#honestly still not over how he talked about zayn on the logan paul podcast sorry
pop-punklouis · 21 days
how do you feel about whats being said about liam in maya's new book? about him making her get an abortion or else he would leave her and he didn;t even drive her to the hospital when she had complications due to the abortion? gross as fuck
i wasn't even aware of all of what was going on with liam until yesterday because i tend to try and stay as far away as possible from knowing things about liam.
but, i'm not sure exactly how i'm supposed to feel other than grossed out and disturbed? not sure there should be an array of opinions over what maya shared (if people are having differing opinions that is). what she said should be taken seriously. and i hate that she went through that- at any age with a partner but especially being as young as she was. it seems like this book is her way to heal, and who am i to judge how someone who was in a toxic relationship with someone of liam's caliber should heal?
addiction is such an insidious symptom to a damaged person, and as someone who was in a long-term relationship with an addict from 19-23, it's awful. if you've never experienced being on the other side of that.... it's difficult to even wrap your brain around the abuse that can accumulate both for the partner and the addict, themselves. it just. fucking sucks. and i have a lot of sympathy for addicts because of what i've went through. so i do have sympathy for liam's continuous addiction, but there is a very fine line for having sympathy for someone's addiction and excusing them for the behavior they exhibit while going through their addiction. i don't excuse his abusive behavior. i don't excuse his manipulation tactics in his relationships. i don't excuse his manic episodes and harmful comments that he's said about his partners or his former bandmates etc.
i hope he finally gets the help he so desperately needs, because its clear from years of observation that he needs long-term rehabilitation and good people around him to truly fend off his addictions instead of them staying cyclical. but, that also doesn't mean i have to support him otherwise. i'm tired of how he handles situations and the boys and his relationships and his own brand. he genuinely needs to seek help, because what maya talks about in that book shows that he is severely damaged and even if he does get fully sober, he still has demons to face.
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