#honestly this opened a whole can of worms about how much powers did Mori really receive
punnypandemonium · 4 months
Would you say that Jin mori is an omnipotent bieng since he agreed to be a all powerful that creates balance throughout all the universe
Since it seems he can kill the fairies that are eating the universe (which were a damn pain in the ass on the Tathagata battle and they had already destroyed an universe), the series narrator said in the last episode "Taejin Park's age, Daewi and Mira child, having reached nirvana Mori Jin was capable of solving these problems easily" and, as you said, chose for himself to be all-powerful when XuanZang asked him what he wanted to do, I'd say that yes, he is omnipotent, not a perfet omtipotent being since it was said that he is ageing although slower than the others tho.
A very interesting question is how much of reality he could bent with his new power and how much power would be necessary to be called omnipotent. for example can he create things? can he cure illness? at least that last one is implied he can but it could be a wrong interpretation. Sadly the total capacity of his new powers isn't really touched upon the series finale.
Even so I would call him an omnipotent god since the definition of omnipotent is "having unlimited power" and I thing being "all-powerful" is a valid synonym.
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