#housands of people FROZE TO DEATH because of Greg Abbott
taviokapudding · 2 years
I’m going to spend a few hours crying
I feel sick to my stomach
Why did over half of Ulvade, Texas vote for Greg Abbott?
Why did over 80,000 Texans vote third party knowing our abortions laws don’t make exceptions for rape so it’s better to vote for Beto by default?
My doctor has no idea if me seeking help with my endometriosis could criminalize me under the rumored laws the TX GOP under Greg Abbott wants to enforce next year because the next thing they’re coming for is all contraception & hormones
Why did you all vote for someone who doesn’t want me or any other girl in Texas to feel safe?
I literally don’t know if my eggs are stuck and if I have to get surgery to free them, I could get in trouble if any of them are removed because they’re not functioning
W h y
I want my rights to exist back & not fear my future being cut short by Republicans
I want to live & know that if I am dying. I have options
I can’t control my body’s excess tissue growth in the same way that I have no idea if I even have any working eggs
I hate every fucking person who voted Republican; when I die, I will return as a curse & torture the souls of every Texan Republican’s offspring for 100 generations. Mark my fucking words
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