wayxgreen-blog · 7 years
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Just 9 days away and look at this vendor line up!! Local music provided by The Outlands #theoutlands #belhamherbals #estherscrown #gacountryclover #gaylasgrits #oliodivita #georgiagrown #georgiaolivefarms #honeyshack #treehousemacarons #oliverfarms #localfaremarket #wayx #waygreen #warecountyga #waycrossga #okefenokeeswamp #sunfloweroil #blackshearga #baxleyga #homervillega #brunswickga #stsimonsisland #valdostaga #charltoncountyga #folkstonga #almaga #localfood #localmusic
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sidknee23 · 9 years
la reina de sudor!
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honeyshack replied to your photo “so, this is happening… 25-plus years in boston… and the silverback...”
Come now, this last summer was not so bad. Much more bearable here in the mountains. Oh, you'll see!
sweetie-dahlink, you know what a sweatbug i am! let's not kid ourselves! these scottish genes - plus - menopause! hah! i am sure it is better in the mountains - as you promise... but there's still gonna be a lot of sweat happening! and - no, i don't "glow" or "perspire"... i fucking sweat! hint, hint... one remedy is cool water... just sayin' we should make the most of the natural resources in the area! :o)
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