and anxiety at what the letter contained. It was a time and a place. A smile broke out on the teacher’s face so bright and broad that he had to cover it with his hand.
Next class came in. The same lesson was taught. The sun went down slower than usual.
Soyeon raised her hand, “Father Namjoon, why do you keep looking at the time? Are you looking forward to something?”
“Nothing in particular. I just hear that it will be a full moon tonight, so I am excited to see it once it’s up.” The man gave a polite smile as the timer went off.
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Once the silver moon was high in the star speckled sky, Namjoon travelled to the location which was written on Y/N’s note. It was the old church that had been abandoned years ago after a great fire years before Namjoon ever showed up to this university. With only memory and a flashlight to guide him, the priest was clad only in a pair of black jeans with a white button up shirt tucked into them. The sleeves were rolled up to right below the elbow since he no longer felt wholly right in wearing his robes.
He opened the charred wooden doors with a groaning creek. Invisible small animals ran among scattered leaves.
“Hello, Y/N?” Namjoon called out. “A-are you--Are you here?” His voice reverberated upon the walls of the dilapidated cathedral.
No reply. He was stupid, and for what? Where had all of his rational thinking gone? The priest should have stayed with his God and his books. This may have been the day he died. It was just his imagination, all of this. The 100 year old DNA was just evidence that had been tampered with. She wasn’t a vampire. They didn’t even exist!
“Now now, don’t say that.” Y/N’s voice echoed. “I was just putting on the final touches, Father Joonie~”
Namjoon’s gaze fell upon the beautiful woman’s form, the vampire who had awoken years of suppressed lust inside of him. The one he wanted to serve more than almost anything.
Her shape was covered in a tight rose colored dress which left little to the imagination as it had no sleeves and only straps to hold up a beautiful bosom that glittered in the moonlight due to the chains that dangled from a black lace choker with a ruby as red as her eyes in the middle. Her fingers were adorned with black rings and she was holding red wine in a crystal glass. Her red and gold studded heels clacked on the aged dark wooden floor. As she tucked her hair behind her ear, the earrings she always wore winked in the moonlight along with a rosy bracelet.
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“How do I look?” She asked, spreading her arms revealing lace underneath her breasts allowing her skin to peak through.
The man choked on his own words and was unable to reply. She had really arrived at the meeting spot for him. Of course, she was the one who set this all up in order for her to claim the man.
She smirked, the tip of blade like fangs flashed, “Thank you. I must say that you look quite delicious as well. I do quite despise those robes for doing such a good job at hiding such delectable and supple shapes like yours.”
“Y/N,” The man spoke softly. “I have come to give you my answer.”
“Is it the right one?” The woman stood in front of him and batted her eyes.
Namjoon nodded and could not meet her cherries, “For me, yes. I cannot be yours as much as it pains me. My heart and soul belong to my God.”
She frowned and the glass shattered in her hand as wind picked up, there was a crack in her usually calm and cocky exterior, “It’s a shame that I have to do this by force, Joonie. I had really hoped you made the correct decision.”
Hands were put up defensively, such is the way one should hold themselves in an attempt for self preservation.
“Please, hear...hear me out. I want. I want you. I want to be yours, Y/N. There are feelings that I have never felt before, and I doubt they’ll just go away.” His voice was soft as the sky and had a rasp which matched the crinkling leaves. “But I cannot serve two Masters--”
“What if I told you that you can keep your priesthood and still belong to me?” Y/N said.
Was such a thing possible? “. . .I’d take that option in a heartbeat.”
Her smile returned and the wind died down, “Alright, then. Your heart, body, and half of your mind will belong to me, but He gets to keep your soul and the other half of your mind.”
Namjoon gave an eager nod, “Yes. Yes, please! What do I have to do?”
In an instant, Y/N ripped off the startled man’s shirt Sharp talon like fingers dragged up the abdomen which flexed underneath her touch. A firm hand then gripped his chin and forced them to look at her. Shaded eyes looked up with a devilish grin with showed the entirety of fangs sharper than any needle the desperate man had ever seen. He let himself get lost in her red beryl eyes and felt himself losing all of his will as two lovely canines sunk into his neck. A bit of warm wetness trickled from the wounds, dying his shirt a romantic crimson. Tears of pure bliss dropped from his eyes. It was painless as he felt himself relax under her ministrations, his legs starting to give out.
Father Namjoon soon found himself kneeling in front of her red dress as she licked her scarlet stained lips. Her heel cover shoe then stepped on the oh so attentive cock hidden beneath thin trousers. The man hissed in a breath and felt as though he could orgasm then and there.
“Hmp, I finally have you, don’t I?”
She then began walking away from him and floated up the stairs and sat herself on top of the pulpit and spread her legs. Unlike earlier where there was a piece of black lace separating YN’s already deflowered garden from the harshness of man, there was nothing except flowing river of her honey. The half turned priest licked his lips.
“Equivalent exchange, my dear. I take some of your lifeblood and you take your fill of my body. Anything you desire no matter how sinful it is, I will happily fulfill. Now devour my nectar.”
“Yes, Mistress~” Namjoon said without missing a beat and then walked towards her dripping pussy, taking a deep inhale. “Oh, God. It smells delicious.” He hovered his nose right above her heat and breathed in again, his torso pressed against the pulpit’s wooden cross and adding much needed pressure to his sheathed length.
Y/N shoved his head forward, “No more talking! Become mine already!” obvious impatience after months of hard work was expected and rewarded.
Everything Namjoon had ever imagined over the past 6 years of learning and eventually becoming a teacher at the school came forth. All thoughts that had been shoved to the deepest parts of his mind were given new life as he took his fill of her body. His pants were now discarded somewhere off to the side as he became hungrier and more unhinged.
He wanted to be hers and he wanted his God. With this oath, he was promised both. Jesus died for man’s sins. It would be a waste if he died for nothing, right? Every thrust inside the vampire he adored was like a prayer and her moans a matching hymnal loud enough for Him and all of His angels to hear.
“Mistress. Oh, Y/N. Thank you. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you, Mistress Y/N.” Father Joonie panted out as he rutted with no sense of fatigue. “I don’t know why I tried to fight it. I can really have it all with you.”
She giggled and moaned out his name, “Oh yes, Father Joonie, yes you can.”
“Don’t be with anyone else. Please. Keep your eyes on me. At least when we’re together. Don’t play around with Taehyung or anyone else.” He sounded so pitiful, begging a student that he taught not to play with his heart.
“If I ever play with anyone else, you will be there to make--oh goodness--to make sure they’re doing it right. You’re my number 1, Joonie. I wanted you and so I’m going to have you ask much as I can.” She was a moaning mess under him as they screwed, using the pews as support to blow out a Vampire’s back.
The fiercely tender words went right to the priest’s cock, “I’m gonna. Mistress Y/N, I’m going to cum! Let me seed your garden, please!”
His fluttered as she once again sank her teeth into him and sucked.
“Fuck! Yes! Oh God, yes!” The priest orgasmed deep inside his vampire student.
Father Namjoon no longer cared about him being her professor or that she was a vampire. All he could think about was how most of him belonged to her now. He slid out of her and got onto his knees to lay his head in her lap once she sat up. She caught her breath and started to smooth his head. Maybe she had pushed him too far for their first feeding.
Her own clothing had never been removed completely, only pushed out of the way to free her bosoms and create better access to her now filled and dripping pussy. She did not attempt to correct any of this as she adored the exposed feeling of it all.
Then her most prized possession in several centuries said to her in his dazed state, “I want to be yours for the rest of my life, Y/N.”
“And you will be.” She promised.
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uas-fics · 5 years
Chapter 2 of The Dark Lord’s Offer
Read chapter one on A03
Bebe had been right. The Dragonborn was a far better warrior than he. He took down Clyde's army, knocked his assassin out cold, defeated the most powerful of reanimated corpses with his skill, power, and cunning.
No wonder he was proclaimed King of All The Lands.
Clyde rested his body back against the mattress. A soft breeze rustled the trees outside.
It had been two months since he was imprisoned for his crimes, and he already wished he'd been banished instead.
He had no one to talk to. He just wandered around the tower the Dragonborn put him in, bored as hell. The last person he'd had an actual conversation with was Token the medic about two weeks ago.
Clyde raised his arm. Small, green and brown marks pocked his skin, the results of his misuse of necromancy. Token told him they would heal in time with enough exposure to holy magic, but Clyde knew that was a load of bull.
Token was an old friend. His view of Clyde was clouded by his fondness. He, and too many others, still saw him as the foolish, childish man he used to be, and treated him as such.
One day those marks would spread and be his death. A fitting, painful, end for the warlord who carved a swath of death throughout the countryside.
He dropped his arm on his stomach and shut his eyes. He'd already taken a nap that afternoon, but he didn't have much else to do. Around evening the guard would bring him his dinner: cheese, bread, and some kind of soup, same as every day.
How he missed sweets. Even just some jam to go on the bread would make him elated. The holidays to celebrate the harvest were coming soon enough, maybe the King would show him some kindness then and send a jug of spiced ale or sweet bread.
Someone knocked on the door then, taking Clyde from his thoughts. He furrowed his brow and pushed himself up. He had no visitors today.
He swung his legs off the bed. "Um, come in?"
The door crept open. The woman in the doorway made Clyde's breath catch in his throat. Bebe stood there, her shoulders square and stance strong.
"You..." Clyde stood from the bed, suddenly feeling underdress in just a chemise and breeches. As always, Bebe looked breathtaking in her dress armor with her hair perfectly styled.
"Hello, Clyde." She nodded at him.
"W-what are you doing here?" He asked around the lump of emotions in his throat. He must not cry. He was the Dark Lord, and Dark Lord's didn't cry in front of the loves of their lives.
She raised the basket in her gloved-covered hand up. "I received permission to bring this to you."
Without waiting for Clyde's reply, she strode farther into the room towards the desk near the window. She set the basket there then opened it.
As she dug around, Clyde carefully moved around her in a half-circle, taking her in. The last time they had been in a room together was a little frayed around the edges in Clyde's eye, like much of his time as the Dark Lord.
Her hair had been cut short so the curly gold strands only fell to her chin. Throughout her training and the war, muscle formed on her arms. She probably was physically stronger than Clyde was at this point.
As he stopped beside her, he stared at her heart-shaped face. Some scars crisscrossed each other on her jaw, leaving a trail down her neck to the begin of a larger mark under her clothes. Clyde wondered how it had happened. The guilt in his stomach told him it was indirectly because of him.
"Here we are." She said, taking some papers from the basket. "Your mail."
"Mail? I get mail?" Clyde asked dumbfounded.
Bebe shrugged. "The King ordered that all your mail be read over first and checked for magic or codes."
He winced. Not that he could blame the Dragonborn for his cation, of course. Clyde took the letters. He opened one and quickly scanned the first page.
It was from his father, the only family Clyde had that hadn't publicly disowned him--though, he wasn't sure why.
Clyde folded the page up and placed it back in the envelope. He would read it later. His father was such a pleasant man. Knowing him, he probably would write as if Clyde hadn't started a war.
"I believe one of the letters is from The King himself," Bebe commented, "and the other is from Craig."
Clyde's head shot up. "Craig? He's alive? I thought he was killed?"
Bebe frowned then shook her head. "He was worse for the wear, but he's alive. Like you, he's being held under house arrest until farther notice."
He heaved a sigh of relief. The last Clyde heard of Craig, he'd been gravely injured by the Dragonborn and his battle party during the tower siege. 'Broken and probably dead' the messenger had told him.
Clyde ran his hand through his messy hair. "That's good to hear. You know, the moment after I recruited him, I asked him about his feelings towards that barbarian."
Bebe's eyes began to twinkle as they always did when gossip was involved. Clyde used to listen around for news to tell her just to see that expression.
"What did he say?"
Clyde laughed into his hand at the memory. "He said it was none of my business and to fuck off, so pretty much he confirmed it."
"Truly?" Bebe tried to hide her amused smile but failed.
"Yup." He turned to look out at the carpet of trees out the window. "A little later, he did fess that they two were lovers. He was so flustered. I wish you could have seen it. Completely red-faced and stammering. He was just like a teenager."
Bebe followed his gaze. "Lucky him, then," she started, "seeing as the house he is detained at is Tweek's. Tweek practically begged to be the one to watch over Craig. That explains why."
"Aaah, that's adorable," Clyde cooed. "Craig spoke very highly--and fondly--of him as well. He was quite upset when Tweek refused to join us, him, ah, the Dark Army." He finished dully.
Bebe took a breath then and Clyde winced. He shouldn't have said that. Why in the world did he bring up the war? How much more of a fool could he make Bebe see him as?  How could he make such a careless mistake?
No matter how much he wished it, times were not like they were before. He was a war criminal. He had done terrible things that would never be forgiven. It wasn't possible to gossip casually as he did before.
She slowly exhaled before turning back to the basket and said nothing.
They stood in silence for what seemed like a lifetime. Neither of them looked at the other. The closest Clyde came was glancing at the glove covering her hand.
Her hand, the one he'd hit with necrotic magic.
Suddenly, the pockmarks on his skin started to itch. He crossed his arms over his chest, clenching the fabric of his shirt in his fists.
What did her hand look like now? There were many people, both human and elven, studied and became well versed in holy magic. Were any of them able to heal the damage he'd done?
Clyde gritted his teeth. He forced himself to break the silence.
"Why are you here? What could you possibly gain?" He asked slowly, steadily, but still with a small hiccup at the end.
Bebe stared at him with her brows furrowed a moment then, as ladylike as ever, replied, "For Fuck's sake, Clyde. Did being controlled by an orcish relic make you that daft?"
Clyde blinked; his mouth fell open.
"I am not daft!" He snapped, more whine in his tone than he would have liked.
She rolled her eyes before turning back to the basket. "I wanted to talk to you. There were some things last time that were...ill-spoken."
Clyde dropped his fists to his sides, grabbing the hem of his shirt instead to keep himself from itching.
"Oh. An apology then. That's what you want." Clyde felt disappointment creep into his chest. In a completely sincere voice, Clyde told her, "I'm sorry for everything I did to you personally. I'm sorry I messed up your hand with evil, undead magic. Also, I called you a 'bitch,' 'ulgy', a 'whore' and 'skank.' I'm--"
"You didn't call me a 'skank'," Bebe cut in.
Clyde blushed. "I did, but not to your face."
She glowered a moment before pinching his bicep, hard. He yelped and jumped back, rubbing his arm.
"That hurt!" He whimpered.
Without really realizing it, Clyde found himself dropping more and more of the regality and maturity he'd adopted when he became the Dark Lord.
"You messed up, Clyde. You let your anger at the wizard and how he treated you get the best of you. You hurt so many people. I saw what your army did with my own eyes." Bebe shook her head. "People still call for your death daily, and sometimes," she held his gaze, "I think I agree with them."
Clyde flinched back. It was one thing to hear a nobody guard say that to him, but hearing it from Bebe was like a stab with a dagger.
"I should have been." Clyde lowered his head. "There are many nights I wish the King just shoved me off my tower and ended it. Stick or not, all those decisions I made were my own. I let my need for revenge and strength bleed from just towards the one who banished me in the first place to every. I'll never be able to answer for what I've done."
His shoulders began to quiver. Becoming the Dark Lord forced him to mature. What was power when the one wielding it was too childish to be taken seriously?. Right now, however, all he wanted to do was sob and weep like a child.
A leather-bound hand wrapped around his and squeezed. Sniffling, he looked up. Her expression was unreadable, something between fondness, worry, and deadly serious.
Clyde took a shuttering breath, blinking away the tears. With his free hand, he reached over to push up his sleeve. He didn't even care what Token had told him not to do as he started to scratch against the pockmarks.
Bebe fixed her eyes on the marks before pulling her hand to her chest. She pinched the finger of her glove and one by one began to pull them off her hand.
Her hand was not nearly as deformed as Clyde expected. It was still thin and boney. While not completely discolored to a rotted green, the tight skin still had an unnatural tint to it with dark marks peppered across the top of her hand.
A fresh round of tears sprung up. A sob escaped his throat.
Bebe jumped. "Wait, Clyde, don't cry, don't cry. My hand is just fine. Holy magic fixed it, and it'll fix your arms, too. It's alright." She brushed his cheek with her good hand. His voice carried more fondness and affection than Clyde cared to hear from her.
"No, it's not!" He whimpered. "You need to stop being nice to me. You aren't allowed to care about me or miss me or anything! I'm too evil for that."
Bebe breathed a laugh before pulling Clyde closer and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"Evil doesn't acknowledge its wrongdoing and want to give penance. Also," she soothed back his bangs, "evil doesn't get cake."
"Cake?" Clyde perked up, causing a smile to curve Bebe's lips.
She stole a step back towards the basket and riffled through it. After a moment, she set something wrapped in cloth on the table. She untied the cloth, revealing a lopsided yellow cake.
His mouth watered as Bebe cut a slice with a knife from the basket. She offered it to him.
Unconsciously, his fingers reached for the slice, but moments from touching it, he flinched back.
"No, I...can't. You need to stop. I'm bad, and if you come around me, people will think you're bad too." He shook his head.
Bebe rolled her eyes at him again and forced the slice into his hands. "I'm not bad. I'm a war hero loved by thousands, millions, even. Who better to help the Dark Lord learn the err of his ways and help him make amends?"
Clyde blinked. "What?"
Bebe spun around, her hands on her hips, looking as heroic and majestically beautiful as Clyde had ever seen her.
"On the orders of His Majesty, The Great and Mighty Dragonborn, King DoucheBag, I'm going to rehabilitate you, Ex-Dark Lord Clyde Donovan," She proclaimed.
His mouth fell open and his cake nearly toppled from his hands. "What?" He repeated dumbly. "Why?"
She began to tick off reasons on her fingers. "For one, you've still got some sway with vampires and ogres, and know more about their ranks than anyone else. That could be useful in creating a treaty or alliance between the undead and the living."
Clyde shrugged at that. He had formed something of a friendship with the vampire king during the war. Ogres were easy to please if you knew what to give them. He didn't say any of that and let her continue.
"For two, several military leaders have taken interest in the tactics you used during battles and want to learn from you." Bebe continued. "and for three, King DoucheBag thinks there is still good in you. He wants that natured back to how you use to be. I want that too."
Clyde pressed his lips into a line. He didn't think there was any good left in him. All his good had been stripped away when he stole The Stick from the elves.
He sighed slowly. "The King is such a strange person."
Bebe took a slice of cake for herself and bit straight into it. "He is, but he knows what he's doing." She said around the cake. "So,  stop berating yourself. It's weird to see someone as obnoxiously overconfident as you do it. Just eat the cake I made and tell me how amazing it."
Clyde looked down at the slice in his hand for a beat before taking a bite.
It tasted very bland and he bit into an eggshell. Between the two of them, baking had always been Clyde's area of expertise.
Of course, when he saw Bebe looking at him expectantly, he forced a smile.
"Good job. Really great. I can taste the love," He told her, swallowing another bite. He took a few more large bites after that, before finishing off the slice.
Bebe grinned. For a moment, she looked away, thinking, before nodding to herself, then stepped forward and pulled him into a tight hug.
He stiffened under her crushing force for a beat before melting into her, wrapping his arms around her and burying his nose against her neck.
Maybe he couldn't be a fully good person ever again, but maybe he could try to be a good enough person for her, at least.
AN: After a year and I finally posted the rest. Go me
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