#honestly though i think they'd all have some sort of similar reaction
xcyphoz0a · 3 months
i dont know if this counts as a request or not, but how would the genshin characters that you wrote for react to your angst?
i am not sure actually, so i put my idea here, if that's what you meant!
tw: mentions of death
for venti i'd assume that he would be somewhat affected; more-so eleutheromania and my love all mine all mine, as it may bring him some memories from the past, so he'd likely want to stay away from them, and angst in general. regret and reconciliation are connected and show how you and venti are affected, so he'd most likely rather this than eleutheromania and my love all mine all mine. in my opinion i think he'd make a small song about it too, but i'm not too sure. but overall i think he's going to be fine long term, cant say the same for the short term though, keke
hu tao... so far i think she'd be used to the concept of passing, but she'd likely be a little shocked with the rite of parting, and for to you who passed;, she would feel a little hurt. she may be someone who works closely with the hands of death, but she isn't used to those close to her passing, no? while she may seem very casual and lighthearted about her topic in business, she still cares, so hu tao might not want to dive into angst when she already has a lot on her hands. overall, she'd be somewhat neutral about the angst, though she'd rather keep away from reading them.
ah tighnari. my fav yet i torture him with angst. he probably has the most angst fics right now in my fics. we'll meet again and when the night stole you away both cover topics where the reader passes on due to an unknown or an incurable illness. and as a fennec hybrid, he'd hate to think of partings as they have only one partner for life–and death isn't very reversible too. for wander, unrequited and ballroom extravaganza, they mostly cover breakups, and he'd also dislike the idea, but at least he can still see his ex lover, right? fufu. all in all i think tighnari would hate anything that revolves around breakups, and while he would seem to deal with it well, he'd most likely start crying when his job is done for the day, going to his bedroom to sob into his hands and pillows if it really did happen to him, especially with topics like in we'll meet again and when the night stole you away.
ayato... both were we supposed to be together, i wonder? and right person wrong time are connected, like venti's, shows two sides of the situation, and i think he'd enjoy reading it; i'm not too sure about him in general, so my statement for him would be: enjoys it, but only a little.
LIBEN! i have only written him for the ebg event, but i did write a handful of him, half nearly angst... arguments don't always end well, love doesn't always end in happily ever after both have some sort of argument, and from what i know i don't think he'd really like it much. the last you'd ever see and when the stars took you away are more disappearances than anything, and he'd probably hate the idea too, especially with when the stars took you away, because i think he'd cherish his s/o a lot. don't look away is more like his own perspective, and i'd think he'd like it to some extent, but also dislike it at the same time.
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comradekatara · 1 month
i read somewhere that, after the war, zuko at least hands hama over to the swt instead of keeping her in fire nation prisons 'till the end of her life. Which is nice, I think. But I'm also curious as to how that would work out.
Most notably: how do you think it'd go down if she were to meet Pakku? given they both have some sort of connection to kanna's life, the idea of them being forced to interact even once entertains me very much. like, old waterbending master pakku—white lotus member—who has grown up in a patriarchal society and actively forbidden women from training to fight, under the precedent they are somehow ontologically weaker, fragile, and belonging in the healing huts... THAT guy, meeting his former fiancé's old friend: (or current wife's if you go by canon, which, eugh) A woman who not only fought in the front lines but ended up becoming one of the most skilled, creative, and deadly waterbenders in history. How would he react when finding out that a woman came up with blood bending? How badly would Hama mind-fuck him?? Because I'm confident they'd hate each other's guts-- no way she'd tolerate him,,,
And on a similar note—how would Kanna feel upon reuniting wirh Hama and discovering what she put Katata through, in your opinion? Idk, I'm just full of puppetmaster thoughts today. Hama is incredibly interesting and I wish she wasn't handled so much like a Halloween Specisl creepy witch, (even though katara herself is handled and written pretty well in this episode, i think. but i digress.)
i mean obviously i think about this all the time. i personally think that zuko hands hama over to the swt upon katara's request, and she and aang personally deliver her on appa (sokka is not there, for the very deliberate reason that if he knew what they were doing he would very vocally disapprove). and so katara is sort of retraumatizing herself by doing this, but she also feels like it's necessary specifically because she needs to be able to look hama in the eye and tell her why they're not actually the same (especially now that she actually did bloodbend someone in cold blood). katara has the love and support and safety to step back from her anger and her pain and her grief and hang onto her own humanity and allow herself to be the bigger person even in moments of abject rage and acute trauma, and hama doesn't. hama is a victim of her circumstance, and that's part of what makes her so uniquely terrifying to katara, because katara has that same capacity to make people hurt, she has the same tools at her disposal, and she has the same justifications to exercise that power. but unlike hama, she hasn't actually been pushed past her limits. sometimes she can see the cliff's edge, and sometime she even teeters on the line, but hama was fully just shoved off without a parachute, and that's really what separates them above all. i think katara should be allowed to acknowledge that and forgive herself for that, even if hama doesn't directly apologize to her (although in my mind she does, and it's not enough, but it's also so much more than katara ever expected to hear). even if it is too late for hama, katara deserves to heal.
frankly, i don't really give a shit about pakku or his reaction to hama. i also don't actually think that he thinks woman are ontologically incapable of being talented waterbenders of whatever; he's a pretty worldly guy, the reason he clings to these traditions isn't born of the belief that they're grounded in logical evidence like sokka's is, it's because he believes in the preservation of a system that benefits and valorizes him. pakku thinks katara belongs in the healing huts because he comes from a culture that dictates that women belong in the healing huts. like, he might also subscribe to the bioessentialist logic that women are better healers and men are being fighters, but that honestly doesn't really matter, because (unlike sokka) his epiphany lies not in the fact that woman can fight, but in the fact that his role in upholding these systems has actively driven his loved ones away due to his cruelty. he decides to be kinder, to women and in general, because he realizes that being an asshole has negative consequences. but frankly, who cares what he thinks of hama. realizing that your sister tribe in the south deserves aid and protection after being subjected to a century of genocide is kind of too little too late imo. unlike katara, sokka, aang, or kanna, who can approach this situation from the perspective of being a genocide survivor who even remotely understands hama's trauma, pakku really has no place in this conversation to me.
as for kanna...... god. hama/kanna reunion is genuinely one of the most heart-wrenching concepts to me in all of atla. as a sidenote, hama/kanna fanfic goes so hard every time. there's a total of like 15 fanfics for them on ao3 (last i checked) but they're all sooooooo. fucking delicious. tide locked........... ugh. anyway. i cannot fathom kanna's reaction upon learning that her closest friend once upon a time is not only alive, but also a convicted felon, for crimes including but not limited to manipulating her granddaughter, violating her (and sokka's) bodily autonomy in cruel and perverse ways, and forcing her to participate in that mode of violence in a way that traumatized her forever. even if you don't read them as former lovers (although it is indubitably better that way) it's so gut-churning. kanna lost so many people over the course of her life, and to learn that one of them has returned but in the worst way possible must be mind-boggling and distinctly unreal. like how do you even process that. first, how do you process how much pain she must have went through to become the kind of person who is capable of doing this, and then, how do you process the knowledge that the person you once loved most in the world irreparably hurt the person you now love most in the world? obviously she would always prioritize katara's safety over anyone else's no matter what, but god. kanna has led such a fascinating and impossibly difficult life, and it's not over yet.
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ofieugogyshz · 2 years
Hiya! Its nice to meet another Ancient Magus Bride self shipper! How about Zeus, Demeter, Athena, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Persephone, Calliope, Thalia and Melpomene for Nevin?
I'm over at @sugar-and-pearls by the way
Hello! Nice to meet you! Thank you for the questions, these were actually a lot more fun than I thought they'd be!
I don't have an s/i for tamb despite how beautiful and absolutely magical (no pun intended) the universe is, so I'll do my best to answer them as though I did.
Zeus: How did you first meet your f/o(s)? How did you feel about each other at first?
meta answer: thru the anime!
in-universe answer: idk yet. iirc Nevin's not moved for centuries, but you know, it'd sure be something if my form of magic allowed me to distance connect with Grandpa Nevin thru a tarot reading or clairvoyance or something, idk what. And he thinks of me in a similar way as he does Chise, sort of like a lost bird that's hurt and doesn't know how to fly its way home or to happiness or something, idk LOL.
I'm sure I wrote about that one before, actually, when I was considering adding him...
Demeter: What’s your favorite season, and how do you like to spend that season together?
Mine's either spring or fall, idk tbh which lol. it just changes. lately more towards spring, i guess?
I suppose spring's a good time to see the young drakes being active and playful and most of their growth? and maybe helping Lindel gather spring seasonal stuff if i'm allowed to hang out for his supplies.
Athena: Are your f/o(s) interested in any particular hobby or interest of yours? Have you taught them about it, or let them watch you, or anything similar?
I'd like to think that Nevin is interested in hearing my stories even though most of them are just fanfic. He offers suggestions in the way that one would impart wisdom to a person with a problem, like "why would the [character] do that? would it not be better for them to [suggestion]?"
He's lived a long time, too, so swapping stories (mine fictional, his lived) and asking for permission to share (and being quickly/harshly denied even though i'd vow to write it as fiction and it couldn't sell as nonfic anyways) and getting inspiration from his stories.
also bonus thought while writing this:
me: "...Grandpa Nevin, do you think that there's a spell to bring a fictional character to life?"
Nevin: "That I do not know, young weaver. But, would it not be better to find one's own happiness, than to rely on magic?"
me: .... ;>>
Aphrodite: How do you and your f/o(s) like to show love to each other? Feel free to include your love languages, if you find that helpful.
i'll have to say words of affirmation and quality time, as that's about all Nevin can do rooted to the spot LOL
I don't really got anything else, just him giving a lending ear and mouth LOL
Dionysus: What do you like to do with your f/o(s) for fun? Is there anything fun you’d like to try with them?
Share stories! Discuss magic, too, since I'd probably be self-taught/without a mentor.
I'm terrified of heights, but if he could still fly, I think I could trust him to be the earth beneath my scared feet LOL
Persephone: How different are you and your f/o(s)? How do you deal with each other’s differences?
Other than species? I'm a little hot-headed. Not as much since getting on mood-stabilizers, but when I'm allowed to be myself or get too into myself, I get knee-jerky reactions. Probably bc of the adhd, since we tend to feel things at 100 instead of 10. He is patient and kind though, and waits for me to come back and apologize or talk about why I got so upset or headstrong about something.
Calliope: Do you have any poetry or literature excerpts (or other quotes) that suit your ship?
Honestly, his interactions with Chise hit me pretty hard, especially during That One Scene where he chides her thought/envy. So I'd probably get a similar lecture at some point, especially the first time I'd see him in person. Chise is a big mood throughout her entire growth arc tbh.
Thalia: Discuss any fluff ideas you have for your ship. What kind of affectionate or sweet scenarios do you like best for this ship?
I don't really have any ideas. Just hanging out and enjoying the breeze and tranquility. Swapping stories, real and fake. Legends he knows of. etc. Me trying to hug his huge ass tree trunk of a leg.
Melpomene: Here’s your dedicated angst question: discuss any angsty or hurt/comfort ideas you have for your ship.
see aforementioned Chise Moment but altered to what I was going thru back then.
Now I miss grandpa Nevin and his energy :(
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steelycunt · 2 years
what do you think the lupins think about sirius getting disowned? ofc hope wouldn’t know the history behind his family, but would that change anything in lyall’s mind about his opinion of sirius? and how would hope handle it? I imagine she would try to be as welcoming as possible, not just because it’s in her nature and she would have done that anyway, but also because there’s more on the line since she wouldn’t want him to feel turned away by her (lyall… a diff story isn’t it). also, I don’t think she would see it as “he got disowned by a powerful wizarding family” but rather “he got turned away by his own parents” yk?
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hello hello 2 u both!! to some extent my thoughts on this depend on how well they really know sirius when this happens, which i imagine to be--not very (at least in lyall's case--i reckon he kept his distance from sirius as remus' friend, but had less of a choice about this once sirius was remus' boyfriend). also--im not sure when they'd find out? would remus tell them? i definitely dont think he'd tell them about stuff like the prank, though admittedly this isn't really a similar thing.
anyway, going off the basis that they find out around when it happens, i agree with first anon that hope would be very welcoming about it (though she always would be), and probably wouldnt have had a dissimilar reaction to the potters if sirius had turned up on their doorstep rather than james', despite the fact that the lupins definitely have less money and means with which to take in another sixteen year old boy. seeing as she isn't familiar with the noble and most ancient shit surrounding sirius' family, her perception of sirius would pretty much always b shaped by remus' relationship with him, and therefore she trusts that he's a good person + friend who's had a shite deal. so as u say, in that situation she just sees a boy whose parents treated him so poorly that he had no option but to leave, and therefore feels a need to make it clear that he is loved + welcomed in their home and would probably be even more on lyall's case about the way he thinks of him.
i don't imagine lyall to have had many run-ins with sirius at this point, honestly. i can't imagine he's been to their house that many times, and so its one of those dad situations where you can have a bestfriend for six years that you regularly mention at home and your dad has still only clapped eyes on/spoken to them like...twice, in all that time. nevertheless, he's heard of sirius' family, and that's largely responsible for how he views sirius (+ the fact that he views sirius...negatively). i think he only really starts meeting sirius for himself more regularly once he's dating remus, and for the sake of this conversation we're going to say that's after sirius is disowned, though it could well be before. as for his view on it...at first i honestly don't think he'd care much. i can't see him doing a sharp 180 on his view of sirius, the same way he couldn't have done a sharp 180 on his view of werewolves after remus was bitten. i imagine initially he sort of thinks, well, ok, he's disowned, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's any better than them. it could well just mean that there were disagreements within the family or he didn't want to live up to his role as heir or they're all just horrible people, and sirius removing himself from that situation does not necessarily, as far as lyall is concerned, demonstrate some great difference in character between him and the rest of his family. lyall is constantly wary of the danger that pureblood families like the blacks + their ideologies pose to his son, which massively affects his (rather dogmatic) attitude towards sirius. he accepts sirius' friendship with remus, he's never going to do anything to try and intervene there, but he never quite trusts him.
i think this is roughly his initial view, but over time + particularly after r/s start dating, and become adults who live together + it becomes undeniable that sirius intends to make a life with his son, lyall gradually accepts that sirius must actually be alright, and that there must actually be some differences between him and his family that were reflected in his being disowned as a boy. by now they aren't really going to see each other all that much anymore anyway, but he does definitely make his peace with sirius and his intentions towards remus.
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cruelfeline · 3 years
sorry to jump in on the infinity train conversation, but that anon is... kinda confusing me, saying spop "did it better" (talking about a rushed redemption arc)? simon was never meant to be redeemed, let alone with his death. I honestly think he and his story were very well-written, because the train was never meant to be a perfect system, and simon's downfall illustrates how it isn't as one-size-fits-all as we once thought. it's not a "therapy train," it's capable of sending people down a worse path than they were originally on, and that can have traumatic and tragic results. as for the fandom's response to it, honestly, i can see why they'd want to celebrate the death of a character who caused so much pain and suffering to the ones who made the effort to better themselves (especially when said characters are women/poc, and actually get to come out on top as opposed to their white male counterpart). it's definitely overzealous at times, but i dont think people's hatred of simon comes from a particularly ableist place (and again. very sorry for this wall of text;;)
Ah. Hm. I’m uncertain; I can’t really speak for anon. But I suppose I interpreted less as “SPoP did redemption better” and more as a preference for the concept of “getting better even after hitting rock bottom.” If that makes sense? In that context, I’d agree with anon: I prefer a story where a character like Catra (or Simon) recovers after reaching harsh lows, rather than is killed. 
Though I agree with you that Simon’s story was well-written, and that it wasn’t really mean to be redemption. Also regarding the imperfection of the train: I appreciate that emphasis on how such things are not “one-size-fits-all.”
At the same time, I must confess that I did find the fandom reaction to be somewhat... distasteful. Unpleasant. 
I understand why it happened; I can comprehend the enjoyment of seeing minority characters finally win in a story, while the majority, more traditionally “mainstream” character does not. But... ehn. How to put this... it might be an unpopular take. Hm...
I guess it’s sort of like... like Kyle in SPoP. Not exactly like Kyle, mind you; obviously the characters are different. But it’s a similar concept, to me. Originally, Kyle was sort of funny. He was a demonstration of the show’s writing rejecting the “standard main character” (white, male, kind of gawky, etc., etc.) and focusing on characters less often seen in media. And that was great! Representation in wonderful, and that subversion was a welcome thing!
At some point, it went too far. It switched from mildly poking fun at Kyle’s character to just being kind of... awful about it. Tormenting him for no apparent reason. Which led to the subversion coming off as less funny and more... vindictive?
I guess the best way to put it is: one does not need to put one person down in order to lift another up. One can focus on and develop and champion a character without tearing down another. 
Especially because... y’know, that character might be “mainstream” or “traditional,” but they’re still meaningful to someone. Kyle is still meaningful to some people, to the point that the way the show handles him is off-putting. And Simon is likely meaningful to some people as well. Someone out there likely relates to him as a character, and so watching the fandom exhibit this sort of... glee over what happened to him is... ehn. Obviously, if people are gleeful, they’re gleeful; one cannot really change how one feels. But I can understand how it might be a demoralizing thing to experience, if that was the character one bonded with. 
For me, personally, Simon’s fate wasn’t something that I found gratifying. I just found it very, very sad.
Ah, well. In the end, it’s not something I think about much. Infinity Train isn’t a show I was particularly invested in. So... *shrug*
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