princessstomper · 3 years
How to add mobile controls to a PC game
I faithfully swore to my Unity pals that, if I ever found a solution to a problem on how to turn a game developed for PC in Unity into a mobile game, I would share it.
The wonderful Anas Callejon developed the solution:
1. Download the Simple Input package from the Asset Store and use the prefab of choice (in my case, a D-Pad prefab).
2. Change the input method in the input script - in my case, PlayerInput.cs:
public string horizontalAxis = "Horizontal";  // added    public string verticalAxis = "Vertical";  // added
private void HandleInputPlaying()    {        //float h = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); //REMOVED        //float v = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); //REMOVED
       h = SimpleInput.GetAxis(horizontalAxis); //// Added        v = SimpleInput.GetAxis(verticalAxis); //// Added
With the asset package, it’s that simple. I still have some problems with the D-Pad being clunky due to how I’ve set it up - I need to strike a balance between keeping it small enough not to take up the whole play area, yet big enough not to have a butterfingers effect when playing. That balance isn’t ‘there’ yet, but I’m learning: it plays like dogsh1t but it works - the rest is UX experience.
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windkinetic-blog · 7 years
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We love to decorate our office with our products. Here's the Magellano 300W horizontal axis wind turbine #Magellano #horizontalaxiswindturbine #hawt #horizontalaxis #renewableenergy #renewables #smallwindturbines #smallwindturbine #microwindturbine #microwindturbines (presso WindKinetic)
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"Throughout the history of painting, the artist has had a vertical axis of the spinal column. But now with Pollock the axis begins to shift to a horizontal axis. And a horizontal axis to the spinal column means there's a becoming animal aspect to it."
- John David Ebert, YouTube
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